Method Statement for Civil Engineering

What is Method Statement for Civil Engineering?

A Method Statement for Civil Engineering is a document that outlines the step-by-step procedures and methodology to be followed during construction or maintenance works. It serves as a guide for the project team, detailing the processes, materials, and equipment required for the job.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the method statement for civil engineering works, covering its definition, purpose, components, and examples.


Civil engineering is a complex field that requires meticulous planning, coordination, and execution to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and meets the required quality standards.

A method statement is a critical document that helps civil engineers achieve these goals by outlining the process, procedures, and safety measures involved in the construction project.

What is a Method Statement?

A method statement is a written document that outlines the sequence of steps to be followed during the construction process. It provides a detailed description of the tasks, safety measures, quality control, and environmental measures involved in the project. The method statement serves as a guide for the construction team to ensure that the project is completed safely, efficiently, and to the required quality standards.

Purpose of Method Statement for Civil Engineering

The purpose of the method statement for civil engineering is to provide a systematic approach to the construction process. It helps to identify potential hazards, minimize risks, and ensure that the project is completed within the budget and timeline. The method statement is also used to communicate the construction process to the project team, contractors, and stakeholders.

Components of Method Statement for Civil Engineering

The method statement for civil engineering should include the following components:

Project Description

The project description outlines the scope of the construction project, including the location, size, and purpose. It also includes details about the client, budget, and timeline.

Scope of Work

The scope of work outlines the specific tasks involved in the construction project. It includes details about the materials, equipment, and labor required for each task.

Sequence of Work

The sequence of work outlines the order in which the tasks will be completed. It provides a roadmap for the construction team to follow and ensures that the project is completed on time and within budget.

Safety Measures

Safety is a critical component of the method statement. It outlines the safety measures that will be taken to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries during the construction process. This includes details about personal protective equipment (PPE), emergency procedures, and training requirements.

Quality Control

Quality control ensures that the construction project meets the required quality standards. It includes details about the testing and inspection procedures, as well as the quality control measures that will be taken to ensure that the project meets the required standards.

Environmental Measures

Environmental measures ensure that the construction project is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. This includes details about waste management, pollution control, and environmental impact assessments.

Material and Equipment

The material and equipment section outlines the specific materials and equipment required for each task. It includes details about the quality and quantity of materials, as well as the specific equipment required for each task.

Lists of Civil Engineering Method of Statement

Example of Method Statement for Civil Engineering

Here is an example of a method statement for civil engineering:

Project Description

The project involves the construction of a new bridge over a river in a rural area. The bridge will be 200 meters long and bridge will be 200 meters long and 12 meters wide and will be designed to support heavy vehicles. The purpose of the bridge is to provide a safe and efficient means of transport for the local community and to improve connectivity in the area. The project is expected to take six months to complete.

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the project includes:

  • Clearing the site and preparing the foundation
  • Building the bridge piers and abutments
  • Installing the bridge deck and support beams
  • Installing safety features such as guardrails and lighting
  • Conducting testing and inspections

Sequence of Work

The sequence of work for the project is as follows:

  1. Clearing the site and preparing the foundation
  2. Building the bridge piers and abutments
  3. Installing the support beams
  4. Installing the bridge deck
  5. Installing safety features such as guardrails and lighting
  6. Conducting testing and inspections

Safety Measures

The safety measures for the project include:

  • Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for all workers on the site
  • Conducting safety training for all workers
  • Ensuring that all equipment is in good working condition and properly maintained
  • Installing safety barriers and warning signs around the construction site
  • Developing an emergency response plan in case of accidents or injuries

Quality Control

The quality control measures for the project include:

  • Conducting regular inspections of the construction site to ensure compliance with safety and quality standards
  • Conducting testing of materials to ensure compliance with specifications
  • Conducting quality control checks on the installation of the bridge components
  • Maintaining a detailed record of all quality control activities

Environmental Measures

The environmental measures for the project include:

  • Developing an environmental management plan to minimize the impact of construction on the local environment
  • Implementing measures to control dust and noise pollution
  • Properly disposing of waste materials generated during construction
  • Conducting an environmental impact assessment to identify and mitigate any potential environmental risks

Material and Equipment

The materials and equipment required for the project include:

  • Concrete and steel for the bridge piers and deck
  • Construction equipment such as cranes, excavators, and concrete mixers
  • Safety equipment such as hard hats, safety harnesses, and safety glasses
  • Testing equipment such as pressure gauges and load cells

Tips for Writing an Effective Method Statement

Here are some tips for writing an effective method statement:

  • Be clear and concise in your writing
  • Use simple language that is easy to understand
  • Include all relevant information, such as safety measures and quality control procedures
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists to make the information easier to read
  • Include diagrams and illustrations to clarify complex procedures
  • Review and update the method statement regularly to ensure that it is up-to-date and accurate


The method statement is a critical document in civil engineering that outlines the sequence of steps to be followed during the construction process. It helps to ensure that the project is completed safely, efficiently, and to the required quality standards. By including all relevant information, such as safety measures and quality control procedures, and reviewing and updating the method statement regularly, civil engineers can achieve successful construction projects.

See Also: Method Statement for Architectural Works


What is the purpose of a method statement for civil engineering?

The purpose of a method statement for civil engineering is to provide a systematic approach to the construction process, identify potential hazards, minimize risks, and ensure that the project is completed within the budget and timeline.

What are the components of a method statement for civil engineering?

The components of a method statement for civil engineering include a project description, the scope of work, the sequence of work, safety measures, quality control, and environmental measures.

How do you write an effective method statement?

To write an effective method statement, you should be clear and concise in your writing, use simple language, include all relevant information, use bullet points and numbered lists, and review and update the method statement regularly.

Who is responsible for writing the method statement in civil engineering projects?

The method statement is typically written by the project manager or a civil engineer who is responsible for overseeing the construction project.

Why is quality control important in civil engineering projects?

Quality control is important in civil engineering projects to ensure that the materials used and the construction methods employed meet the required quality standards. This helps to ensure that the project is safe, efficient, and long-lasting.

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Written by:

D. Killough

As someone with over two and a half decades of experience in the construction industry, I possess the expertise and background to comprehend your customers’ wants and needs.

Throughout my career, I’ve been involved with general contractors and subcontractors, fulfilling various roles within the commercial and residential construction sectors. My area of expertise lies in project administration, contracts, and accounting.