What is Software Quality Assurance

What exactly is Software Quality Assurance (SQA)?

Software Quality Assurance-SQA is a process that ensures that all software engineering processes, methodologies, activities, and work items are monitored and meet the set criteria. These defined standards could be one or a combination of ISO 9000, CMMI model, ISO15504, and so on.

SQA encompasses all phases of software development, from requirements definition to coding and release. Its primary objective is to ensure quality.

The Software Quality Assurance Plan abbreviated as SQAP, consists of the methods, strategies, and tools used to ensure that a product or service meets the requirements established in the SRS (Software Requirement Specification).

SQA strategy

The plan specifies the team’s SQA duties and lists the areas that must be inspected and audited. It also shows the SQA work products.

The SQA plan document is divided into the following sections:

  • Purpose Reference
  • Management of software configuration
  • Problem identification and resolution
  • Methodologies, tools, and technologies
  • Collection, maintenance, and retention of code control records
  • Techniques for testing
  • Quality Assurance Activities

The following is a list of SQA activities:

1. Establishing an SQA Management Plan

Creating an SQA Management plan entails sketching up a blueprint for how SQA will be carried out in the project with regard to engineering tasks, while also ensuring that the right talent/team is gathered.

2. Establishing Checkpoints

The SQA team establishes quality checkpoints on a regular basis to ensure that product development is on track and progressing as intended.

3. Assist/participate in the requirement-collecting process for the Software Engineering team

Participate in the software engineering process in order to collect high-quality specs. A designer may utilize approaches such as interviews and FAST to acquire information. (Functional Analysis System Technique).

Based on the information acquired, software architects can estimate the project using approaches such as WBS (Work Breakdown Structure), SLOC (Source Line of Codes), and FP (Functional Point).

4. Carry out Formal Technical Reviews

Traditionally, an FTR is intended to assess the quality and design of a prototype. During this procedure, a meeting is held with the technical personnel to examine the software’s quality criteria and the prototype’s design quality. This activity aids in the detection of faults early in the SDLC process and reduces rework effort later on.

5. Develop a Multi-Testing Strategy

The multi-testing technique employs various types of testing to ensure that the software product is thoroughly examined from all sides to assure higher quality.

6. Enforcing Process Compliance

This activity entails developing processes and convincing cross-functional teams to adhere to established systems.

This activity combines two sub-activities:

Process evaluation ensures that the project’s standards are followed correctly. The process is examined on a regular basis to ensure that it is performing as intended and that no changes are required.
Process Monitoring: In this step, process-related metrics are collected and analyzed at regular intervals to determine whether the process is developing as expected.

7. Managing Change

This stage is critical to ensuring that the changes we implement are both regulated and informed. Several manual and automatic tools are used to do this.

It is ensured that software quality is maintained during the development and maintenance stages by validating change requests, analyzing the nature of change, and regulating the change effect.

8. Assess the Impact of Change

The QA team actively engages in determining the impact of changes caused by defect fixing or infrastructure modifications, for example. To guarantee that there are no unanticipated side effects, this stage must analyze the entire system and business operations.

We employ software quality metrics for this purpose, which allow managers and developers to monitor operations and suggested modifications from the start to the end of the SDLC and take corrective action as needed.

9. Conducting SQA Audits

The SQA audit compares the actual SDLC procedure followed to the proposed defined guidelines. This is done to validate the accuracy of the planned and strategic process in comparison to the actual results. This activity may also reveal any noncompliance issues.

10. Keeping Records and Reports

It is critical to maintain the essential SQA paperwork and to distribute the necessary SQA information to stakeholders. For analysis and historical reference, test results, audit results, review reports, change request documents, and so on should be kept up to date.

11. Maintain Positive Relationships

The QA team’s strength is its ability to maintain harmony with diverse cross-functional teams. Conflicts between QA and developers should be kept to a minimum, and everyone should be focused on the common objective of producing a high-quality product. Nobody is better or worse than anyone else; we are all part of the same team.

Software Quality Assurance Guidelines

The software development life cycle, and especially SQA, may necessitate adherence to quality standards such as:

ISO 9000: ISO 9000 is based on seven quality management principles that assist organizations in ensuring that their products or services are matched with the needs of their customers.

CMMI level: CMMI is an acronym that stands for Capability Maturity Model Integration. This model arose in the field of software engineering. It can be used to steer process improvement across an entire project, department, or organization.

The features of the five CMMI levels

Based on the type of appraisal, an organization is rated and assigned a maturity level rating (1-5) 1 to 5.

TMMi (Test Maturity Model Integration): Based on CMMi, this model focuses on levels of maturity in software quality management and testing.

As an organization matures, it gains a greater capability for generating high-quality products with fewer flaws that closely fit business needs.

Software Quality Assurance Elements

For your convenience, the following are ten fundamental SQA elements:

Software Engineering Standards: SQA teams are essential in ensuring that we adhere to the above software engineering team standards.

Technical reviews and audits: At each SDLC level, active and passive verification/validation procedures are used.

Software testing for quality control is the process of identifying defects in software.
Error Collection and Analysis: Reporting, managing, and analyzing defects in order to discover issue areas and failure trends.

SQA uses a number of checks and measurements to acquire information on the efficacy and quality of the product and processes.

Change Management entails actively advocating for managed change and establishing robust processes to limit unintended bad impacts.

Vendor management entails working with contractors and tool vendors to guarantee overall success.

Safety/Security Management: SQA is frequently entrusted with proactively exposing vulnerabilities and drawing attention to them.

Risk Management: The SQA teams are in charge of risk identification, analysis, and mitigation in order to aid in informed decision-making.
Continuous education is required to stay current with tools, standards, and industry trends.

Techniques for Quality Assurance

Among the SQA techniques are:

Auditing is the inspection of work products and related information to evaluate whether or not a set of standard practices were followed.

Reviewing: A meeting in which both internal and external stakeholders study the software product in order to obtain feedback and approval.

Code Inspection: The most formal type of review, it does static testing to discover defects and prevent defect seepage into other phases. It is carried out by a qualified mediator or peer and is based on rules, checklists, and entry and exit criteria. The reviewer should not be the code’s author.

Design Inspection: Design inspection is performed using a checklist that inspects the aspects of software design listed below:

  • General specifications and design
  • Functional and interface requirements
  • Conventions
  • Traceability of requirements
  • Interfaces and structures
  • Logic Performance
  • Handling and recovering from errors
  • Extensibility and testability
  • Cohesion and coupling

A simulation is a tool that simulates a real-life situation in order to virtually assess the behavior of the system being studied. Simulators are excellent sandbox system alternatives when the real system cannot be checked directly.

Functional testing is a quality assurance technique that validates what the system does without looking at how it does it. Black Box testing is primarily concerned with testing system specifications or functionalities.

Standardization: Standardization is essential for quality assurance. This reduces ambiguity and guessing while also ensuring quality.

Static Analysis: A software analysis performed by an automated tool without running the application. Static analysis is commonly used in software metrics and reverse engineering. Static code analysis technologies such as SonarCube, VeraCode, and others are employed in newer teams.

Walkthroughs: A software walkthrough, also known as a code walkthrough, is a peer review in which the developer walks members of the development team through the product, raising questions, suggesting alternatives, and commenting on potential errors, standard violations, or other concerns.

Unit testing is a White Box Testing technique that ensures total code coverage by executing each independent path, branch, and condition at least once.
Stress Testing: This sort of testing is used to determine how robust a system is by subjecting it to heavy loads, i.e. situations that are beyond normal.


Software Quality Assurance-SQA is a broad activity that occurs throughout the software lifecycle. Software quality assurance is crucial for your software product or service to flourish in the market and meet the expectations of your customers.


What are the objectives of Software Quality Assurance (SQA)?

The objectives of Software Quality Assurance (SQA) are to improve the quality of software products, reduce costs, increase efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and ensure that software development processes are well-defined and well-documented.

What are the key components of Software Quality Assurance (SQA)?

The key components of Software Quality Assurance (SQA) are quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement. Quality planning involves defining quality goals, processes, and metrics. Quality control involves monitoring and measuring the quality of software products and processes. Quality improvement involves identifying areas for improvement and implementing changes to enhance the quality of software products and processes.

How does Software Quality Assurance (SQA) differ from Quality Control (QC)?

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a proactive process that focuses on preventing defects and ensuring that quality is built into the software development process. Quality Control (QC), on the other hand, is a reactive process that focuses on identifying and correcting defects after they have been introduced into the software product.

What are the benefits of implementing Software Quality Assurance (SQA) in software development?

Implementing Software Quality Assurance (SQA) in software development can lead to several benefits, such as improved software quality, increased customer satisfaction, reduced development costs, improved efficiency and productivity, and reduced time to market. It can also help organizations to comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards.

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