I Description of Work
This Method Statement for Stair Handrails Installation describes the fabrication, deliveries, installations, finishing, and maintenance of stainless steel handrails including the anchorage system as per the approved design.
Table of Contents
II Definitions
QA/QC-Quality Assurance/Quality Control
HSE-Health Safety & Environment
PPE-Personal Protective Equipment
PMV-Plants, Machinery & Vehicles
MS-Method Statement
RA-Risk Assessment
ITP-Inspection and Test Plan
III References
Project Specifications (Architectural Metal Work)
HSE Plan
Stainless Steel Handrail for Stairs-Approved Material Submittal
Stair General Layout, Sections, and Details (Shop Drawings)
IV Responsibilities
1 Project Manager
Responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives which include
creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the constraints of the project management triangle, which are cost, time, scope, and quality.
2 Construction Manager
Responsible for overall construction activities ensuring that all quality and safety procedures are implemented and required approved permits are obtained.
3 Site Engineer
Supervise operations in accordance with the approved method statement, shop drawings, specifications, material submittals, and schedules to achieve the acceptance of the project deliverables.
4 Site Foreman
To liaise with the Site Engineer and Supervisor for the work execution.
5 QA/QC Engineer
Ensure the proper implementation of the quality system and monitor the overall quality of the work is maintained. Conduct inspection and monitor tests.
Determine and report any non-conformance and recommended corrective actions. Ensure that all personnel is aware of the quality requirement. Training of relevant personnel.
Conduct surveillance and inspection duties at various stages to ensure compliance with QA/QC Plan.
6 HSE Manager
The HSE manager generally plans coordinates, and implements issues and directives within the organization. They ensure safe environmental working conditions for all employees.
7 HSE Engineer
Ensure enforcement of safety procedures in accordance with the approved HSE plan. He will be closely monitoring the site engineer’s strict implementation of the Method Statement for Stair Handrails Installation and Risk Assessment, the use of proper tools and equipment to maintain safety, certifications of equipment, and their adherence to safety
regulations, reporting any unsafe work, or stopping work that does not comply with HSE procedures.
He will advise for health & safety requirements and monitor the hazard controls implemented on site as per the Method Statement for Stair Handrails Installation and Risk assessment.
8 HSE Supervisor/Officer
The Safety Engineer shall be full-time at the site and shall frequently visit all the ongoing works at the site. All safety violations and on-conformance of the HSE plan shall be registered and immediate action shall be done in coordination with the Site Engineer.
9 Chief Surveyor
Carry out a pre-construction survey to fix the locations and corresponding elevations as per the approved shop drawings.
Ensure quality and compliance during phases of surveying works and the regular checking of the surveying equipment or periodic calibration from a third party. Ensure the validity and the serial number of calibration certificates are available and posted on the survey equipment.
Ensure proper safety guarding of surveying equipment.
To maintain the records of all surveying equipment handled.
10 Survey Aide
Maintain and use surveying equipment. Assist surveyors in taking measurements, record measurements manually or electronically, and peg out boundaries.
11 Equipment Operator
The only authorized person to operate any equipment to be used in the project.
12 First Aider
The first aider responds promptly when requested, operates with competence, knows how to secure additional help when needed, reports incidents and actions taken, and complies with requirements for certification.
13 Lifting Manager/Lifting Supervisor
Supervise closely, the activities designated to them and ensure that all instructions and safety procedures are followed and strictly adhered to.
Responsible for all lifting operations on site are carried out in a safe manner.
Responsible for preparing, securing, and communicating Lifting Permit, Lifting Plan/Calculation Sheet, and Pre-Lift Checklist to all his crews.
14 Rigger
The rigger assists in the movement of heavy equipment and loads to be lifted. A rigger set ups machinery and secures it in place and signals or verbally directs workers engaged in hoisting and moving loads, in order to ensure the safety of workers and materials.
V Interfacing with other Operations
Concrete Works (Stairs)
VI Duration, Phasing with the Subcontractors
The duration of work shall be indeterminate and will not critically affect the progress of the project.
VII Resources
Tools and Equipment
Welding Machine
Grinder with Polishing Accessories
Power Drill
Tower Crane with accessories
Light Tools (Fitting Tools, Hammer, etc.)
Project Manager
Project Engineer
Approved stainless steel handrails and accessories for stairs
VIII Site Planning
Permits from the concerned authority shall be obtained prior to starting work at the site.
The contractor shall ensure that all gate passes, permits, tools, materials for safety precautions, manpower, and equipment are available before the commencement of work.
The Site Team shall make sure that access roads are always clear from any obstruction and site is always accessible.
Provision of access and egress such as ladders, steps, ramps, or other safe means of egress and be within a reasonable distance.
The contractor shall train affected personnel in the hot work procedures to be used on the worksite. Welding and cutting are performed only by experienced and properly trained persons.
All tools and equipment must be inspected prior to their use.
Site Clearance
Before commencing the work, the area shall be cleared of all debris, materials, or other obstructions.
Remove all combustible and flammable materials within 11 meters or 35 feet of the hot work, or protect materials from contact with fire, sparks, and/or slag.
Traffic Management
The Site Team with the assistance of the safety officers shall coordinate logistics and materials movement through the site following the direction and road signs displayed on site. The required diversion routes shall be marked on drawings including the required traffic signs.
The Work Permits and Operator Certificates shall be compiled for the reference of authorized personnel.
Pre-construction Safety Meetings
The meeting shall be scheduled prior to the beginning of the work and before any subcontractor starts on the project.
General contractual safety, health, and environmental requirements.
Traffic safety will be discussed to emphasize these meetings.
Roles of the contractor, subcontractors, authorized representatives, and all project workers.
Accident reporting requirements.
Specific details of the work to be performed along with the use of personal protective equipment.
Emergency procedure.
IX Methodology
Fabrication, supply, and installation of SS handrails comprising Ø 50.8 x 1.5mm thickness brushed stainless steel pipe as railings and Ø 20mm SS rod as connector fixed to brackets and covered with SS base cover as per the following steps:
Shop Drawings
Shop Drawings will be prepared according to the IFC Drawings and will include all the required details such as key plan, plan, elevation, section, and fixing detail. Shop drawings will show fabricated assembly details for the stainless steel handrail. The actual dimension for the fabrication is based on the dimensions in the approved shop drawings.

Mock-up and Sample
Based on the final approved shop drawings, a site survey will be conducted to cover the overall dimensions & shape of the structure will be cross-checked with the approved drawings. All the sections & levels will be checked with the final approved drawings. The basic reference level of the structure will be followed for the works. Upon confirmation, a mock-up will be installed on the site for inspection, after approval same quality will be maintained for the entire installation.
As per the site, readiness measurements will be taken, and fabrication will be done in the concerned factory. All the welding for the joints will be done on the site as per site conditions and approved shop drawings.
The fabricated units are properly tagged and labeled for identification at the storage area in the factory as well as at the site. Fabrication is carried out based on the tolerance permissible.
Deliveries, Storage, and Handling
Stainless steel pipes are transported in trucks in a vertically stacked position resting on a soft base over the wooden block and tied with proper safety ropes and protection to avoid any damage in transit, unloading of items will be carried out and will be stored in the allocated areas.
Unloaded stainless steel pipes will be covered and proper barriers will be kept protected from damage.
Handling of each unit is carried out with care to avoid scratching, denting, and other possible damages.
Installation Works
The execution/erection work shall be as per approved shop drawings in accordance with project specifications.
All kinds of handrails mentioned in the scope of work are to be installed, finished and handed over to the consultant/client within limits of tolerances and in compliance with the erection sequence.
Site Survey for Confirmation Access/Lifting Arrangements
Prior to starting installation work, a site survey was arranged for the specific area of the project with the coordination of the site engineer, HSE Department, and logistics department.
All the site provisions under the part of each section have been checked and inspected by the surveyor to make sure that all are in proper working conditions and as well as scheduled in respect of time availability associated with other ongoing activities.
The access area selected by the HSE and Logistics is to be used for shifting the material from site storage to the fixing place. The handrails shifted from site storage to the right structure/building using the selected access by HSE and Logistics, then will be lifted by crane or manually from the ground to the fixing place at the points provided at the factory.
Level Marking on Site
Structural frames/surfaces are to be checked for their tolerance level. Alignment is required for the exterior face of the panel and proper marking with string lines is to be done prior to the start of installations.
The level marking on each elevation shall be given as per their structural and approved shop drawings. Any discrepancy beyond tolerance is to be brought to the notice of the site construction for rectification.
Erection Procedure
Installations are carried out in accordance with the erection drawing and site conditions. All fabricated units are brought and placed at their respective locations manually or via mechanical means. Brackets are fixed to the existing slabs.
The pre-fabricated railings are welded to the bracket. A stainless steel base cover is used to cover the bracket areas to cover the welding areas.
Cutting machines and cutting wheels are used to cut the stainless steel materials on site.
Water levels are used to check the alignment and level. After polishing it will be covered/wrapped with a polythene sheet or similar, securely taped to protect the handrail.
Quality Assurance/ Quality Control
Significant stages of work shall be ensured by the Project Engineer, Site Engineer, and Quality Control Engineer in compliance with the specified requirements of the contract documents including:
- Use of approved shop drawings and approved materials.
- Vertical and alignment of walls will be checked while plastering.
- Mixing of mortar will be done under the supervision of foremen.
- Cleaning out debris and dust.
- Quality Engineers shall monitor all these stages and an Inspection Request (IR) shall be submitted for consultant approval of executed works for approval. Prior to calling the Consultant’s Engineer, a joint inspection will be carried out with the contractor’s QC Engineer for the satisfaction of the work to make sure in compliance with Project specifications.
- Welder’s valid certificates & list of welders.
X Risk Assessment
Refer to Appendix B.
- Permit and Licensing Requirements
Refer to Appendix C.
XI Drawings, Diagrams, Maps, and Survey Data
Refer to the Shop Drawings in Appendix A.
XII Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements
Refer to Risk Assessment in Appendix B.
XIII Protective and Safety Equipment
All workers involved shall be equipped with adequate PPE as stated below:
a. Safety helmet with company logo
b. Safety boots
c. High visibility vest
d. Safety goggles
e. Hand gloves
f. Coveralls
g. Leather gloves
h. Apron
i. Welding face shield with shade
j. Respiratory protection
XIV Information to Personnel
a. Safety Induction
b. Job training
c. Superintendents Notices/Memos
d. Toolbox talks
e. STARRT Card
XV Special Safety Requirements
All necessary personal/protective equipment (PPE), as well as harness, be provided.
Banksman, wearing distinctive vests, shall be assigned to help operators maneuver their equipment.
The equipment operators shall possess the required licenses and certificates.
Generated dust shall be controlled by periodic water spraying.
The project safety officer is responsible along with the project zone site engineer for ensuring that all
operations are carried out with due regard to the safety of all project personnel & property.
All working activity shall comply with the client safety procedure.
First aid material.
General management of protection/operation hazards is to be observed.
In case of working at night, please refer to Method Statement for Night Works
XVI Environment and Quality Issues
Precautionary Measure
All precautionary measures shall be briefed to all workers prior to commencing the activity.
Disposal Requirements
All waste shall be disposed of as per the Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
and as per government-approved disposal areas.
Inspection, Test, and Sampling
Request for Inspection and Testing will be submitted prior to and after execution of works.
Quality Assurance Requirements Table
Ensure that work is executed as per the approved shop drawing, and method statement and records are generated referring to approved ITP.
Best management practices shall also be considered which may be stated by product manufacturers or suppliers.
Authority requirements will take precedence over all requirements in case authority approval is to be secured.
For non-authority approval activities, approved latest project specifications will take precedence. It is to be ensured that regular toolbox training related to work quality is conducted and records are maintained.
XVII List of Appendices
Appendix A: Shop Drawings
Appendix B: Risk Assessment
Appendix C: Permit to Work
Appendix D: Inspection and Test Plan
tag: Method Statement for Stair Handrails Installation
related: method statement for aluminum nosing for the stair