What is the Method Statement for Pedestrian Walkway Concreting Broom Finish Concrete?
The primary objective of this method statement for Pedestrian Walkway Concreting Broom Finish Concrete is to establish comprehensive guidelines pertaining to the concreting work specifically for the pedestrian walkway, intended to achieve a broom finish.
A key focus is to guarantee the secure execution of all concrete-related activities throughout the various construction phases of the project, thereby effectively mitigating the potential risks associated with personnel, equipment, and property. By adhering to these guidelines, the aim is to eliminate any possibility of injury or damage, ensuring the overall safety and integrity of the project.
The method statement document delineates the step-by-step approach to effectively carry out the broom finish concrete work, encompassing the processes of concreting, reinforcing bars, and formworks. This method adheres strictly to the specified requirements and standard codes of practice within the construction industry.
Furthermore, it comprehensively addresses the general prerequisites for concreting works, encompassing aspects such as material selection, mixing techniques, formwork installation, reinforcement steel bar placement, curing methods, testing procedures, and other related necessities associated with the concreting of broom finish walkways.
Table of Contents
- What is the Method Statement for Pedestrian Walkway Concreting Broom Finish Concrete?
- Material Machinery & Tools
- Manpower
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Work Procedure for Broom Finish Concrete
- Concrete Pedestrian Walkway Construction
- Concrete Sampling & Testing
- Concrete Quality Control Inspections
- Post Concrete Defect Handling
- Environmental, health, and safety requirements
- Personnel Protective Equipment
- Housekeeping
- Environment Issues
Material Machinery & Tools
The following list of materials shall be deployed to the site for the broom finishing work:
Spacer block
Reinforcement steel bar
Steel wire mesh
G.I. tie wires
Plywood and timber
Curing compound
Expansion joint filler
The following list of machinery shall be deployed to the site for the concrete works:
Concrete vibration device
Concrete pump (if required)
Hand tools
Bar cutter & bar bending machine
Submersible pump (if required)
Air blower/compressor
Concrete broom

For the concrete works, the following labor resources must be dispatched to the site:
Backhoe operator
Site engineer
Site supervisor
QA/QC inspector
Land surveyor
Safety officer
General laborers
Skilled workers
Roles & Responsibilities
The contractor is responsible for ensuring that work activities are executed safely and that workers are not placed at risk from the hazards related with the activities covered by this method statement. Specific responsibilities are as below:
Project Manager
Exercise overall responsibility for HSE protection, including work for which a Permit To Work (PTW).
Authorize Permit Requester’s in writing and ensure that they are suitably go through PTW training.
Responsible for the management of the site activities including the efficient application of the quality system.
Liaisons and dealing with the Consultant’s Representative, Engineers, Local Authorities, Sub-subcontractor and Supplier to ensure that the works are carried out as per contractual requirements.
Monitoring and ensuring the Project is gradually positively in elements of cash flow, cost quality and timely completion.
HSE Engineer/Officer
Exercise overall responsibility for HSE protection.
Manage the entire safety, health and environment operations in the project organization.
Responsible for planning, creating and enforcing safety rules and regulations.
To discover variations and implement rectification procedures to protect workers and property against accidents.
Advise management on all Occupation Safety & Health (OSH) problems.
Construction Manager
Control of the daily operation of the construction activities on site.
Overall project planning and monitoring the works program’s execution over specific project parts.
Make that the work processes and pertinent method declarations are followed.
QA/QC Engineer
Implement, monitor and verify that all construction operations are being executed in compliance with the defined quality procedures.
Monitor and assess non-conformance and remedial actions, maintain records and verify the corrective actions are followed and complied.
Responsible to ensure that only qualified and competent individual are engaged on the project activities in order to deliver project successfully.
Carry out inspection on site activities to ensure conformance with the IFC drawings and project specifications.
Managing and observing material sampling, performance tests and inspections if required.
Site Engineer
Responsible for material management & engineering coordination.
Checking and clarifying discrepancies in drawing thoroughly before work is carried out.
Managing and observing material sampling, performance tests and inspections if required.
Advising on technological matters.
Carry out all land surveying tasks on site which includes plotting, protect and transfer of control points.
Responsible for planning, including seeing errors in designs.
Responsible for recording and preserving all survey data including collaborative surveys.
Ensuring that all equipment is calibrated and storing all survey equipment and instruments safely.
Cross verifying the data / computation for as-built data.
Site Supervisor
Organize and supervise the duties of supervisors on site.
Issuing the RFI for construction works to be acknowledged by Quality Department.
Checking work to eliminate faults and abortive works;
Directing and organizing the work of subcontractors.
Work Procedure for Broom Finish Concrete
Survey and setting out works shall be done to give the current slab levels and alignment.
The prescribed walkway area shall be removed with provision for thickness of lean concrete, crusher run and concrete slab.
After the present walkway slab has been successfully hacked or removed, excavation operations will begin. Excavation job to be conducted by use of manpower i.e. manually.
Concrete Pedestrian Walkway Construction
As soon as the consultant has approved the excavation work, the concrete walkway building will start.
As excavation reaches the desired depth, the surface shall be leveled and shall be compacted by use of plate compactor to prevent settlement.
Before the compaction commences, make sure that the excavated level is free from standing water or high moisture content.
Built the formwork to the side of concrete walkway slab and support with timber bracing to prevent formwork collapse.
Lean concrete to be poured when side formwork has been completed and space block are put before steel wire meshes been laid. The steel wire meshes should be bent and trimmed into desired length and tied inside the formwork.
Make sure the steel wire meshes is set appropriately on spacer blocks without touching the lean concrete underneath.
The steel wire meshes shall be clean free from loose mill scale, loose rust, oil or other covering which is liable to weaken bond between the concrete and steel, before being placed in the formwork.
Placing and bending of hooks, anchors, bars, clearance, laps and splices shall be in compliance with the requirement of BS 4449 or MS 146.
Before concrete placing, all the formwork support and bracing shall be examined and tightened properly and cleaning of the debris to be done, formwork from inside should be in order and well maintained.
Concrete must be pour directly from concrete truck. Place the concrete as close to its final destination as feasible to avoid segregation.
Spread, screed, vibrate the concrete so that it completely fills all the space/gap inside the formwork.
Using wood float, start float the concrete to the desired level and flatness before the appearance of excess moisture.
Keep the surface open until bleed water is pouring out of the matrix and the surface gets saturated dry.
After floating and the surface is set sufficiently, start troweling using steel trowels at constant medium pressure to achieve uniformity of the surface.
Groove line to be insert according to the specification and drawing with 6mm rebar. Remove the rebar before the concrete hardens.
Expansion junction uPVC should be provided at every (6) meter or as per designs.
Broom the surface by drawing the broom towards oneself by edge to edge and repeating each pass with a tiny overlap.
Keep the texture perpendicular to the traffic direction. Once finished brooming, go over the corners and control joint.
Formwork shall be deconstructed and removed from the cast of concrete without shock, disturbance and damage.

Concrete Sampling & Testing
Samples of concrete for tests shall be taken for creating cubes as and when required by the Consultant.
The concrete compressive strength test shall be carried out for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days or as specified by Consultant.
Number of cubes may be reduced if consistently satisfactory findings are produced, or raised up to a maximum of 16 when, in the judgment of the consultant further tests are required as, for example, in the early stages of the task.
Test cubes shall be manufactured, cured and kept under the same circumstances as the works to which they pertain and shall be transported and tested in compliance with BS EN 12390-1.
Reports of all tests certificates shall be sent to the Consultant within 24 hours after testing to conclude the Request For Inspection (RFI).
The concrete cube test record must be used to record the cube test information and also summary cubes crushing test will record the results on the test cube done.
Making Concrete Cubes
Nine (9) cubes shall be created in each batch of sample obtained. Total cubes for each testing (7 days, 14 days and 28 days) will be determined by the Consultant.
Every test cube shall be clearly and permanently identified with its code number and date of casting combined with an indication of the part of the works to which it belongs.
The system of identifying and labelling the cubes shall be decided by the Consultant.
A record of such tests identifying the test cubes with the part of the work completed shall be kept at the site and made available to the Consultant on request.
Slump Test of Concrete
Slump test shall be done in every batch / load of concrete delivery.
The slump tolerance shall be within the range indicated in the design mix concrete.
Slump to be ensured within the design slump as mentioned in design mix to prevent honeycombing.
In case of failed slump test, the load of concrete supply shall be rejected as it may have severe impact to durability of completed concrete structure.
Curing and Protection
Concrete shall be protected during the first stage of hardening from the detrimental effects of sunshine, drying winds, rain or running water.
The protection shall be applied as soon as practical after completion of pouring concrete by one or more the following methods:
a. The concrete shall be covered with a layer of sacking canvas, hessian, straw mats, or similar absorbent material, or a layer of sand, maintained consistently wet for 7 days;
b. After completely wetting, the concrete shall be coated with a layer of authorized water resistant paper or plastic membrane kept in contact with the concrete for 7 days;
c. The concrete shall be cured by application of an approved liquid curing membrane which shall be placed immediately after placing the concrete during the initial set stage and on vertical surfaces after removing the formwork.
The manufacturer’s instructions must be followed while applying the curing chemical.
Concrete Quality Control Inspections
Inspection Prior to Concreting
Prior to concrete pouring, inspection as per the pre-concrete inspection checklist shall be carried out and certified by Consultant.
Contractor’s Quality Team shall ensure all the formworks and reinforcements are installed compliance to the standards specified in the project specifications and/or standard code of practice before commencement of concreting works.
During concrete pouring, a concrete vibrator must be in standby mode and accessible.
In addition, Contractor shall assure all the formwork support and bracing to be examined and tightened effectively.
Except otherwise directed, concrete shall not be placed unless the Consultant is present and has previously examined and approved the positioning, fixing and condition of the reinforcement and of any other items to be embedded and the cleanliness, alignment and suitability of the containing surfaces.
Quality Control While Pouring Concrete
The temperature of the concrete shall be taken and recorded in the Concrete Pour Card.
No concrete having an internal temperature over 33°C shall be deposited and the concrete shall not shall not be placed in formwork or around reinforcement whose temperature exceeds 36°C.
Slump test shall be carried out in accordance with BS EN 12350-2 and shall not be less than 50mm. The slump tolerance shall be within the range indicated in the design mix concrete. Concrete which has a slump of less than 50mm (2 in) will be rejected.
The concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final location, working from the top end, if any. It shall be installed in such manner as to avoid segregation of the concrete or displacement of the reinforcement, any embedded objects or formwork.
All concrete shall be fully compacted by continuous vibration throughout the full extent of the layer before the initial set has taken place and shall not be thereafter disturbed. It shall be thoroughly worked against the formwork and around any reinforcement and other embedded objects without disturbing them.
The concrete cube sample should, when applicable, be taken at the point of discharge from the mixer in the case of ready-mixed concrete.
Post Concrete Defect Handling
Where the problem is detected during post concreting, the concrete repairing work shall be carried out after post concreting inspection.
The problem like cracks and honeycomb shall be corrected using non-shrink grout cement or epoxy grouting.
Environmental, health, and safety requirements
The following major areas of construction shall be adhered by all site persons working on site.
Personnel Protective Equipment
The persons protection equipment (PPE) will be provided to the workers onsite that includes the following:
- Safety helmets (hard hat)
- Safety helmet
- Work boots
- Safety glasses
- Dust mask
- Working gloves (if necessary)
- Ear plugs (if necessary)
Housekeeping is a vital aspect of safety for the everyday routine. Housekeeping would involve the following items:
- Maintain access / egress to every operating area.
- Store and stack all building materials in safe and tidy manner.
- Avoid trash around the jobsite.
Environment Issues
Temporary drains / sediment pond / silt fence will be created and maintained throughout construction periods to ensure compliance to the legal requirement.
Water bowser will be put at site to control the dusty surfaces by spraying the water.
In order to create safe, risk free and healthy working environment including loss prevention, every possible step must be taken by each and everyone employee engaged in the project site.
tag: # Method Statement for Pedestrian Walkway Concreting Broom Finish Concrete