This Method Statement for marble wall cladding describes the steps involved in the installation in accordance with approved shop drawings, quality, and safety requirements.
Table of Contents
Scope of Works
This method covers the application of marble and granite works as wall cladding for both exterior and interior areas.
All works shall be done in accordance with the approved Method Statement and Project Specifications. Request for inspection shall be submitted for Engineer’s approval prior to the commencement of the work.
Survey mechanical fixings, backing structure, and grid lines datum against approved shop drawing. Make sure all are as specified and approved by the client.
Survey stone against approved drawing, (all correct depth, length, and height molding specifications approved by client).
Every marble will be drilled into four locations at its edges and will be installed using a cladding fixing system as shown below.

Wall Cladding System Methodology
Ensure to have the correct PPE before accessing the scaffold, e.g. boots, hi-visual vests/coats,
hard hats and gloves.
Access the scaffold under the project safety procedures implemented measures via access provided e.g. fixed ladders, scaffolding, elevator, etc.
Using the approved drawing, mark the position on the wall where the self-expanded anchor of the fixing set (as shown above) should be fixed.
Ensure to have the correct PPE prior to drilling the hole.
Ensure that the drilling depth is equal to the length of the specified anchor by measuring the
length of the required anchor and transferring this to the actual drill bit while monitoring that the correct diameter of the anchor is applied.
Drill the hole to the required depth.

Place your drill on the scaffold floor or other designated location, away from walkways in order to eliminate trip hazards and burns.
Using a lump hammer drive the anchor into the drilled hole making sure the nut is on, prior to inserting the anchor into the hole.
The fixing is now ready to bolt into position. Mount the fixing onto the anchor and tighten using a torque wrench. Tighten to the required torque as per specification approved by the engineer and client drawings.
Complete this process until all fixing sets are in location as per the approved drawings.
Survey the location of the cladding system and measure the distance between the two fixing
points on the wall.
Move the marble stones into the designated cutting area either by manual handling or trolley if required, ensuring that any manual handling procedures are met and do not lift more than the specified weight of 20 kgs per person, ensure another competent person assists in the lifting to transport the stone in a safe manner.
Survey the stone dimensions as per project specification.
Once stones are ready to cut, wearing the correct PPE (gloves, glasses, P2 dust masks) drill the holes into the stone.
Install the stone into the cladding fixing system by inserting the dowel into the stone when
positioning the stone into the system.

Once the stone is in place check the face line, height, and depth location.
Repeat the process until all pieces have been installed.
Once all marble has been installed clean all areas and stone using clean water and sponges.
If close joints are required apply the grouting as per the project specification.
Use the grouting mix to grout the stonework. Mix as per manufacturers specification, wearing rubber gloves to prevent injury e.g. cement or lime burns. Using a grouting tool, grout up the joint and wash with clean water, make sure to leave the grouting flush with the stonework unless otherwise specified.
Known Hazards and Controls
All operatives are to attend a site introduction prior to commencing any work. The site induction will be carried out by the client.
All operatives will receive a RAMS toll box talk prior to any work commencing.
All operatives will receive a shift briefing prior to any work commencing at the start of each day if required.
Hazard | Control |
Site Tidiness | Clear up any waste arising as work proceeds, and at least daily, store surplus materials in a designated place and all rubbish in the skips and bins provided. |
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | All operatives will comply with client site rules PPE, safety footwear, safety helmet, goggles/glasses, gloves class 3 cut protection, and high visible coat/vests at all times when in the work areas. Hearing protection and fp2 masks will be worn for specific tasks as identified in the risk assessments. |
Working at Height | All operatives will comply with client site rules PPE, safety footwear, safety helmet, goggles/glasses, gloves class 3 cut protection, and highly visible coat/vests at all times when in the work areas. Hearing protection and fp2 masks will be worn for specific tasks as identified in the risk assessments. |
Members of the Public | The most appropriate access equipment shall be used depending on the nature of the work e.g. scaffolds, alpha step podium step. Only competent staff are employed to work at height. The work will be organized so that possible falls from height are minimized. Effective fall protection measures will be taken e.g. guardrails & toe boards are fitted to all work platforms and staging. Areas below where work at height is being carried out will be fenced off, as necessary, to prevent injury from falling objects. Waste materials will be transferred to ground level in a controlled safe manner. The work area is isolated from the staff areas so no contact is to be expected. |
Manual Handling | Stone is of the smallest size practicable. Operators know and follow a safe system of work for the lifting of the maximum weight for an individual manual lift. |
Slips & Trips | All operatives wear safety boots. Good housekeeping is ensured eg debris is put in skips and brush is available to keep the work area clear. All trailing cables in the work area are hung up or otherwise kept out of harm’s way. Safe route to job agreed with site manager based on site H&S plan. |
Welfare | Agreement with site manager that staff may use site welfare facilities – toilets, washing facilities with hot & cold water, and mess room/kitchen. |
Health, Safety & Environmental Procedure for Method Statement for Marble Wall Cladding
Emergency Procedures
The details of any accident on site shall be entered into the accident book in the site manager’s office.
All reportable accidents/incidents will be investigated and copies of our formal investigation reports including relevant support documentation, conclusions, and recommendations will be provided by the client.
All accidents/incidents reported to the client and report form completed. An investigation report will be compiled for client records.
Ensure that employees are aware of the location of the fire-fighting equipment, means of escape, assembly point, and means of raising the alarm.
Environmental Information
Exposure to stone dust – Stone dust will be cleared up using a suitable vacuum cleaner, fitted with an appropriate filter. Suitable respiratory protective equipment, as well as LEV for very dusty jobs, and staff, trained in how to use it.
Staff does health surveillance questionnaires before starting, then annually.
Any affected staff referred to a medical professional.
Noise – Noisy works to be kept to a minimum.
Communication with Site Workers
The operatives on-site will receive a full RAMS briefing and start of shift briefing, prior to any works being carried out. A trained and competent working supervisor will ensure that the work is carried out as detailed in the method statement.
All contractors working on-site will attend client site inductions prior to commencing work on-site, they will also be given site induction, and records of inductions will be kept in the site manual.
Our workers will attend any Tool Box Talks or Safety Committee meetings and will suffer no loss of earnings as a result of their involvement.
Welfare: The welfare facilities will be located within the work area with existing toilets and rooms for rest and change will be used.
Water facilities and electrical power are to be provided by the client.
Operatives will not travel through any public areas with dirty/dusty PPE on. Changing facilities are available within the site to enable this to be achieved.
Plant & Equipment
All portable electrical equipment on site will be 110 volts coming from either a transformer or a generator. All hand and power tools and cables/hoses will be maintained, and be in good condition and routine inspections will identify no split insulation, bad connections, homemade repairs, etc.
All cables should be kept as short as possible across the site and be kept as tidily as possible to avoid causing a tripping hazard or any damage to the cable occurring due to site conditions.
Hand and power tools will be properly maintained by:
- Formal visual inspections
- Checks by user
- Power tool checks will be carried out weekly and submitted to the client if required.
All tools/sharps will under no circumstances be left unattended. After use, they will be removed from the site & locked away in a secure storage safe within the site which is to be provided by the client.
Battery operated drills
Hand tools
Power tools
What is marble cladding?
Marble cladding is a way to add the value of beauty and aesthetics both in the interior and exterior of any space. With cladding, the existing structure is covered with layers of marble to give it the appearance of being entirely made of real stone.
tags: method statement for marble wall cladding, wall cladding, approved shop drawings, method statement, stone flooring, approved method statement, mechanical fixing, marble flooring installation, safety procedures, site engineer, access and interface requirements, mechanical method statement, floor slab, uniform lump free consistency, stone panel, bed mortar method, foreign materials, grout residue, plastic covers, sand mixture, flat trowel, required format, locations marked, inspection plan, expansion shell