Table of Contents
The Testing and Commissioning of Drainage Piping (Above ground) describe in detail the method of supply and installation including testing works for soil, waste & vent piping with related accessories which are executed in a safe manner and in accordance with the project requirements.
This procedure ensures that all works are carried out in accordance with the contract specifications and approved shop drawings.
All quality assurance/control activities are carried out in a systematic manner where works are inspected to specified conformance which will be verified and documented for the project by ensuring the satisfaction and approval of the client & consultant.
This testing and commissioning of drainage piping (Above ground) are subject to the requirements as stated in the following regulatory & statutory documents, applicable standards, specifications, and building codes:
Plumbing Works
Project Specification – Sanitary Waste & Vent Piping
Relevant Sections of IPC & local authorities
Project-approved IFC drawings & materials
Approved Project HSE Plan, Emergency Response Plan & Waste Management Plan
Works will be started or carried out only when all associated main contractor’s procedures are completed and by ensuring safe access to work areas will be available through hoist lifts/access ladders to carry out the work where ever main contractor site engineer’s & safety officers clearance available.
MEP subcontractor will deploy a dedicated team for the required logistics and material movement in-out of the project.
Health & Safety Hazards
Extreme heat and humidity
Extreme cold, high winds, and dusty condition
Mobile equipment- crane, forklift, etc. for material loading/offloading, and transfer of materials to work locations.
Temporary electrical supply for lighting, use of power tools, etc.
Improper stacking of materials: UPVC pipes & fittings etc.
Manual handling / offloading & installation of UPVC pipes & fittings etc.
Working on the unsafe scaffold for the installation of UPVC pipes & fittings etc.
Damaged hand tools – Installation of UPVC pipes & fittings, etc.
Uninspected power tools –Drilling of holes for anchors, Installation of hangers & supports, cutting of pipes, etc. as per approved drawings
Unsafe working on ladders.
Unsafe storage, handling, and application of chemicals: pipe solvents & cleaners.
Poor housekeeping & waste management.
MEP subcontractor will comply with all safety measures as applicable to the project’s main safety requirements and follow approved HSE plans.
- Make sure all employees have safety induction before they can start work on-site.
- Make sure employees take the right equipment with them on site. Check they have been trained and know how to use it.
- Keep available, records of hazards on particular sites. Make sure all relevant people are notified.
- Helmets, steel toe-capped safety boots, goggles, high visibility jackets, face masks, and overalls should be appropriate and in good condition.
- Assess the risks of manual handling before going to the site and look at the materials being used or stored.
- Lighting devices shall be set up at the work area and ensure the required lux is available during the night shift.
- The lifting area should be barricaded and appropriate signboards to be fixed to warn and avoid unauthorized entry.
- Copies of the drivers/operator’s license vehicle registration and security pass are to be submitted to the company’s safety department before commencing the work.
- All moving cranes/equipment shall have reverse indicators. All major equipment and crane shall be tested and certified by a third party prior to mobilization to the site.
- Ample and unobstructed passage shall be maintained at all times in and around the truck loading and lifting space.
- All equipment movement at the job site must be controlled by a third-party certified rigger/bank man.
- Trained, competent, and authorized supervision present at all times to ensure workers are safely working on site
- All site teams are to strictly follow the recommendations/instructions given in the risk assessment and safety analysis.
Site engineer and safety officers to ensure that all the people are wearing required PPEs and following safety procedures:
All personnel is required to wear clothing appropriate for the work being performed.
Persons working near moving machinery must prevent clothing and body parts from being caught by moving components.
Only trained persons shall use the hand, air, or electrical tools.
Damaged or defective tools are to be taken out of service, tagged “Do Not Operate”, and stored in a controlled area until appropriate repairs have been made.
All working areas shall be encircled by warning tapes and sign boards in place before the commencement of work.
Access and exit routes are to be unobstructed and labeled and known to all employees at the site.
Information to personnel regarding Health and Safety shall be disseminated through:
- HSE Site Safety Inductions
- Ensure STARTT and/or RAMS are discussed with the work group prior to work commencing
- Safety toolbox talks
- Environmental toolbox talks
- HSE training records/Toolbox attendance register
- Training courses ( Internal and Third-party Training )
- HSE Bulletin/HSE Site Notice Boards
- Site Engineers, Site Supervisors, and Site Foreman
Permits and Certificates:
- HSE Permits and Certifications (as per activity requirements) – These should correlate with the activity Risk Assessment.
- Permit To Work (Prior to starting an activity):
- Ensure obtain the necessary PTW (Permit to Work), prior to allowing to work. Frequently training should be conducted by the site supervisor/foreman. Daily safety briefings should be conducted.
- Hot work permit
- Lifting Plan
- Working at heights / Working on scaffolding or MEWP (Mobile Elevating Work Platform) – Third-party certification for workers (competency certificates), operators, and equipment.
Site Night Works Procedure:
- Shall ensure that this procedure is implemented at any night shift activities.
- Provide instructions in regard to the movement of vehicles within the areas of work.
- Ensure that adequate barriers are provided around areas where hazards may exist and that such hazards are clearly lit.
- Ensure that the lighting provided is adequate and that personnel is not working in the shadows.
- Perform regular inspection and maintenance of lighting equipment (as directed by field supervision).
- Ensure that all lighting equipment installed has been checked and certified in accordance with local procedure or building code requirements.
- Make sure that cables and other materials are located in a way that prevents trip hazards.
- All points of exit, pathways and muster points shall be clearly illuminated and marked.
- Ladder access and egress shall be clearly illuminated.
- Lightening poles and other metal poles shall be earthed (grounded) and the circuit fitted with residual current devices.
- All lighting fixtures shall be installed in a secure manner to prevent accidental movement or falling.
- Temporary installations shall meet all the requirements of the National Electrical Code, or applicable local code.
- Site engineer and safety officer to ensure that all the people are wearing required PPE and following safety procedures.
Working in extreme heat and humidity (summer work) procedure:
- Personal Protective Equipment must still be worn /used regardless of the weather conditions.
- Monitor temperature, humidity, and workers’ physical response to environmental conditions
- Identify hazards, assess risks and implement controls for workers working in extreme temperatures
- Ensure that work is undertaken in compliance with the approved procedure
- Ensure that scheduled periodic inspections are undertaken to ensure the requirements of this procedure are being met.
- Ensure that work conducted in extreme temperatures is supervised by a competent person.
- Provide instructions/toolbox talk and training for working in extreme temperatures.
- Train employees to recognize symptoms of heat-related illnesses
- Ensure workers drink an adequate amount of water.
- ORS to be available with the nurse
- Rotate the personnel regularly during rest periods.
- Summer working hours to comply with regulations regarding (Working in direct sunlight during hot weather conditions
Project Manager
The project manager shall be responsible for overall project planning, procurement, technical submissions, and drawing submissions.
The project manager shall coordinate activities within the site team and with the management for the timely completion of activity in accordance with contract requirements.
Construction Engineer
The construction manager is responsible for the work execution in compliance with the approved method statement, HSE Risk Assessment, and project specification, issued for construction drawings, sections, and details
Project Engineer
The project engineer for each discipline shall be responsible for the execution of the complete system in accordance with project requirements. He will be responsible for the day-to-day activities on site, for materials, drawings, testing & commissioning, and allocation of departmental resources to work areas on site. The project engineer will report to the MEP project manager.
The project engineer shall coordinate all related MEP system activities with all other trades for progress monitoring.
Site Engineer
The site engineer is responsible to carry out the work as per approved shop drawings and method statements. He is also responsible to ensure adequate tool kits required for the works are in place prior to the starting of work. The site engineer reports to the Construction Manager.
The site Engineer is responsible to ensure work has been done as per the specification and drawings; inspections are carried out based on ITP and quality control procedure and coordinate with QA/QC department for inspections.
The site engineer is responsible to ensure that all safety precautions are ensured in place and that all personnel on site are using the required personal protective equipment like helmets, gloves, shoes, and reflective jackets. The site engineer in coordination with safety officers will ensure all relevant permissions are taken prior to the commencement of works.
QA/QC Engineer
The QA/QC Engineer will be responsible for overseeing the quality requirements and quality control measures for the project in coordination with the project engineer and construction manager.
Safety Engineer
The safety engineer will be responsible for the safety, health, and environmental aspects on site as per the project safety and environmental requirements/safety standards in coordination with the project engineer and construction manager.

Procedure – Testing and Commissioning of Drainage Piping
Material Handling & Storage
On receipt of pipes and fittings, the materials shall be handled and stored in line with the following procedure:
The piping materials received at the site shall be carefully off-loaded using adequate manpower and equipment if necessary under close supervision such that no damage shall be caused to the materials. Manufacturer’s recommended storage guidelines to be followed.
The materials received at the site will be inspected to ensure that they are as per the approved material submittal.
Pipes will not be dropped on hard surfaces and will not be dragged along the ground.
The storage area shall be kept at the proper level so that the stacked pipes shall be uniformly supported throughout their length.
Pipes of different sizes or wall thicknesses will be stored separately or where this is not possible, those with larger diameters and/ or thicker walls will be placed at the bottom of the stack.
The stacks will be protected from direct sunlight by covering them with tarpaulin/ polythene sheets.
All the pipe fittings and other accessories will be stored in the boxes as supplied by the manufacturer.
Any discrepancies, damages, etc., found will be notified and reported for further corrective action.
Storage of Chemicals (solvents & cleaners)
Follow recommended storage & handling practices from the manufacturer’s provided MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets)
Chemicals are to be stored in the designated chemical storage areas.
Avoid prolonged exposure of chemicals to the sun and store them in shaded and ventilated areas.
Appropriate PPE to be used while handling chemicals.
Preparations/Pre-installation Checks
Ensure that the Testing and Commissioning of Drainage Piping (Above ground) is approved and materials delivered are inspected by the consultant representative.
Confirm all approvals such as layout/detailed shop drawings, MEP coordination drawings, and material submittals are available.
Ensure the materials and accessories received from the store are free from damage during transportation.
Ensure the area for installation of drainage piping & accessories is cleared by Civil Dept. for proceeding with installations.
Obtain a work permit prior to the commencement of work.
Installation of Above Ground Drainage Piping (UPVC):
After the approval of shop drawings, the site will be checked by the engineer in charge.
Secure all the necessary permits prior to commencing work.
Provide scaffold (if necessary) into the position and ensure that the platform is fixed properly.
Only scaffolds that have been duly inspected, certified, and tagged shall be used.
If the site is ready for installation, the setting-out activity based on the approved shop drawing will be carried out.
Transfer the pipes, fittings, supports, etc. from the stores to the areas where it is to be installed.
Mark the support locations as per the drawings and support schedules.
Drill the holes at the marking and fix the anchor and set aligned properly.
Fix the threaded rod or the pre-fabricated support as per drawings.
Check the tightness of all support bolts.
Check the correct elevation of support brackets from the reference datum provided by the civil contractor’s surveyor.
The drainage pipe slope shall be ensured as per the approved shop drawing by utilizing a magnetic spirit level.
The UPVC pipes are cut into the length required as per the drawing. It will be ensured that the pipe is cut in square and chamfered prior to assembly with fittings.
Push-fit System:
Lubricate the pipe and fittings and push-fit to full socket depth. During assembly withdraw pipe 5mm on the waste system and 10 mm on the soil system to allow for the expansion. Fittings with spigot ends shall be inserted into sockets to depth marks engraved on the spigot. This procedure automatically allows for expansion.
Solvent Weld Systems:
Ensure the pipe end is cut square before assembly with fittings. Pipes will be cleaned by using the cleaning fluid. This removes all dirt and machine release agents and softens the surface ready for the chemical Solvent weld. After cleaning, the solvent cement shall be applied evenly over the mating surfaces of both pipe and socket.
Then insert the pipe into the socket with a slight twisting action to full socket depth. Surplus cement should be removed with a cloth or wool. The joint will be firm enough to handle in 5 minutes. There is a small gap between the OD (Outside Diameter) of the pipe and the ID (Inside Diameter) of the fitting. This is to allow sufficient solvent cement into the joint to make a good weld.
All the open ends in drainage pipe work shall be protected/covered during ongoing installation works.
Proper venting in the drainage system is very important. The vent pipe will be installed for the drainage system as shown on the approved shop drawings.
The location and installation of final fixtures such as floor drain, trench drain, roof/area drain, etc. shall be coordinated with the finishing architectural-tile layout works of the civil contractor.
Testing and Commissioning
Testing of Gravity Drainage (UPVC):
All the open ends in the drainage network under test shall be blanked off prior to the leak test. Keep only one open end to allow filling water into the network.
Then the network will be filled with water.
The water test will be carried out by providing 1.3 m of water head.
The duration of the test will be 2 hours.
Then the joints will be checked physically for any leakages.
The test shall be repeated if any leakage is observed after the completion of the rectification works.
Cleaning & protection of drainage piping:
Clean the interior of the piping. Remove dirt and debris as work progresses.
Protect drains during the remainder of the construction period to avoid clogging with dirt and debris and to prevent damage from traffic and construction work.
Place plugs in the ends of uncompleted piping at end of the day and when work stops.
Pipe Labeling & Identification
Locate pipe labels where piping is exposed or above accessible ceilings in finished spaces; machine rooms; accessible maintenance spaces such as shafts and exterior exposed locations as follows:
- At access doors, manholes, and similar access points that permit view of concealed piping.
- Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination.
- On piping above, removable acoustical ceilings.
- Were change of direction occurs in piping.
- Omit intermediately spaced labels.
- The color coding and type of labeling/identification shall be as per the approved material submittal and relevant project specifications
All required training for stipulated installation activities is provided to all contractor’s technical staff for ensuring a quality workmanship
Working Hours
Site operational time shall be followed as per project progress requirements, and all relevant local authority schedules of holidays are to be observed.
Working areas will be kept clean by disposing of the waste materials at the designated areas. At the end of the day’s work, the installation supervisor will ensure that the debris is disposed of on regular basis.
Subject to main contractors programmer and scope/area available for MEP activities, but not limited to below:
- MEP Supervisor
- Foreman
- Charge hands
- Plumbers, pipefitters
- Assistant fitters
- Helpers
Ensure materials being used are of the approved manufacturer from the project vendor list and of quality as specified. (UPVC Pipes & Fittings with accessories)
Equipment and Tools
Approved UPVC pipes fittings & accessories
Manufacturer’s recommended solvents & cleaners
Approved Threaded Rods & Hanger supports
Hack – Saw and blades-Chalk line/chalk powder
Portable Hand Tools-Grinder/Hammer-drill
Brush and clean waste/cloth.
Spirit Level & Water level pipe
Standard Tool Box Set With Tools
Flood Lights (For Night Works)
QA/QC Requirements
Follow the approved Method Statement, Testing and Commissioning of Drainage Piping (Above ground) procedure, ITP, QCP, HSE Plan, and Material Approval & Checklists.
tag: Testing and Commissioning of Drainage Piping (Above ground)