What is Method Statement for Fuel Tank Installation?
The method statement for fuel tank installation defines the sequence and describes the health, safety, environmental, and control procedures to be followed.
Table of Contents
- What is Method Statement for Fuel Tank Installation?
- Definitions
- Responsibilities
- Resources
- Risk Assessment
- Permit and Licensing Requirements
- Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements
- Environment and Quality Issues
CM Construction Manager
QC Quality Control
HSE Health, Safety & Environment
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PMV Plants, Machinery & Vehicles
LPS Loss Prevention System
Information sources may include, but not be limited to, verbal or written and graphical instructions, signage, work schedules/drawings/specifications, work bulletins, charts and hand sketches, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
HSE Plan
General Lifting Plan
HSE General Requirements
Traffic Manual
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
1. Project Manager
Responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives which include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the constraints of the project management triangle, which are cost, time, scope, and quality.
The Project Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that the Project Quality Plan and the Inspection and Testing procedures, method statement, HSE safety, and all contractual documentation are maintained up to date and accessible to all parties.
2. Construction Manager
Responsible for overall construction activities ensuring that all quality and safety procedures are implemented and required approved permits are obtained.
4. Site Engineer
Supervise operations in accordance with the approved method statement, shop drawings, specifications, material submittals, and schedules to achieve the acceptance of the project deliverables.
5. Site Supervisor
Supervise closely, the activities designated to them and ensure that all instructions and safety procedures are followed and strictly adhered to.
6. Site Foreman
To liaise with the Site Engineer and Supervisor for the work execution.
7. QA/QC Engineer
Ensure the proper implementation of the Quality system and monitor the overall quality of the work is maintained. Conduct inspection and monitor tests. Determine and report any non-conformance and recommended corrective actions. Ensure that all personnel is aware of the quality requirement. Training of relevant personnel.
Conduct surveillance and inspection duties at various stages to ensure compliance with QA/QC Plan.
8. HSE Manager
Health, safety, and environmental (HSE) managers generally plan, coordinate and implement issues and directives within the organization. He ensures safe environmental working conditions for all employees.
9. HSE Engineer
Ensure enforcement of safety procedures in accordance with the approved HSE Plan. He will be closely monitoring the site engineer’s strict implementation of the method statement and risk assessment, the use of proper tools and equipment
Maintain safety, certifications of equipment, and their adherence to safety regulations, reporting any unsafe work or stopping work that does not comply with ES&H procedures.
Advice for health & safety requirements and monitor the hazard controls implemented on-site as per the method statement for fuel tank installation and risk assessment.
Plant and Equipment
Flatbed Truck
Water Truck
Concrete Pump
Concrete Transit Mixer
Concrete Vibrator
Note: All 3rd Party Certificates shall be inspected prior to commencing the lifting operation.
Work Force
Site Engineer
Equipment Operator
Security Guards
Safety Engineer
First Aider
Light Tools
Power Tools (Various)
Hand Tools (Various)
Warning Signs
Warning Tapes
Emergency Kits
5 Sets Fuel Tank (50,000 liters each capacity, approximately 5 tons each when empty) including steel I- Beam upstand
C40 Concrete
Hessian Cloth
200mm x 400mm x 200mm Concrete Blocks
Steel Mesh 10mm ø
Bolts and Nuts
(Test Certificates for the above materials are not applicable since these are only for temporary works and do not require full control of QA/QC.)

Methodology-Method Statement for Fuel Tank Installation
1. Fuel Tank Specifications
Stationary Diesel Fuel Tanks
Diesel storage tank requirements for the project: Bund Wall Dimensions
Diesel Tank Capacity | Length mm | Width mm | Height mm |
2,500 L | 4,000 | 3,000 | 400 |
5,000 L | 5,300 | 3,500 | 400 |
10,000 L | 5,000 | 5,000 | 600 |
15,000 L | 7,000 | 5,000 | 600 |
20,000 L | 9,000 | 5,000 | 600 |
50,000 L | 14,500 | 7,000 | 600 |
Prior to commencing the installation of the fuel tanks, full coordination with the concerned government agency is required. Ensure that all requirements have been complied with and fully coordinated during the course of the tank installation.
The area where the fuel tank will be placed shall be in accordance with the inspection requirements as follows:
Storage tank bund wall should be constructed using concrete material and should be plastered inside & outside and the concrete base should be 10-centimeter thick. A fabricated steel plate bund wall is also allowed.
The bund wall drain pipe should have a valve with a pipe blind cap installed at all times.
The bund wall should be painted with standard caution stripes.
A 3-meter free open space should be maintained around the bund wall.
Dry chemical powder and foam fire extinguishers are to be placed 5 meters away from the storage tank and to be installed inside industrial-type boxes.
The required quantity of fire extinguishers for each tank capacity is as per below:
- 2,500/5,000 liters capacity storage tank = 2 x 6 kg Chemical Powder
- 15,000/10,000/20,000 liters capacity storage tank = 2 x 12 kg Chemical Powder
- 50,000 liters capacity storage tank = 1 trolley 20 gals Foam Chemical & 2 x 12 kg Chemical Powder </ul>
- Keep the primary container as low as possible.
- Ensure that the walls of the bund are of sufficient height and integrity to avoid leakage.
- Ensure that all diesel dispensing mechanisms, valves, filters, or other ancillary equipment are kept inside the bunded area to avoid spills outside the secondary containment.
- Leave sufficient space, a minimum of 750mm between the container and the bund wall, and 600mm between the container and the base of the bunding, to allow access for external inspection.
- Do not place one container above another.
- The bunding must be impermeable to liquids.
- There must be no direct outlet from the bunded area. No pipework may pass through the wall of the bund.
- The bunded area may not be discharged to any drain, sewer, or watercourse or be discharged into the yard or unprotected soil.
- The bunded area must be roofed to ensure that rainwater does not collect inside the bunded area.
- Rainwater will reduce the volume inside the bund, making the bunding ineffective.
- Do not use bunds to store materials or wastes, as this will reduce the capacity.
No electrical connections inside the bund wall area are allowed. All pumps & meters should be installed outside the bund wall area.
There should be designated legal parking for fuel road tankers and easy access in/out of the site.
The contractor is fully responsible for all the mandatory safety and environmental measures related to on-site diesel product handling.
2. Site Preparation
1. The 5 sets of fuel tanks have a capacity of 50,000 liters each, approximately 5 tons when empty and approximately 63 tons when filled with fuel.
2. The Tank Bund Wall dimension is 25.0m W x 14.5m L x 0.60m H.
3. The tanks shall be positioned with a minimum of 2.0m space at each other.
4. The surveyor will lay out the location of the fuel tank area.
5. Initially, the ground-marked perimeter will be cleared from any loose materials, watered, leveled, and compacted until no signs of settlement are observed. This is to ensure that no undesirable ground settlement might happen after the tanks are placed on the supporting beams as well as when it is to be refilled with fuel.
6. The perimeter wall will be a 200mm x 400mm x 200mm concrete block with plastered finish both inside and outside.
7. The concrete base slab shall be a minimum of 100mm thick slab on grade with class C40 on laid reinforcement 2 layers of steel mesh 10mm ø.
8. The concrete base shall be cured for a minimum of 7 days by covering the surface of the concrete and keeping it continuously wet, continuous use of fine fog water sprays covering the surface with a saturated absorptive cover, and keeping it continuously wet.
9. Once fully cured, a continuous upstand in the form of a steel I-beam will be assembled for each tank and in place on top of the concrete base.
10. The outer side of the bund wall will be painted with the color black and yellow alternate diagonal lines.
3. Positioning of Fuel Tanks
When the area is ready to accommodate the fuel tanks, delivery and positioning will be the next procedure.
The tanks will be delivered on-site by a trailer truck and shall be positioned using an adequate mobile crane. Prior to commencing lifting works, the Crane Load Test Certificate shall be checked. The certificate will be no older than 12 months when arriving on-site and will cover the following:
Ropes (certificates will be identifiable to the specific crane)
Slew Brakes
Outriggers and Pads
Boom and Guides
Anti- Two block Device
Load Indicating System
Boom Sheave Wheels Condition
Crane Brakes and Air System
Load test certificate (identifiable to the specific crane).
A brake or other device capable of holding the maximum mass should the power fail, or which is such that it will automatically prevent the uncontrolled downward movement of the load when the raising effort is interrupted; and
A limiting device that will automatically arrest the driving effort when:
The hook or load attachment point of the power-driven lifting machine reaches its highest safe position, and in the case of a winch-operated lifting machine with a lifting capacity of 5000 kg or more: the load is greater than the rated mass load of such machine.
Positioning Crane
The area where the crane is to be positioned/set up shall be adequately chosen. Ensure that the ground is firmly level and stable, the outrigger must be fully extended with appropriate padding.
The lifting area shall be properly barricaded to check the load chart and other necessary documents such as certificates.
Only trained operators/riggers with certificates shall be allowed to use and perform such types of lifting works. HSE will inspect the site and confirm site conditions are satisfactory.
Positioning of Loaded Trailer
Prior to any lifting operation, a final check will be conducted to ensure all the required documents are at the site and complete.
Through communication with the truck driver and crane operator, the truck will be suitably positioned to ensure a safe control lift can be achieved.
The load retention belts will be removed to allow the load to be taken off.
Lifting Operation
Once the retention belts were removed and all necessary permits such as Work Permit and Lifting Permit are secured, lifting operation shall commence.
The Site Engineer shall first check and determine the load to be carried.
Prior to lifting, ensure that the lifting area is unobstructed and free from unauthorized personnel. The operator shall only perform lifting upon the instruction/signal of the competent rigger.
Carefully lift the first tank and place it on the prepared steel upstand. Once adequately placed on top of the upstand, installation of bolts to secure the tank on the steel upstand shall be done.
The lifting strap shall be maintained while installing the bolts and shall only be released upon tightening all bolted connections and upon the confirmation of the competent rigger.
The lifting and positioning shall continue until all 5 sets of fuel tanks are fully installed.
4. Diesel Supply
Truck Route
Figure here
Distribution of Diesel
Supervise all deliveries to help avoid spillages, prevent damage to the environment, and save valuable raw materials. Ensure that the secondary containment area is of sufficient size and volume to store all diesel received within the bunded area. No diesel may be stored outside the bunded area.
Suitable diesel dispensing mechanisms like pumps or taps must be fitted to containers to prevent spillage.
The following steps will be implemented prior to scheduling diesel delivery to the diesel storage area:
Check and record the existing tank headspace volumes.
Order only a diesel quantity that is needed to fill the tanks to a maximum of 90% of the total working volume.
Schedule diesel delivery for daylight hours only; only during emergency situations will diesel be delivered to the site during hours of darkness; trucks attempting diesel delivery during hours of darkness will be refused entry into the site unless special permission has been prearranged by the PMV Manager.
Verify that the spill kit is available at the fuel storage facility.
The following steps will be implemented during the delivery of diesel to the diesel storage area:
Security personnel will stop the delivery truck at the site entrance and inform the Security Supervisor of the truck’s arrival.
Security personnel will inspect the vehicle for any leaks and verify that a fire extinguisher and driver PPE are onboard the truck.
Security personnel will direct the truck driver to proceed to the delivery area.
HSES or diesel storage facility in charge will complete a STARRT card form with the unloading crew
Station a fire and spill watch.
Verify all tank fill line anti-siphon valves are open.
The authorized person will remove padlocks from the main fill valve and camlock cap.
The delivery truck driver will connect hoses from the truck to the main fill valve.
Authorized personnel will inspect the hose fittings and verify they are properly connected.
Place drip trays where appropriate.
Verify all diesel tank balance line valves are fully open.
Open the main fill valve.
Start the truck’s fuel transfer pump, open the pump suction valve, and monitor the hose connections for fuel leaks
Post a spill watch at the overflow sump during the fuel offloading.
Fuel tanks should not be filled above 90% of the total working volume.
After transferring the fuel, close the pump suction valve and the main fill valve.
Place a bucket below the drain valve and slowly open the valve to discharge the fuel remaining in the fill hoses into the bucket.
Disconnect fuel transfer hoses and stow away; secure the main fill inlet with a camlock cap.
Padlock the main fill valve and camlock cap.
Record the fluid level in the fuel storage tank.
The truck driver and facility operator will sign off the check sheet.
Remove drip trays and allow the delivery truck to proceed away from the area.
Monitor the diesel storage area for 30 minutes after delivery completion to verify fuel spills have not occurred; verify fuel has not been discharged into the secondary containment; if fuel was discharged into the secondary containment notify the facility manager immediately.
Clean the area.
5. Safety/Environmental Requirements
Environmental Education and Awareness
Ensure that all site personnel has a basic level of environmental awareness training. The contractor must submit a proposal for this training to the ECO (Environmental Construction Operations) Plans for approval.
Topics to be covered should include:
What is meant by “environment”?
Why the environment needs to be protected and conserved
How construction activities can impact the environment
What can be done to militate against such impacts?
Awareness of emergency and spills response provisions
Social responsibility during construction, e.g. being considerate to local residents
It is the company’s responsibility to provide no less than 1 hour’s environmental training and to ensure that the team has sufficient understanding to pass this information on to the construction staff.
a) Translators are to be used where necessary.
b) The Engineer/ECO should be on hand to explain more difficult/technical issues and to answer questions.
c) The use of pictures and real-life examples is encouraged as these tend to be more easily remembered.
d) Use of environmental awareness posters on-site.
e) The need for a ‘clean site’ policy also needs to be explained to the construction workers.
Secondary Containment Specifications
Situate all diesel tanks and ancillary equipment within a liquid-tight secondary containment system like a bund.
The risk of diesel escaping the bund and contaminating the environment will be minimized when the following are adhered to:
Dealing with spills
It is a priority to undertake all measures to prevent spills, to ensure that diesel is stored and dispensed according to the specifications discussed above, and to use drip trays when working with diesel.
In the event of a spill, keep a stock of absorbent materials like sand or commercial products on-site to deal with spillages and train staff in their use. Make use of spill kits. Ensure that relevant staff is trained to use spill kits effectively.
Excavate contaminated soil or other contaminated material and place the contaminated material in impermeable bags for responsible disposal at a suitable landfill. Under no circumstances may diesel spills be left or covered. Deal with spills immediately.
If a spill occurs, immediate action should be taken to contain the diesel to prevent it from entering any drains or watercourses. Do not hose the spillage down or use any detergents.
Notify the Environmental Officer appointed to the project of any spill and complete an Environmental Incident Report Sheet.
Fire Extinguishers: Dry chemical powder and foam fire extinguishers are to be placed 5 meters away from the storage tank and to be installed inside industrial-type boxes.
6. Maintenance
Inspect all bunds, tanks, and pipework regularly for signs of damage, at least weekly. To ensure that the bund retains its integrity, repair any defects in the Bund Wall promptly. Deal with damage to diesel tanks immediately.
Any accumulated oil, diesel, debris, or sand must be removed and disposed of in an appropriate manner at a suitable landfill site.
Do not cover the base of the secondary containment area with sand or any other material. This will hide diesel spills and make inspections difficult. Do not undertake any maintenance work involving diesel on unprotected soil; always use a drip tray to contain any spillages.
Risk Assessment
Please refer to the attached document in Appendix B.
Permit and Licensing Requirements
Please refer to the attached Permit to Work in Appendix C.
Drawings, Diagrams, and Maps
Please refer to the attached document in Appendix A.
Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements
Refer to Risk Assessment in Appendix B.
1. Protective and Safety Equipment
All workers involved shall be equipped with adequate PPE as stated below:
a. Safety Helmet with Company Logo
b. Safety Boots
c. High Visibility Vest
d. Safety Goggles
e. Hand Gloves
f. Coveralls
g. Respiratory Mask
h. Safety Harness
2. Information to Personnel
a. Safety Induction
b. Job training
c. Superintendents Notices/Memos
d. Toolbox talks
e. STARRT Card
3. Special Safety Requirements
a. All necessary personal/protective equipment (PPE), as well as harness, be provided.
b. Banksman, wearing distinctive vests, shall be assigned to help operators maneuver their equipment.
c. The equipment operators shall possess the required licenses and certificates.
d. Generated dust shall be controlled by periodic water spraying.
e. The project safety officer is responsible along with the project zone site engineer for ensuring that all operations are carried out with due regard to the safety of all project personnel & property.
f. All working activity shall comply with client safety procedures.
g. First Aid Material.
h. General management of protection/operation hazards is to be observed.
i. In case of working at night, please refer to Method Statement for Night Works
Environment and Quality Issues
1. Precautionary Measures
All precautionary measures shall be briefed to all workers prior to commencing the activity.
2. Disposal Requirements
All waste shall be disposed of as per Environmental Compliance & Management Plan and as per government-approved disposal areas.
3. Quality Assurance Requirements Table
Refer to Project Quality Plan
1. Appendices
Appendix A: Risk Assessment
Appendix B: Permit to Work
Appendix C: Organization Structure
Appendix D: Directional, Information & Warning Signs (Photos)