What is the method statement for electrical conduits and boxes installation?
The method statement of electrical conduits and boxes installation describes the requirements to be followed from the project specifications, quality procedures, and health, safety & environmental standards which establish the defined guidelines for electrical work assessment and responsibilities.
Moreover, this document provides guidelines to check that specified materials are installed and that agreed procedures are implemented during the execution of work.
Table of Contents
- What is the method statement for electrical conduits and boxes installation?
- The Procedure of the Method Statement for Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation
- Health Safety and Environment Control for Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation
- Quality Assurance and Quality Control – Method Statement of Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation
- Attachments in the Documentation for Method Statement of Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation
Electrical System Description
Conduit system shall be used for embedded and exposed conduit system requirements:
- Light and power circuits, fire alarm, telephone, signal, low current, and extra-low current system wiring shall be drawn in conduits unless otherwise indicated.
- Cable insulated for two different categories of circuits shall be segregated.
Irrespective of service, conduit, and fitting used shall be:
- Heavy gauge rigid PVC for embedded service.
- Galvanized steel conduit for surface-mounted exposed service.
- Galvanized steel conduit throughout the circuit, for above false ceilings and in voids.
- Galvanized steel conduit for flameproof and hazardous areas.
- Flexible steel conduit for the terminal box to machine routes.
Project Electrical Specification
Regulations for the installation of electrical wiring, electrical equipment
BS 4607 Non-metallic conduits & fittings for electrical installations rigid PVC conduits
BS 4568 Steel conduits and fittings
Approved material submittals
Approved shop drawings
HSE Health Safety and Environment
QA/QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control
MST Method Statement
RSK Risk Assessment
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
PQP Project Quality Plan
INR Inspection Request
PPE Personnel Protective Equipment
MEP Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing
STARRT Safety Task Analysis Risk Reduction Talk
The Procedure of the Method Statement for Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation
A. Pre-installation
a. All relevant documentation, approved shop drawings, and material applicable to a particular section of works will be checked by Site Engineer prior to the commencement of work.
b. Ensure that the material received is in compliance with the project specifications and is approved.
c. Ensure that all required materials and accessories are delivered, inspected, and approved by the Consultant and are readily available at the site to carry out the work.
d. Prior to the commencement of work, areas, and access will be inspected to confirm that the site is ready to commence the work and coordinated with the related civil contractors.
e. All relevant documentation (including MST and RA are approved, obtain necessary work permits, fill up STARRT cards after completion of daily toolbox talk), approved shop drawings, and material applicable to a particular section of works will be checked by Site Engineer prior to commencement of work. The section of works will be checked by Site Engineer prior to the commencement of work.
f. The Site Engineer/Site Supervisor will give necessary instructions to tradesmen/electricians and provide necessary approved construction/shop drawings.
g. The Site Engineer/Site Foreman will check that proper tools and equipment are available to carry out the work and are in compliance with contract specifications.
h. The Site Engineer will explain to his team about HSE precautions to be observed.
i. The Site Engineer/Foreman ensures the cleanliness of the area.
B. Installation
Conduits and boxes shall be used for light and power circuits, fire alarms, telephone, signal, and other low current system wiring shall be drawn in conduits unless otherwise indicated.
B.1 Installation of rigid PVC Conduit and Boxes
1. Site Supervisor / Foremen will carry out a site survey and mark the route of the conduit as per approved drawings.
2. Run conduit in square, symmetrical lines, parallel to or at right angles to walls and in accordance with the accepted practice.
3. Conduit system shall be mechanically continuous and watertight after installation. All conduit systems shall be arranged wherever possible to be self-draining.
4. Conduit runs between draw-in positions shall conform to governing national regulations regarding no. of bends and lengths of the straight run as specified.
5. Installation shall permit easy drawing in of cables.
6. Keep conduits at least 100 mm from pipes and other non-electrical services.
7. Where conduit runs are to be concealed in the structure or are to pass through floor slabs, the Contractor shall be responsible for marking the accurate positions of all chases and holes on site. The Contractor shall arrange the conduit routing to make maximum use of any preformed conduit holes and slots provided in structural beams. Conduit installation on shear walls shall be kept to a minimum. All routings that were necessary on shear walls shall be agreed upon with the Consultant/Engineer before work is put in hand.
8. Install conduits so as not to interfere with ceiling inserts, lights, or ventilation outlets.
9. Arrange supports to prevent misalignment during wiring installation.
10. Fasten conduit supports to building structure and surfaces as per specification.
11. Route conduit parallel and perpendicular to walls.
12. Maintain adequate clearance between the conduit and piping.
13. Cut conduit square using a saw or pipe cutter; de-burr cut ends.
14. Bring conduit to the shoulder of fittings; fasten securely.
15. Join nonmetallic conduit using cement as recommended by the manufacturer. Wipe nonmetallic conduit dry and clean before joining. Apply a full even coat of cement to the entire area inserted in the fitting. Allow the joint to cure for 20 minutes, minimum.
16. Use conduit hubs or sealing locknuts to fasten conduit to boxes and fittings.
17. Install no more than the equivalent of two 90-degree bends between boxes. Use conduit bodies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. Use a hydraulic one-shot bender to fabricate and factory elbows for bends in metal conduit larger than 2-inch (50-mm) size.
18. Avoid moisture traps; provide a junction box with drain fitting at low points in the conduit system.
19. Provide suitable fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where conduit crosses seismic, control, and expansion joints.
20. Provide suitable pull string in each empty conduit except sleeves and nipples.
21. Use suitable caps to protect the installed conduit against the entrance of dirt and moisture.
22. Provide supports for fittings independently of any false ceiling for sunk and concealed conduit systems.
23. Size conduits, draw-in boxes, and junction boxes in accordance with specifications, approved drawings/standards, and regulations.
24. Swab the whole of the conduit system to remove any loose matter or dirt before cables are pulled in.
25. Where conduits connect to switch boxes draw-in boxes and the like the conduits must have a machined-faced socket screwed onto the end which when tightened is flush with the outside of the box. The conduit is then to be secured to the apparatus by means of a hexagon smooth bore brass bush screwed from the inside of the apparatus into the conduit socket in order to make a sound and tight mechanical joint.
26. All horizontal runs shall be supported at no more than 900 mm. Vertical runs shall be supported at no more than 1200 mm. Where directional changes occur support shall be provided at no more than 150 mm on either side of the bend.
27. Hot bending shall be carried out on all non-metallic conduits. A bending spring of the correct size shall be used in all cases. The heat source shall be provided by a hot air torch. When the conduit is in a pliable state it shall be bent around a suitable former and held in position until the conduit has set. No other method will be approved.
Couplers slip-type bends and spouted fittings shall be made using semi-permanent mastic sealing compounds. Expansion couplers shall be used in surface installations where straight runs exceed 8 meters.
28. Standard junction or adaptable boxes shall be provided at all junctions and at sharp changes of direction in addition to any special positions where they are required on Site. Inspection couplers may be used in long runs to facilitate drawing in cables.
29. Particular care must be taken to ensure that no water is allowed to enter the conduit at any time and all conduits shall be arranged with adequate ventilation and drainage where necessary as directed by the Consultant/Engineer. Inaccessible junction boxes will not be allowed.
30. Only continuous lengths of buried conduit shall be installed between boxes, no joint boxes being allowed in the floor screeds. Conduits crossing expansion joints shall be fitted with couplings of approved manufacture.
31. The ends of conduits laid or set in formwork prior to concreting shall be temporarily sealed off with a coupler and a plug.
32. Fixing to surfaces of walls shall be by means of spacer bar saddles securely fixed by screws. Where conduits are concealed or laid in structural floors they shall be held in position with substantial fixings of make and pattern to be approved by the Engineer.
33. Adaptable boxes shall be manufactured from PVC as previously detailed for conduit boxes and sized to provide sufficient space factor.
34. Weatherproof boxes and accessories shall be used outdoors where agreed on Site by the Consultant/Engineer or where indicated in this Specification or on the Drawings.
35. Conduit shall be installed such as to permit complete rewiring without the need to remove false ceiling or carry out builders’ work.
36. No single conduit serving phase socket outlets lighting points and switches shall contain more than one phase.
37. Wiring shall be carried out on the looping-in system and no joints other than at looping-in points will be allowed.
38. Where the conduit system terminates at any equipment requiring a non-rigid connection a flexible conduit shall be installed of the PVC or PVC sheathed metallic type fully watertight with purpose-made connection adapters.
39. Each flexible connection shall include not less than 400mm length of flexible conduit and a separate earth conductor shall be run within the conduit connected to the earth terminals in the equipment and the fixed conduit run. The flexible conduit shall not be used as an earth continuity conductor.
40. For Runs in Reinforced Concrete Slab:
(a) Obtain approval for placing PVC conduits before pouring concrete
(b) Run conduits in concrete slabs parallel to the main reinforcing steel
(c) Additional openings in finished slabs, where approved, shall be made by drilling, not by breaking
(d) Conduit boxes shall not be nailed to shuttering boards.
41. For Horizontal or Cross Runs:
To be avoided in partitions and side walls.
42. For surface-mounted conduit (including conduit installed above the false ceiling):
(a) Fix with distance spacing saddles to allow conduits to be taken directly into accessories without bends or sets.
43. For concealed conduit:
(a) Fix securely to prevent movement before casting of concrete and screeds, application of plaster, and the like.
(b) Spacing of clips shall not be greater than as follows:
Conduit Size | Spacing |
up to 25 mm | 600 mm |
32-38 mm | 900 mm |
50 mm | 1000 mm |
Rigid Steel Conduit and Fittings
1. Rigid Steel Conduit
Support conduit using coated steel or malleable iron straps, lay-in adjustable hangers, clevis hangers, and split hangers.
Group-related conduits; support using conduit rack. Construct rack using steel channel; provide space on each for 25 percent additional conduits.
Do not support conduit with wire or perforated pipe straps. Remove the wire used for temporary supports.
Do not attach conduit to ceiling support wires.
Arrange conduit to maintain headroom and present a neat appearance.
Route conduit installed above accessible ceilings parallel and perpendicular to walls.
Route the conduit in and under the slab from point to point.
All metallic conduits shall comply with BS 4568 and of Class 4 rigid steel screwed type having an interior and exterior zinc coating of uniform quality and appearance throughout all surfaces.
Conduits shall not be less than 20 mm in diameter size and shall be complete with all necessary threaded fittings, couplings, and connecting devices having galvanized equivalent finish.
Conduits and fittings shall be manufactured especially for electric wiring purposes. When manufactured by a continuous weld process, weld heads both inside and outside the tube shall be completely removed prior to galvanizing.
All conduits and fittings shall be free from rust or other defects on delivery to the site and shall be properly stored in covered racking so that it is protected from mechanical damage and damage by weather and water whilst stored on the site
All conduits shall be coupled to boxes and trunking wires using brass male bushes. All such bushes shall be hexagon-headed, heavy-duty long threaded type.
All conduit expansion couplings used shall be fabricated from material equal or equivalent to that of the conduit with which the coupling is to be used, having factory-installed packing ring and pressure ring to prevent entrance of moisture. All coupling shall be equipped with an earthing ring or earthing conductor.
All conduit runs shall be fixed using spacer bar pattern saddles giving not less than 3 mm clearance between the conduit and the surface to which it is fixed. Saddles shall have a finish to match the conduit and saddle clips shall be secured to the bar by means of brass screws.
2. Metallic Conduit Boxes
Metallic conduit boxes shall be used throughout metallic conduit raceway systems and shall comply with, or be of demonstrated equivalent quality and performance to BS 4568 requirements. All boxes and covers shall be galvanized, zinc plated, or rust-proof finish equivalent to conduit finish
Circular and/or rectangular boxes shall be used for pull boxes and terminating boxes, according to the size and number of conduits connected to the box. Boxes shall be either malleable iron or heavy-duty steel construction with welded joints and tapped holes to receive metal threaded cover retaining screws. Self-tapping screws will not be permitted.
All boxes, other than those to which a fitting or accessory is to be directly mounted shall be fitted with covers screwed to the box by brass screws. Malleable iron covers shall be used with malleable iron boxes and heavy gauge steel covers shall be used with sheet steel boxes
All cover and accessory fixing provisions shall be so positioned that the fixing screws lie completely clear of cable entering the box. All fixing screws shall be of brass (e) all boxes installed in exterior locations, plant rooms, ducts, etc., shall be fitted with approved type gaskets to provide a waterproof seal between the box and cover or other items fitted to the box.
All boxes provided as junction boxes where cable joints are specified or permitted shall be provided with fixed terminal blocks. Such boxes shall be of a suitable size to contain the terminal block and sufficient cable to allow neat connections to be made. The terminal blocks shall be fixed to the box by brass screws and shall comprise brass conductor connectors, with brass clamping screws enclosed in porcelain or other heat-resisting insulation material which will not distort or otherwise have its properties damaged by temperatures below the highest temperature at which the insulation of any cable connected to it is destroyed.
B.2 Installation of Flexible Conduit
a. All conduits must be secured to outlet boxes, junction boxes, or cabinets by placing locknuts on the outside of the box and locknuts and bushings on the inside of the box.
b. Conduits connecting recessed fixtures and their adjacent junction boxes must be flexible metallic conduits 20 mm minimum size and will be of sufficient length to permit the dropping of the fixture below the ceiling and to gain access to the junction box.
c. Conduit to motors will be terminated in the conduit fittings on the motors, the final connection is made with liquid-tight flexible conduit and suitable liquid-tight connectors.
d. Installation of flexible conduits in wet areas shall be used waterproof/weatherproof/tight flexible conduits, if applicable.
B.3 Cleaning (Conduit systems)
The conduit outlets when installed and before wiring shall be temporarily closed by means of wooden plugs, and immediately before cables are drawn in, conduit systems shall be thoroughly swabbed out until they are dry and clean.
B.4 Use of Conduits in Restricted Earth Fault Protection
The 240 Volts A.C. systems supplying the battery charger shall be taken directly from the MV Panel, by individual conduit. The return 30 Volts D.C. system from the battery charger to the MV Panel shall be installed in a separate conduit. Single conduit used for both A.C. and D.C. is not permitted.
B.5 Use of Conduits in Distribution Boards
All distribution boards shall be flush or surface mounted at a height not exceeding 2.20 meters to the top of the distribution board from the finished floor level. All conduits used for final circuits shall terminate directly in this distribution board and not in a trunking section.
B.6 Use of Conduits in Wiring Systems
Wiring installed in buildings (constructed of concrete floors with concrete blocks used for walls, partitions etc.) shall be carried out using P.V.C. cable run in galvanized steel conduit or high-impact rigid P.V.C. conduit concealed within the building fabric.
Prefabricated buildings using concrete wall panels or similar material may be wired using semi-rigid P.V.C. heavy gauge conduit. The jointing of the conduit in the wall to the ceiling or floor slab may be carried out using a length of flexible P.V.C. conduit provided that this length does not exceed 400 mm.
B.7 Use of Conduits in Installation of Sub-main Cables (Above Ground)
Non-sheathed cables shall be protected by enclosure in conduit, duct, or trunking throughout their entire length.
Cables shall be run in a lift (or hoist) shaft unless they form a part of the lift installation.
Cables for lift installation, other than traveling cables, in such a shaft shall be:
Armored, or PVC Insulated In Galvanized Steel Conduit, or M.I.C.C. / P.V.C. Sheathed.
Every cable installed in or on a building shall be supported by one of the methods described below, and supports shall be so arranged that there is no appreciable mechanical strain on any cable termination:
1. For non-sheathed cables, installation in conduit, without fixing of the cables, provided that precautions are taken against undue compression of the insulation at the top of any vertical run exceeding 4 meters in length.
2. For rubber or PVC sheathed cables, installation in conduit, without further fixing of the cables, provided that any vertical runs shall be in a conduit of suitable size and shall not exceed 4 meters in length.
Where cables, conduits, rising main bus bars, ducts or trunking pass through floors, walls, partitions, or ceilings, the surrounding hole shall be made good with cement or similar fire-resisting material to the full thickness of the floor, wall, etc., and space through which fire or smoke might spread shall not be left around the cable, conduit, duct or trunking.
In addition, where cables, conduits, or conducts are installed in channels, ducts, rising main bus bar trunking, or shafts which pass through floors, walls, partitions, or ceilings, suitable internal fire-resisting barriers shall be provided to prevent the spread of fire.
Cables without armor must be installed in rigid P.V.C. ducts or conduits, or alkaline piping of strength sufficient to resist a glancing blow by a spade. Hose piping or piping made of very soft flexible material will not be acceptable.
Types of Conduit
Only galvanized steel or rigid, high-impact, heavy gauge PVC conduit shall be used for any installation where conduit is to be installed.
No conduits of any kind shall be used for wiring within the substation, only M.I.C.C. / P.V.C. sheathed cables shall be used in these locations. P.V.C. and galvanized conduit shall not be mixed on any length of run without the prior approval for the purpose by the governing national standards.
Rigid Metallic Conduit:
The metallic conduit and its accessories shall form a continuous metallic sheath of adequate strength surrounding the cables throughout the length of the conduit.
Metallic conduits shall not be run under the floor tiles of buildings.
The bores of all conduits shall be smooth and free from projections and/or sharp edges that may injure the wires or prevent them from being drawn in. The internal edges of the ends of all lengths of conduit shall be raised or chamfered before assembling into position.
All runs of conduit shall be assembled complete with all necessary accessories and the whole firmly attached to the structure of the building before any wires are drawn in. All wires shall be drawn through the covers of inspection and other fittings installed for the purpose.
All thread, vice marks, tool marks, and breaks in the protective coating on metallic conduit and/or conduit fittings shall be painted with a steel-preserving paint immediately after erection.
No run of conduit shall exceed 10 meters between adjacent draw-in points, nor certain more than two right-angle bends, sets, or other deviations, from the straight line.
Inspection couplings or draw-in boxes shall be used where necessary in straight runs of conduits for draw-in purposes and shall be placed so that cables can be inspected and, if necessary, withdrawn throughout the life of the installation.
Where conduit and or conduit fittings are attached to switches, distribution boards, boxes, or other equipment, smooth-bore male brass brushes and flanged couplings shall be used.
Circular or hexagonal heavy locknuts shall be used at all positions where running joints are required and care shall be taken to see that they seat firmly and evenly into mating faces of couplings or other adjacent accessories.
Where exposed to water, rain, or weather, all covers shall be arranged or fitted with machined joints and or fitted with durable gaskets such that water cannot penetrate.
Except where provision is made for fastening, conduits shall be saddled to the structure of the building within 15 cm of each terminal box, angle box, bend, or other conduits fitting and at intervals, not less than 1.50 meters couplings and through type, drawing boxes shall be counted as part of a straight run of conduit.
Except where provision is made for fastening, conduits shall be saddled to the structure of the building within 15 cm of each terminal angle box, bend, or other conduits fitting and at intervals, not greater than 1.50 meters couplings and trough fitting and at intervals, not greater 15 meters couplings and trough type drawing boxes shall be counted as part of a straight run conduit.
All box bends and other accessories shall be of the same material as the conduit and shall have the same protective coatings. Grey cast iron boxes etc. may be used with metallic conduit but shall be finished in the same manner as the conduit to which they are directly attached.
The number of single core P.V.C. insulated non-sheathed cables run in metallic conduit shall be such as to permit the easy drawing of the cables. The actual number of cables drawn into any conduit shall not go greater than the number given in Table No. 04.
The minimum size of metallic conduits that may be used in electrical installations shall be 20 mm other sizes of conduits shall be limited to the following diameter: 25 mm, 32 mm, 38 mm, and 50 mm.
Galvanized conduit boxes used for all electrical accessories including light switches and socket-outlet shall be fitted with a brass earth terminal.
Rigid Non Metallic Conduits:
The rigid nonmetallic conduit may be employed in general electrical installations provided it is made from polyvinyl chloride or equivalent material that has been certified as suitable for use at ambient temperatures up to 550 C, non-hygroscopic, and self-extinguishing type.
Rigid PVC Conduit Shall Not Be Used in the Following Locations:
1. Where exposed to the outside ambient temperature.
2. Where it may be affected by chemicals to cause determination in its construction.
3. Any part of a hospital installation for lighting and power circuits.
4. Petrol stations and forecourts.
5. The same room as a diesel generator.
6. Plant room, lift motor rooms and lift shafts.
7. Substations.
The inside and outside surfaces or nonmetallic conduits shall be smooth and free from burrs and similar defects. The interior and ends of conduit fittings shall have no sharp edges and corners, and shall be smooth and well-rounded to permit easy drawing in of cable air to prevent any damage to cable insulation.
The entries of nonmetallic conduit fittings shall be so designed that a reliable watertight joint can be made between the conduit and fittings. Vinyl cement shall be used to make all joints. A vinyl solvent shall be used for permanent joints and cement shall be used for expansion couplers.
Rigid nonmetallic conduits shall be so constructed that it is possible to bend the conduit easily with the aid of a bending spring and all conduit and conduit fittings shall be of the unthreaded type.
The minimum size of rigid nonmetallic conduit used for general electrical installations shall be 20 mm Ø. Other sizes of rigid nonmetallic conduits shall be of the following diameters:
25 mm, 32 mm, 38 mm and 50 mm
The number of single-core P.V.C. insulated non–sheathed cables run in one conduit shall be such that it permits easy drawing of the cables. The actual number of cables drawn into any conduit shall not be greater than the number given in Table 04 below:

A separate insulated earth wire shall be drawn into all rigid nonmetallic conduits for each circuit, the cables of which pass through the conduit. Rigid nonmetallic conduits shall be installed generally in accordance with the requirements set out for metallic conduits and shall allow for the longitudinal expansion and contraction of the conduits.
Where a lighting fitting is suspended from a nonmetallic conduit box, care shall be taken to ensure that the temperature of the box does not exceed the permitted safe temperature of the material and is fitted with screwed metal insert clips. The mass suspended from the box shall not exceed 2 Kg.
Electrical conduits that were required to be distinguished from pipelines of other services, shall use orange as the basic identification color.
P.V.C. conduit boxes for all electrical accessories including light switches and socket outlets etc. shall have fitted brass fixing sockets tapped for 3.5 metric threads.
Flexible Conduits:
Flexible conduits may be employed for connecting electrical motors and other equipment subject to adjustment of position and vibration to the fixed wiring.
Flexible conduits may be of the metallic type only. Metallic flexible conduits shall not be used as the sole means of providing earth continuity and a separate earth continuity conductor of appropriate size shall be provided.
In damp and wet locations all flexible conduits shall be of the type that prevents the ingress of water and moisture.
Flexible conduits shall only be run exposed and shall be so positioned that they are not susceptible to mechanical damage. Necessarily flexible conduits shall be adequately supported. The ends of flexible conduits shall be securely anchored to the fixed conduit or equipment to which it is attached by approved flexible conduit adapters that maintain effective mechanical continuity securely in position without distorting it.
The flexible conduit shall not be used as part of the earth conductor. A separate earth conductor shall be installed to comply with the same requirements for rigid conduit installations.
The maximum length of a flexible conduit run shall be 2.50 meters. Where flexible conduit is installed less than 1.50 meters above a floor in a position where it may be easily disturbed or reached, it shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 300 mm, except where terminating at motors or at other equipment which requires a free length of flexible conduit to provide for normal movement.
B.8 Segregation of Circuits
These Types of Circuits Shall Be Divided into the Following Categories:
Category No. 01 Circuits: Circuits other than fire alarm circuits operating at a medium voltage and supplied directly from a mains supply system.
Category No. 02 Circuits: All low and extra low voltage circuits.
Category No. 03 Circuits: Fire alarm circuits.
Category No. 04 Circuits: All telecommunications circuits e.g. radio, telephone, sound distribution, burglar alarm, bell, and call circuits which are not supplied directly from a mains supply system.
Cables of Category No. 01 circuits shall not be drawn into the same conduit, pipe, trunking, duct, or run on the same cable tray, as cable Category No. 02 unless the latter cables are insulated to the same degree for the highest voltage present in the Category No. 01 circuits.
Cables in Category No. 04 circuits relating to their own specific system shall be installed remotely from another in their own conduit, trunking duct, or pipe. Cables in Categories 02, 03, and 04 shall not, in any circumstances be drawn into the same conduit, or duct.
B.9 Suspended False Ceiling Installations
Light fittings shall be supported by one of the following methods:
1. Direct support from the false ceiling framework (Providing the ceiling has been designed to withstand the weight of the light fittings). When using this method it shall be possible to completely withdraw the light fitting from the ceiling without damage to the ceiling or reducing its rigidity.
2. Metal conduit support from the underside of the structural slab. A fluorescent fitting shall have a minimum of two conduit support. Each conduit shall terminate at the fitting by means of a screwed coupling and male brass bush to give leveling adjustment of the fitting.
Wiring to the light fitting shall be run within the conduit system where the loop in principle is used.
Direct to Soffit of Structural Slab
Light fittings shall be secured directly to the conduit box. Where enclosed tungsten light fittings are fixed directly to a P.V.C. high-impact circular conduit box, steel insert clips must be used for the light fittings to the box. The method of using the normal fixing inserts is not approved due to the heat transfer from the fitting to the P.V.C. box. Two conduit box fixings shall be required on fluorescent fittings greater than 600 mm in length.
Fire Alarm Systems
M.I.C.C. /P.V.C. sheathed or any other cables approved by governing national standards only shall be used for fire alarm installations. This applies to push buttons, bells, heat detectors, and smoke detectors associated with the installation. For control panel displays and monitoring, P.V.C. /S.W.A. cable or P.V.C. cable in a galvanized conduit may be used.
Health Safety and Environment Control for Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation
A. HSE Risk Assessment
Please refer to the attached document in Appendix A and to these guidelines.
B. Permit and Licensing Requirements
The required permit to work shall be obtained prior to the commencement of work. This shall be coordinated with HSE.
C. Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements
C.1 Protective and Safety Equipment
All workers involved shall be equipped with adequate PPE as stated below: Safety Helmet with Company Logo
Safety Boots
High Visibility Vest
Safety Goggles
Hand Gloves
High voltage gloves
High voltage Rubber Mat
Proper safety harness
C.2 Information to Personnel
Safety Induction
Job training
Superintendents Notices/Memos
Toolbox talks
C.3 Special Safety Requirements:
All necessary personal/protective equipment (PPE) as well as harness be provided.
Rigging Team, wearing distinctive vests, shall be assigned to help operators maneuver their equipment.
The equipment operators shall possess the required licenses and certificates.
Generated dust shall be controlled by periodic water spraying.
The required permit to work shall be obtained prior to the commencement of work.
The project safety officer is responsible along with the project zone site engineer for ensuring that all operations are carried out with due regard to the safety of all project personnel & property.
Working at height to be monitored with due care.
In case of working at night, please refer to Method Statement for Night Works
Quality Assurance and Quality Control – Method Statement of Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation
A. Quality Assurance Requirements
The contractor shall provide the required documents for the Consultant’s approval prior to initiating the execution of this activity as per the project specification.
The Quality Control requirement shall include related to ITPs and other related documents as applicable.
Refer to Inspection Test Plan (See Attachment B)
Applicable codes and standards are referenced for materials and installation in the method statement for electrical conduits and box installation.
B. Quality Assurance Process
The contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 hours in advance prior to the start of activity and comments from the Site Instruction will be complied with the satisfaction of the consultant.
The contractor shall consult the public utility authorities not less than one month before it is proposed to commence work to ascertain whether any underground installations will be affected by the proposed work, in which event the contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the public utility authorities to safeguard the installation.
C. Follow-up and Evaluation
Follow-up on quality performance shall be carried out through an in-house monitoring system such as progress reporting to the planning department, and daily, weekly, and monthly reports generated by the planning department to closely monitor site performance.
All of the above shall be conducted in close coordination with the quality department to monitor any deviations from the Quality Management System requirement and induce corrective actions whenever required to eliminate non-conformance or quality deviations.
D. Records
Checklists (CL)
Inspection Request (IR)
Other Project related reports.
Attachments in the Documentation for Method Statement of Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation
A. Appendices
Appendix A: HSE Risk Assessment for Installation of Electrical Conduits and Boxes
Appendix B: Inspection and Test Plan for Installation of Electrical Conduits and Boxes
Appendix C: Checklist for Installation of PVC Conduits and Boxes
Appendix D: Checklist for Installation of G.I Conduits and Boxes
Appendix E: Permanent Material Delivered Approval form
tag: Method Statement for Electrical Conduits and Boxes Installation