1. What is the method statement for cathodic protection system installation?
The method statement for cathodic protection system defines the procedure for the installation in compliance with Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), quality, local and international regulations.
Table of Contents
2. Scope
This method statement for cathodic identifies the work general steps, and arrangements involved but not limited to the following:
- Preparation of Equipment & Manpower
- Installation & Testing for Rebar Continuity Test for Critical & Non-critical Structures
- Boss Connectors for Concrete Foundations
- Corrosion Monitoring Probe
- Pre & Post Installation Record
3. Specifications Code and Standards
Works will be in accordance with the following:
Project Specification
BS 7362 Part1
4. Definitions
QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control
HSE : Health, Safety & Environment
ITL : Independent Testing Laboratory
ITP : Inspection and Test Plan
RFI : Request for Inspection
AFC : Approved for Construction
MST : Method Statement
5. Responsibility
The Project / Site Manager shall be responsible for the execution of this procedure and to ensure that works are undertaken in a safe manner, to the requisite quality, and to the agreed timescale. He shall advise and coordinate with other subcontractors pertaining to access and interface requirements related to the cathodic protection works to be undertaken.
QA/QC Manager shall be responsible for the implementation, documentation, and scheduling of all tests and inspections. He shall assign a competent QA/QC inspector to perform/supervise the inspections and tests as mentioned herein.
QA/QC Inspector shall be responsible for all inspection and testing. He shall report all activities to his QA/QC Manager before and after any activity involving QA/QC in the project.
Section Engineer shall be responsible for the site implementation of this procedure including control and safety of the workers. He shall assign a Site Engineer and Cathodic Protection Technicians to oversee daily work progress and safety.
Site Engineer shall be responsible for the activities such as controlling manpower and equipment involved in the assigned activity, controlling personnel to implement a safe working method, and preparing reports of daily activities
Safety Engineer – shall assist Site Engineer with the compliance of safe working methods. He shall assess the hazards in the workplace and formulate remedial actions to eliminate, contain, or reduce them. He shall advise the Construction Manager, Site Engineer, and Discipline supervisors concerning all safety-related matters on the job and has the authority to intervene, including stopping the job if work is being performed in an unsafe way.
He shall ensure that the works must proceed in accordance with it and that works are undertaken in a safe and proper manner and are compliant with good working practices.
Safety Officer shall be responsible for the implementation of safe working practices on site. He is assigned to ensure that all works are in accordance with HSE procedures.
The surveyor shall be responsible for giving an exact elevation and coordinates as per drawings.
Civil Foreman shall be responsible for the site implementation of civil works as per approved drawings. He shall supervise the gang leaders and skilled workers to complete the job in a proper manner with full control of safety precautions and practices.
Technician/welder – He shall ensure installation as per the approved procedures and drawings and record the required tests.
Labor/Helper shall be executing any activities assigned to him on site, (i.e. assist safety, surveyor, etc.) and should follow instructions from his supervisor.
6. List of Requirements for Execution
6.1. Work Permit (General Activities/Hot Work Activities)
Before the start of each day’s operation, all necessary permits will be obtained.
Permit to Work document must be updated and approved prior to proceeding on a particular activity.
6.2. Equipment Inspection and Personnel Training (General Activities)
Equipment will have its own inspection sticker and shall be inspected and approved before use.
Personnel shall have safety induction and be trained prior to site mobilization.
6.3. Manpower List
Construction Manager
Section Engineer
Safety Officer
Civil Foremen
6.4. Equipment & Tools
Hand tools for this activity
Potential multimeter
Crimping tool
Power Drill
Welding equipment
7. Procedure
7.1. Rebar Continuity Test
The basic criteria are to measure resistance at each location and between locations.
Test conducted by a precision ohmmeter, all instruments are to be checked, calibrated, certified, and approved prior to use.
Identify the locations and assign test location identifications.
Clean the rebar to a metal finish with wire mesh.

Check continuity between rebars at different locations and between locations and with terminals reversed and record resistance values.
Any rebars failing the below criteria will be made continuous by means of continuity connections and continuity of each rebar in a single structure will be achieved.
The maximum allowable value shall be 1 ohm, any value more than 1 ohm shall be repaired.
Also fluctuating resistance values are treated as failed and to be repaired as above.
All the data obtained will be recorded in the attached format.
7.2. Installation of Boss Connectors
Based on the structure design, locations shall be identified and the reinforcement of the structure shall be bonded to achieve electrical continuity and negative connection for future cathodic protection.
All reinforcing steel embedded in concrete shall be made electrically continuous during construction. The following sections explain the steps to be followed in achieving continuity and monitoring measures.
7.2.1. Critical Structures:
In structures classifieds as critical structures the continuity shall be established between rebars embedded above and below ground concrete using galvanized steel wires, wrapped around and tied by GI Tie wires wrapping around 5 times to the horizontal/vertical rebars.
7.2.2. Non-Critical Structures:
For structures classifieds as non-critical structures, the continuity shall be achieved by means of rebar-to-rebar contact by using GI wires used for normal reinforcement steelwork.
The connection of boss to the vertical rebars of the column shall be tack welded.
8. Bonding Procedure
Continuity wire shall be connected between the horizontal rebars, as each vertical rebar is tied to each of the horizontal rebars by means of tie wire and horizontal rebar travels maximum spread compared to the vertical rebar.
The following steps shall be followed to achieve electrical continuity:
8.1. Structural Continuity Bonding in Critical Structures
Identify the location for continuity bonding and negative connection.
Cut the required length of the 6 mm2 galvanized steel wire.
Fix the wire to the bottom horizontal rebars by means of GI tie wire used for normal rebars and wrapped around 5 times in both directions.
The above shall be repeated with all the horizontal rebars in one location with a single length of wire.
Check the installation by pulling and also check the continuity of the joints.
8.2. Structural Negative Connection Point (Boss Terminal)
Structure negative bonding shall be achieved by connecting individual negative feeder cables to the boss connection. The boss connection shall be fixed to the rebar by either directly fixing with suitable C crimps or galvanized tie wire crimped to the boss and other end crimped to the structure rebar.
Location of boss connections shall be installed a minimum of one each for 64 m2 concrete surface area.
One each boss connection shall be provided for a foundation smaller than 64 m2.
Check the continuity and confirm the effectiveness of bonding by measuring the resistance at each location as per the procedure.
8.3. Post Installation Checks
Visual inspection of the installation.
Rebar and boss connections and results shall be recorded in the test format given in the procedure.
9. Quality Control
Site management, Site Engineer, QA/QC inspector, and safety officer will closely supervise and monitor all phases of work to ensure full compliance with the procedures and safe methods of working.
Inspection, tests, and recordings shall be carried out in accordance with the approved procedures and in accordance with the project specification.
A Request for Inspection will be issued for the final inspection.
Unless otherwise shown on the Engineering drawings, items shall be installed in accordance with Project Standard Drawings.
Continuity shall be checked and the results shall be recorded before and after concrete pouring.
Vertical rebars and spiral rebars shall also be connected with wire rope and GI tie wire wrapped around 5 times.
10. Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)
10.1. Compliance
All works shall be in compliance with the local laws and regulations and international standards, codes, and HSE requirements.
The contractor shall comply with this electrical method statement, Job Safety Analysis (JSA), and will follow good practice as per legislation.
A STARRT meeting with the working crew shall be complied with prior to the commencement of work.
All persons shall wear personal protective equipment (PPE), e.g. safety helmets, safety glasses, coverall, safety shoes, hand gloves, etc. shall be provided within the site, PPE must be of the approved type.
Any incident/injury/near miss will be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities.
All works should adhere to the enclosed Job Safety Analysis (JSA). JSA will be discussed daily with the crew to familiarize everybody with safe work procedures.
In case of injury and/or illness, notification will have corresponded.
The contractor and his subcontractor’s site engineer ensure that his team follows safety rules and regulations. He will also initiate the daily toolbox meeting and maintain records of periodic and monthly inspection records.
Waste dumping will be as per guidelines.
All mobile plant generators and machines will have drip trays open underneath, properly grounded, and fire extinguishers available.
All power tools and any lifting equipment available are to be color-coded as per the procedure.
10.2. Protective Measures
The contractor shall ensure that their own personnel is trained in: Health, Safety & Environmental Requirements and Regulations, Potential Risks and Impacts, Protection Measures, PPE Usage, Sanitation & Hygiene, and Emergency Response Plan (ERP).
Sufficient shaded areas and drinking water to be provided to the workforce, in extremely hot weather, and working hours should follow those advised by government decree.
In severe sandstorms, all work is to be suspended.
In addition, all employees and subcontractor employees on site shall have training through Safety Induction for site safety, health, environment, and security prior to mobilization to work activities. Other training courses will be attended as required.
10.3. Plant & Equipment Control
All drivers and operators shall be competent persons and must have a valid driver’s license and 3rd Party Certification and Competency Certificates where appropriate.
All the traffic rules set shall be strictly obeyed.
Vehicle/equipment speed limit as per regulations on the site.
No overtaking on site unless the other vehicle is in a stationary position.
Plants and equipment to be fully licensed and regularly serviced and inspected also must have third-party certificates.
Any accident/injury/near miss will be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities.
The contractor shall comply with this method statement and shall follow rules and guidelines as set out in the approved HSE plan.
The contractor shall ensure that their own and his subcontractor and personnel are educated and trained in Health, Safety & Environmental Requirements and Regulations.
10.4. Access to Site
The contractor and his subcontractors will strictly follow the approved procedures for site access of all plants, equipment, and operatives.
11. Attachments
Data Sheets for Cathodic Protection
Job Safety Analysis
tag: Method Statement for Cathodic Protection Installation