The Method Statement of Lifting Activity ensures that lifting, moving, and shifting materials at the project site are covered by a Safe System of Work. This is the best way to demonstrate that the risk associated has been carefully considered and appropriate controls have been implemented.
The health and safety of the activity it pertains to depend on this method statement. Any deviations or adjustments must first be approved by the site supervisor. It has to be followed and adhered to.
Table of Contents
The acts of “Lifting, Moving, and Shifting Material at Sites” fall under the scope of this method of statement. This method of the statement shall comply with the local authority’s regulations.
The person ultimately responsible for the works’ process implementation is the project manager, site engineer, or foreman. The Project Manager, Site Engineer, & Foreman will be accountable for all construction and MEP operations at the job site and will personally oversee and monitor the activity at the site through an erection supervisor and skilled workers.
All project activities will be subject to inspection and testing, which will be organized and overseen by the worksite engineer. Additionally, it is the duty of every employee assigned to a particular task within the project to use extreme caution to ensure both their own safety and the safety of their coworkers.
Health and Safety Risks
Before beginning any work, the team must verify that all involved workers are aware of the manufacturer’s, client’s, and consultant’s health and safety requirements for handling and using the materials.
Below are the general safety recommendations:
Make sure the workspace is tidy and safe.
Every employee must use safe working procedures.
Wear safety gear at all times, including a helmet, safety shoes, coveralls, gloves, goggles, and a face mask if needed.
Extra care must be used when using tools at a high level to prevent falling. The proper safety harness must be used and attached working when working at a high height.
Make sure there is enough lighting available for all installation and testing phases.
Any accident should be reported, no matter how minor, to the on-duty safety officer.
When installing any electrical equipment, a panel, cable, wires, or accessories, make sure to secure the necessary electrical isolation permits.
Pre-Lift Tasks Initiatives
For the tower crane, mobile crane, and trailer to stand, a level place will be prepared. Before putting the mobile crane and trailer at the entrance area and the location of its work, existing underground services and the state of the ground will be taken into consideration.
The HSE Officer is in charge of making sure that the plant checklist is completed and that copies of all pertinent paperwork are attached to this lifting plan before standing and rigging the crane on the project site.
The crane will be shut down, the lifting operation canceled, and the main contractor will be notified right away if any non-conformance or fault is discovered.
Before the lifting operations and other parties participate in the activity, the lifting plan will get a toolbox talk.
To make sure that no unauthorized employees may access admittance to the lifting area, the lifting area will be marked “Authorized Personnel Only,” specified, and signage will be placed.
Material Lifting Procedure Using Mobile Crane Equipment
The leading contractor will coordinate the use of a suitable mobile crane to dump and position equipment from the trailer after it has been transported to the job site. Before beginning the lifting and unloading work, a specified earth-balanced region will be located, chosen, and cleared. This will allow the mobile crane and trailer to be positioned there.
Under the outriggers will be placed outrigger mats or other suitable wood. The crane will be leveled and the hydraulic outriggers will be extended over matting. The boom of the crane will be extended and telescoped to the desired length.

The Automatic Safe Load Indicator, or “ASLI,” will be thoroughly examined to ensure that it is operating properly.
The manufacturer’s instructions, which will always be strictly followed, will be followed in rigging order. Only one piece of machinery should be raised at once.
From the crane’s hook point and hook block, the stingers or banksman will attach a chain sling. The bank employee will use tools and a chain sling hook to attach two numbers of web slings.
To stop the load from swaying, the helpers will fasten guide ropes or tag lines. The lift will begin to the required position under the close supervision of the Banksman once the banksman / slinger has determined that the load is level.
The crane operator must always be able to see the banker. If the crane operator cannot see the banker, he or she must immediately halt the lift. The crane movements and lifting operation will be controlled by one certified banksman/signaler, and other staff members’ hand signals are not allowed and must be disregarded.
Make sure the area where the load will be offloaded is clear before setting it down. All employees and/or guests must always keep a safe distance from the load until it is at waist level. To stop the load from swinging, proper tag lines must be employed.
The load and the crane operator will keep the slinger where they are, in a safe posture. The signals will all be distinct and audible. Lift clear, release go of the lifting tackle, and repeat as necessary. After lifting activities are finished, all lifting machinery and equipment must be removed securely and stored appropriately.
Procedure for Material Lifting with a Forklift Truck
The forklift’s route’s Safe Access and Egress (SAE) will be decided. Access will be clean and well-maintained, with no impediments. A safe working load capacity to lift off should be listed on the forklift used for the task. The lifting material will be securely tied up in the proper manner and placed on a pallet.
Only with the banksman’s guidance can the forklift operator start moving the forklift to the pickup spot. All personnel involved in the job activity must be able to understand and follow signals that are both clear and accurate.
No other staff members are to provide direction or instruction to the forklift vehicle operator; only the designated competent and responsible Banksman shall be the source of instruction.
The forklift truck driver and the load will keep the bank teller in a safe, clearly visible location at all times. The banksman will give obvious and clear signals at each turn. The forks on the forklift truck will be adjusted to provide the load being lifted with the most support possible. With the banksman’s assistance, the forklift driver will place the forks beneath the load.
To ensure that the load is level, the load will be raised until the forks can support its weight without lifting it off the ground. The lift will begin to the desired position under the close supervision of the banksman once the forklift operator has confirmed that the material being lifted or shifted is correctly level.
To guarantee the greatest stability of the load being moved, the forks of the forklift vehicle will be slanted backwards during all load and or material handling/shifting operations.
The cargo will then be carefully transferred to the designated position, such as a plant room or plinth, under the banksman’s watchful supervision. To prevent unauthorized individuals or visitors from entering the loading/work area, safety cones and barrier tape will be put in place.
The load, material, or other items will be raised to the plinth or other location’s height, moved gently forward, and brought into position for the final placement under the strict supervision of the banker. The forks will be released once the cargo has been placed in the predetermined and allotted location.
Before the load is set down to the final position, shock absorbers and/or supports must be installed if necessary under the equipment. While the forklift is in use, the responsible supervisors will work with the banker to determine the final positioning of the equipment.
tag#: method statement of lifting activity