What is the Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation?
This Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation defines the sequence and describes the control procedures to be followed including the Commissioning and Dismantling.
The complete template of the Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation along with the related attachments can be downloaded here.
This Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation can be converted into a template that can be used as part of the submission for QA documentation particularly of tower crane utilization in construction projects.
Table of Contents
- What is the Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation?
- I. Description of Works
- II. Resources
- III. Materials
- IV. Quality Control
- V. Methodology for the Installation, Commissioning, and Dismantling of Tower Crane
- VI. Risk Assessment
- VII. Permit and Licensing Requirements
- VIII. Drawings, Diagrams, Maps, and Survey Data
- IX. Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements
- X. Supervision and Monitoring Arrangements
- XI. Environment and Quality Issues
- XII. Attachments
I. Description of Works
1. Introduction
This Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation defines the sequence and describes the control procedures to be followed including, Commissioning and Dismantling for the construction project.
2. Definitions
PM Project Management
SC Supervising Consultant
SE Site Engineer
QC Quality Control Engineer
SF Site Foreman
PM Project Manager
HSE Manager Health, Safety & Environmental Manager
HSE Officer Health, Safety & Environmental Officer
MC Main Contractor
PS Project Specifications
CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan
QCP Quality Control Plan
HSE Plan Health, Safety, and Environment Plan
PFE Plant Field Engineer
PMV Plant, Machinery, and Vehicle
STCE Senior Tower Crane Engineer
3. Reference
Project Specification
HSE Plan
General Lifting Plan
Method Statement for Concrete Works
Installation & Testing of Earthing, Bonding & Lightning Protection
Testing & Commissioning for Earthing Bonding
Earthing Bonding and Lightning Protection System,
Earthing Cables
BS 7121; Code of Practice for Safe Use of Crane
Equipment Manufacturer Manual
PMV Operating Manual
Technical Data Sheets
Structural Design Report- Tower Crane
Formwork Design
Tower Crane Isolated Foundation Reinforcement Approved Shop Drawing
Prequalification for Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Tower Crane
See Also: Method Statement for Civil Engineering
4. Responsibilities
1. Project Manager Responsible to arrange the calculation of foundation design and the execution of all ground preparation, and providing consultant approval for the foundation.
2. Logistic Manager Coordinate with all project teams to ensure the safe protection of working areas, and arrange a clear route for removing parts, and all related permits are obtained.
3. Plant Manager Verify the overall readiness and perfection of the erection, commissioning, and dismantling process.
4. Senior Tower Crane Engineer
Shall be present throughout the installation, commissioning, and dismantling process of the Tower Crane.
5. Tower Crane Supervisor
Undertakes full responsibility for the whole process of erection, commissioning, and dismantling.
The Supervisor shall be well trained and have a certificate showing that he has had formal training in the safe erection of Tower Cranes.
The supervisor will check that the crane components are complete and free from any damages that may have occurred during delivery.
The supervisor has overall charge and if he is not happy with any part of the operation be it wind, balance, power, stoppages, etc. he will stop the Work.
The supervisor’s main duties are to make sure the Work is carried out in accordance with the Manufacturer’s Instructions, Site Safety Plan, and Safety Regulations.
6. Plant Safety Officer Ensures that the company safety procedures are applied accordingly and properly. He shall respond to any emergency that may occur.
7. HSE Manager
Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Manager generally plans, coordinates, and implements issues and directives within the organization. They ensure safe environmental working conditions for all employees.
8. HSE Engineer Ensure enforcement of safety procedures in accordance with the approved HSE Plan.
Will be closely monitoring the site engineer’s strict implementation of the Method Statement and Risk Assessment, the use of proper tools and equipment to maintain safety, certifications of equipment and their adherence to safety regulations, reporting of any unsafe work, or stopping work that does not comply with ES&H procedures.
9. Plant Erection Foreman
Executes and ensures that the process of climbing, dismantling, erection, and commissioning are properly executed based on the safety rules of operation and as per manufacturer procedure.
10. Plant Field Engineer Coordinate with the Project Manager and Technical Department for the location and dimensions of the Tower Crane Foundation prior to the installation of the Tower Crane.
11. Erectors/Technician
The Erectors shall be competent and have the necessary documentation showing that they have had formal training in the safe erection of Tower Cranes and provide certificates.
12. Crane Operator Operators should know the machine well. The operator must understand its functions and limitations as well as its particular operating characteristics.
Having a thorough knowledge of the information contained in the crane’s operating manual.
Being familiar with the crane’s load chart. The operator must understand the correct meaning of all notes and warnings and be able to calculate or determine the crane’s actual net capacity for every possible configuration of the machine.
Inspecting and maintaining the crane regularly as prescribed by both the owner and manufacturer.
Being aware of any site conditions that could affect the crane operation. Be particularly cautious around powerlines. The operator must refuse to operate if the crane, hoist rope, or load will come closer to a powerline than the absolute limit of approach specified in law.
13. Rigger
The rigger assists in the movement of heavy equipment and loads to be lifted. A rigger set ups machinery and secures it in place and signal or verbally direct workers engaged in hoisting and moving loads, in order to ensure the safety of workers and materials.
14. Appointed Person
Responsible for the organization and control of lifting operations. Assessment of lifting operations to provide such planning, selection of cranes, lifting accessories and equipment, instruction, and supervision as is necessary for the tasks to be undertaken safely. This will include liaison with the site crane team and may include consultation with Select Plant Technical Department.
Producing, reviewing, and updating the Lifting Operations Plan. Ensuring that the certification for all Crane Operators and slinger/signalers is valid.
5. Interfacing with Other Operations
Excavation Works
Concrete Works
6. Duration, Phasing with the Subcontractors
The duration of erection for each Tower Crane shall be completed within 7 working days excluding the construction of the foundation.
7. List of Subcontractors
Main Contractor -xxxxxx
Subcontractor – xxxxxxxx
II. Resources
Plant and Equipment
Description | No. of Units | Application |
70t Mobile Crane or Equivalent | 1 | Lifting for Assembly |
450t Mobile Crane or Equivalent | 1 | Lifting for Erection |
Concrete Transit Mixer and | As per site requirement | Concreting |
Accessories | ||
Concrete Pump | 1 | Concreting |
Air Compressor | 1 | Cleaning |
Concrete Vibrator | As per site requirement | Concreting |
Flatbed Lorries | As needed | Transporting of Crane Components |
Generator 200 KVA | 1 for each Tower Crane | Power Supply |
Portable Radio | 3 for each Tower Crane | Communication |
Note: The size, capacity, and model of the Mobile Crane along with its Certificates shall be updated on the day of the erection.

- Work Force
Designation | No. of Persons |
Temporary Works Manager | 1 |
Site Engineer | 1 |
Senior Tower Crane Engineer | 1 |
Tower Crane Supervisor | 1 |
Plant Field Engineer | 1 |
Land Surveyor | 1 |
Survey Aide | 2 |
HSE Engineer | 1 |
First Aider | 5 |
Mason | 10 |
Steel Fixers | 10 |
Carpenter | 10 |
Erectors/Technician | As per the site requirement |
Equipment Operator | 1 for each Equipment |
Rigger | 2 for each Crane |
Banksman | 1 for each Equipment |
- Light Tools
Description | No. of Units | Application |
Hand Tools | As per site requirement | For Construction |
Power Tools | As per site requirement | For Construction |
III. Materials
Concrete 40 MPa (refer to Structural Design Report- Tower Crane)
Steel Reinforcement, fy=500 MPa (refer to Structural Design Report- Tower Crane)
RMD Formworks
Safety Barriers
4 x 1000W Metal Halide
Single Core Cables, w/ Stranded Circular Copper, 2 x 95 mm²
Four Core Cables, w/ Stranded Copper Conductors, 300 mm²
Earth Rod and Pit
250A Isolating Switch
Main Panel Board
Diesel Generator Set (CAT DE220EO, 200 kVA 160 kW, 415/240 V, 50Hz)
IV. Quality Control
IV.1 Accessibility, Equipment Handling, and Work Area
A. Conduct Routine Checks
- Routine pre-operational equipment checks are carried out in accordance with the checklist provided for the crane.
- The service log book for the equipment is checked to ensure all service requirements have been met and action is taken as required.
- Prior to operation, equipment and site area are visually checked for any evidence of damage, structural weakness, or interference and any faults must be reported to an authorized person for corrective action.
B. Plan Work
- A workplace operations plan is developed in consultation with the relevant authorized workplace personnel. The plan takes into account job requirements, priorities, workplace rules, and procedures, identified hazards, and hazard control measures.
Plans for emergency procedures take into account the location of first aid and firefighting equipment, amenities, and access/egress points in the workplace. - Work method statement, risk assessment, and design of foundation for Tower
- Crane shall be submitted to the client for approval and shall be implemented before the commencement of the erection or dismantling of equipment.
- Precautions are taken to accommodate the effects of weather conditions in accordance with the appropriate standard. This includes, where necessary, deciding to abort crane operation where weather conditions exceed acceptable limits.
- The operations plan ensures that the work area is correctly illuminated.
- Ensure all operators are competent and medically fit for the work.
- The rig’s load chart is located and information on permissible loads, radii, weights, and jib configurations noted and taken into account in operational plans and shall be prominently displayed in the Tower Crane.
- Instruction manuals will be provided for the operators and maintenance persons.
- The signals and signaling systems to be used are confirmed with associated personnel in accordance with the appropriate standard. A suitable means of radio communication will be used to ensure operators and slingers communicate. Signal strength, frequency, durability, charging, battery capacity, and language barriers as a minimum are secured.
- Persons directing crane movements will be easily identifiable.
- The use of safety tags on electrical switches/isolators (where relevant) is noted and correct hazard control procedures are developed in consultation with authorized personnel.
- Each and every Tower Crane unit shall have aviation warning lights installed at the top and in proper working condition in accordance with the appropriate standard.
Operator’s cabs will be installed with suitable AC to satisfy the demands of the peak temperature. - All Tower Cranes must be protected at the base with a lockable hoarding to prevent unauthorized access.
- All exposed moving parts of the Tower Crane such as gears, pulleys, belts, chains, shafts, flywheels, etc. which might constitute a hazard (e.g. entanglement resulting in the crush, nip, or pinch injuries) under normal operating conditions must be effectively guarded.
- Electrical components must be well bonded to the crane’s structure which in turn is connected to an effective earthing. In addition, electrical equipment and connectors must be weatherproof.
- Tower Cranes will have lighting installed on the jib to enhance the lux levels for persons working in the slew area.
- An anti-collision device will be installed for Tower Crane wherever needed or applicable. This system will first warn the operator and then cuts off movements when approaching a dangerous area (fixed obstacles or other cranes). This system has a “Follow up” principle meaning that speeds are calculated permanently and movements will be cut off only if there is a collision risk. If not, cranes will move further safely without decreasing job site productivity.
C. Check Controls, Lifting Gear, and Switches
- The equipment is started in accordance with equipment procedures and checks are made for any abnormal noise or movement. Any abnormal operation shall be reported to an authorized person for corrective action.
- The operating and emergency controls and safety devices are located and identified and their correct operation must be tested in accordance with prescribed procedures.
- All communication equipment, lighting, and alarm systems are checked prior to operation.
- Defective controls, communication equipment, safety devices, lighting, or alarms shall be reported to authorized personnel for corrective action and the defects must be entered into the crane’s service logbook.
- The operating radii of the crane for planned operations must be verified and measured taking into account the estimated increase in radius due to boom deflection. The boom is slewed at the planned radii to check that there are no unanticipated complications or obstructions.
- Slings and lifting gear are checked. Defective slings or lighting gear are identified and segregated and shall be reported to an authorized person for disposal or repair/replacement in accordance with the appropriate standard.
- All Tower Cranes must be fitted with Limiting Switches which eliminates the possibility of crane overloading of crane components and ensure regular inspection and scheduled calibration is carried out.
- Hook Height Limit Switch
- Luffing Jib Limit Switcher (if applicable)
- Trolley Travel Limit Switch
- Overload Limit Switch
- Installed inside the cab, the VISU 2 display gives useful information like the load under the hook, the load moment, the radius, the hook height, and the wind speed. Slow-down limiters and limit switchers are also displayed.
- Once the crane operator hoists up the load, he knows immediately what is the maximum authorized radius for this particular load.
D. Equipment Shut Down
- The equipment is shut down using the correct sequence of procedures in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructional manual.
- Routine post-operational equipment checks are carried out in accordance with the checklist provided for the equipment.
- The relevant motion locks and brakes shall be applied.
All lifting equipment is checked in consultation with associated personnel for any signs of wear or damage and shall be reported to an authorized person for any corrective action. - All defective equipment is segregated and shall be reported to an authorized person for corrective action and/or replacement.
- The equipment is correctly stowed and secured in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the appropriate standard.
E. Maintenance
- Equipment maintenance shall be conducted on a regular basis in accordance with Manufacturer’s Instruction manual.
- Only original spare parts and acceptable materials based on Manufacturer’s Instructional and spare parts manual specification will be used as replacements for malfunctioning or damaged equipment parts.
- All equipment maintenance shall be recorded and a maintenance checklist shall be provided in each equipment servicing.
IV.2 Pre-Operation Proper
- Secure Load
- The weight of the load is correctly estimated in consultation with associated personnel.
- The sling configuration and choice of lifting gear are checked in consultation with associated personnel to ensure:
- They are appropriate for safe operation.
– They will not damage the load. - They satisfy the requirements of the appropriate standard.
- They are appropriate for safe operation.
- Corrective action is taken if required.
- The use of packing or dunnage to protect the load or to facilitate the connection of lifting gear is checked for correct application in consultation with associated personnel.
- Conduct Trial Lift
- A trial lifts, particularly for near-capacity loads or loads of unusual weight distribution or shape, is carried out according to workplace procedures.
- With the load just suspended off the lifting plane, checks are made in consultation with associated personnel that:
- The load is correctly slung.
- All crane equipment is functioning properly.
- Hydraulic or pneumatic systems (where relevant) are at the required operating pressure.
- Where a trial lift reveals an unacceptable operational situation, the load is lowered and appropriate corrective action must be taken.
- Where load-measuring devices are fitted, the estimated weight is verified and load/radius calculations are revised as required.
C. Transfer Load
- The load is hoisted and lowered into position using all relevant crane movements in accordance with the appropriate standards.
- Boom/jib is positioned to ensure the load to be lifted is plumbed under the hook.
- Each load is assessed in consultation with associated personnel for the need for a tag hand line. Where control of the load is critical, a decision is made to attach a suitable tagline.
- All required signals are correctly given and interpreted in accordance with the appropriate standard.
- Planned hazard control strategies are implemented.
- Usage of 2-way radio system will be used by the equipment operator and designated rigger to have clear communication, especially in transferring the load.
D. Certification
1. Pre-Operation Inspection
- To ensure the safe usage of equipment, a thorough inspection shall be conducted by a third party after each and every equipment installation and every major configuration done on the equipment.
- A qualified Third Party inspector to conduct a thorough inspection of each supplied piece of equipment.
- To ensure safety in operation, each piece of equipment shall only be operated by qualified, trained, and certified operators.
- A qualified Third Party inspector to conduct a thorough assessment and certification of each equipment operator.
E. Operator Rescue
- In the event of the operator is injured or in a medical crisis and needs immediate evacuation from the Tower Crane, the following action will be taken by the emergency rescue team.
- The Tower Crane took out of service.
- The slew brake is applied and the rescue operative establishes that the crane is safe.
- The crane operator’s 2-way radio for emergency contact purposes may have to be used.
- The rescue operatives will raise the alarm by contacting the Site Manager and any other designated personnel to deploy a casualty Supervisor/Manager in order to assist when the casualty has been lowered to a safe area.
- The rescue team will climb the Tower Crane.
- A rescue operative will assess and inform the status of the casualty and if required request that the Site Manager contacts the emergency services.
- The emergency services will be informed of the facts of the casualty condition and the exact location of the rescue must be given including the height of the crane and clear access to the base of the crane.
- The rescuers’ operatives will commence setting up the rescue equipment.
- Once the crane operator to be rescued has been recovered from the cab they will generally be moved to the back jib of the crane from which they can be lowered to ground level.
- The rescue harness will be fitted to the casualty and the rescue operatives will deploy the rescue device and clip the rescue line to the casualty.
- The casualty will then be raised sufficiently to allow the casualty to be placed over the guardrail.
The rescue device which is locked off at the time will be released and operated to allow the casualty to be lowered to the ground or lower level in a controlled manner. - While the casualty is being lowered to the ground, a rescue operative will descend from the crane and will position himself at the landing point to help with casualty management (e.g. covering and supervising possible suspension trauma).
- Once the rescue is complete, all equipment will be removed from the crane by the rescue operative.
V. Methodology for the Installation, Commissioning, and Dismantling of Tower Crane
- The work methodology shall be read in conjunction with the approved General Lifting Plan, ref. no.: xxxxxxx. This document will be updated to document the mitigation and controls required for managing the additional risk created by the large volume of Tower Cranes.
- All requirements of Project Specifications and specifically BS 7121 (all parts) “Code of Practice for Safe Use of Cranes” will be implemented.
- All requirements of electrical installations including Project Specifications and BS 7681 will be complied with and supported by layout drawings, cable loading calculations, and suitable means of isolation, access control, and ingress protection.
V.1 Installation and Erection Preparation
V.1.1 Free Standing Ground Preparation
1) Complete Study of Soil Bearing in the location of the Tower Crane should be made before making any calculation of the foundation of the Tower Crane.
2) The P.F.E. shall coordinate with the Project Manager and Technical Department for the location and dimensions of the Tower Crane foundation prior to the installation of the Tower Crane.
3) Check with the technical team for the shop drawing required for positioning of erection lug as a prerequisite to the Tower Crane dismantling position in the future time.
4) Assess the size of the Mobile Crane required for the erection, this assessment must be carried out in conjunction with the Mobile Crane supplier and HSE Manager taking loads of each crane component as supplied by the crane manufacturer.
5) Visually check of Tower Crane sections/components for any damage when delivered to the site.
6) Coordinate with Site and Safety Engineer for the installation of the required scaffold for the protection of the erection crew (if required).
7) Coordinate with the Site Engineer for the required support tagging for the initial section prior to foundation concreting (if required).
8) Verify with the Site Engineer for the strength and readiness of concrete curing before proceeding to the erection of the unit.
9) Before proceeding to erection ensure that the following important points are completed:
- All safety barriers are in place and a competitive technician is present during the process.
- The stability of ground base foundation is safe enough to carry the load.
- Designated Mobile Crane can carry the given load with at least 50% extra safety factor.
- All communication equipment is in operating condition and all users are well-oriented on its function.
- Operators and riggers are familiarized with all operative functions and have enough confidence to erect the crane.
- Prior to starting the erection, necessary work permits shall be obtained.
- All Tower Crane components shall be approved prior to the erection.
V.2 Erection Procedures
Consider the position of the Mobile Crane based on the weight of the load to be lifted, the center of gravity, and the maximum height of the components before the execution of erection.
V.2.1 Prelude to Erection (Free-Standing Crane)
Never start erection if wind speed exceeds 35 km/hr based on the installed anemometer and from the Airport weather report, safety must be provided wind speed.
1) Prepare and lift the specified load with the use of a Mobile Crane as per the manufacturer’s
instruction. Ensure to obtain the proper balance of all the loads to be lifted while executing the erection process.
2) All certificates for Mobile Cranes and lifting shackles will be made available during the erection process.
3) Prevailing wind conditions will be assessed prior to and during the critical phases of erection. An erection will be ceased in case wind speed is in excess of 35 km/h or as per the crane manufacturer’s recommendation. All personnel shall liaise with the safety officer on site in this regard.
4) Designate the crew to different vital positions while doing the erection.
5) Lift the entire Tower Crane safely, ensuring that there is no vertical stocking on all levels at all times.
6) Bound the area of erection using safety tapes and signs to point to the ongoing operation.
7) Evacuate the erection area from all non-related men. Ensure that no one enters the safety zone.
8) Ensure that the erection crew is equipped with all required safety gear.
9) Familiarize the erection crew with the weight as well as the center of gravity of each component according to the manufacturer’s safety requirements.
10) Ensure that manufacturer safety requirement in regard to cranes working in overlapping areas has been taken into consideration.
11) Ensure that a rigging study is done in advance for all the heavy lifts considering the risk assessment in erection and commissioning.
12) Ensure that the Tower Crane operator, lifting gears, and riggers used in the erection process do have valid Third Party Certificates.
13) Keep in mind future erection, commissioning, and dismantling requirements in regard to marking the location of the center of gravity for different components.
14) Pay enough attention to locking and splitting pins.
15) In case of suspicion in any regard, never proceed without inquiry for clarification from the Plant Manager so as to avoid any accident or work failure.
16) Take care of electrical shocks/discharges that could result while working in the vicinity of high-tension overhead cables.
17) Use quality steel wire rope of recommended size and construction that is certified.
18) Before starting work, and as work proceeds, the erection supervisor must ensure that all crew members and the rigging crane operator are fully instructed on:
- the sequence of work, their own detailed duties during each operation
- signals and methods of signaling, including radio procedures
- never stand under a raised load
- be aware of the boom location and do not stay under this
- when you move on the ground make eye contact with the Mobile Crane operator so he knows where you are
19) Whenever possible, the supervisor should position himself so that he has a clear view of the work underway, and of each crew member and can communicate instructions as necessary.
20) In general, always ensure that the immediate area of the crane base is kept clear of site personnel at all times using hazard barrier tape or similar, as well as other work areas such as beneath suspended loads; in the direction of collapse during climbing or testing, etc. The erection supervisor, however, must also satisfy himself that this is being properly carried out and raise the matter with the concerned individual if not satisfied.
V.2.2 Erection Procedure (Free Standing 52.4 m)
The maximum erected height of the proposed Potain MC 310 K12 shall not exceed 52.4 meters as no anchorage is available.
1) All sequences of works are taken from Potain Manufacturer’s Manual MC 310 K12.
2) Verify and check the position of the Mobile Crane to be used for lifting of different Tower Crane components.
3) The level of the foundation must be 100%.
4) Ensure the proper selection of Mobile cranes or lifting equipment. Make an early study of all the weight and center of gravity of each component before proceeding to the erection process.
5) With the use of a Mobile Crane install the fixing angle (level must be 100%).
6) With the use of a Mobile Crane install No/2 of the basic mast.
7) With the use of a Mobile Crane assemble the required length of Jib (70 m) and Counter Jib.
8) With the use of a Mobile Crane to install No/5 mast sections (3m length).
9) With the use of a Mobile Crane installs a telescoping cage.
10) With the use of a Mobile Crane install the pivot or the slewing platform followed by the cathead and cabin.
11) With the use of a Mobile Crane installs the counter jib as well as the hoist mechanism and fix one counterweight.
12) With the use of a Mobile Crane lift the assembled jib from its center of gravity and connect the tie bars after installing the two slewing pins.
13) With the use of a Mobile Crane install counterweights in the counter jib.
14) Connect all the required electrical wiring.
15) Energize the crane and reeve all the steel cables in their designated location.
16) Calibrate all the limit switches of the crane.
17) Conduct a final check for the verticality of the crane.
18) Start jacking up to the required height & prepare the required load and call 3rd Party.
V.3 Commissioning Procedure
1) Before energizing the main power supply, disconnect the power supply to all crane sub-mechanisms.
2) Keep one ground electrician next to the main power isolator equipped with proper radio on the same frequency as the team, ready to react in case of emergency.
3) Use recommended manufacturer-commissioning sequence to start commissioning sub-mechanisms one at a time. Use the proper commissioning tool for each step.
4) Rely only on manufacturer-specific electrical drawings when troubleshooting electrical systems.
5) Tower Crane supervisor to make final checking for all Tower Crane components (sections, connecting pins, safety pins, reeving of steel wire ropes, etc.)
6) Never allow any non-relevant men to be present while doing commissioning.
7) Never proceed in overall commissioning before the completion of commissioning each sub-mechanism.
8) Senior Tower Crane Engineer has to be physically present at all steps of the commissioning process.
9) Call for Third Party inspection along with a certified operator who will carry out the operation.
10) Verify the weight of each load to be taken.
11) Execute the load testing as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
12) Re-calibrate all the limit switches according to the load geometry approved by the inspector and within the manufacturer’s limit.
13) Never handover crane to execute site works till the following is completed:
- All safety protection devices have been calibrated to do their planned function without exception and as per manufacturer-recommended limits.
- Third-Party (ISO Certified) load testing and certification is completed and the certification document is in hand.
- The operator is familiarized with all operative functions and has enough confidence to operate the crane.
V.4 Dismantling Procedure:
1) Verify and check the position of the Mobile Crane to be used for lifting of different Tower Crane components.
2) Remove the hoist & trolley wire rope.
3) With the use of a Mobile Crane remove the counterweight, and keep one counterweight for balance.
4)With the use of Mobile Crane dismantle the jib.
5) With the use of Mobile Crane remove the counterweight.
6) With the use of Mobile Crane dismantle the counter jib.
7) With the use of Mobile Crane dismantle the pivot with the cabin.
8) With the use of Mobile Crane dismantle the mast section.
9) With the use of a Mobile Crane remove all ballast weight.
10) With the use of Mobile Crane dismantling the chassis.
Note: It is a must for every person involved in this activity to wear their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times.
VI. Risk Assessment
Please refer to the attached document in Appendix B.
VII. Permit and Licensing Requirements
Refer to Appendix E for Permit to Work.
VIII. Drawings, Diagrams, Maps, and Survey Data
Please refer to the attached document in Appendix A.
IX. Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements
Refer to Risk Assessment in Appendix B.
1. Protective and Safety Equipment
All workers involved shall be equipped with adequate PPE as stated below:
a. Safety Helmet with Company Logo
b. Safety Boots
c. High Visibility Vest
d. Safety Goggles
e. Hand Gloves
f. Coveralls
g. Safety Harness and Lanyards
2. Information to Personnel
a. Safety Induction
b. Job training
c. Superintendents Notices/Memos
d. Toolbox talks
e. START Card
3. Special Safety Requirements
a. All necessary personal/protective equipment (PPE), as well as harness, be provided.
b. Banksman, wearing distinctive vests, shall be assigned to help operators maneuver their equipment.
c. The equipment operators shall possess the required licenses and certificates.
d. Generated dust shall be controlled by periodic water spraying.
e. The project safety officer is responsible along with the project zone site engineer for ensuring that all operations are carried out with due regard to the safety of all project personnel & property.
f. All working activity shall comply with Client Safety Procedure.
g. First Aid Material.
h. General management of protection/operation hazards is to be observed.
i. In case of working at night, please refer to Method Statement for Night Works
4. Emergency Procedures
The Flow Chart below shows the Emergency Contact No. during work:
(Sample here)
5. Emergency Contact Numbers
SENIOR CONST. MGR. : xxxxxxx
HSE MANAGER : xxxxxxx
SITE DOCTOR : xxxxxxx
X. Supervision and Monitoring Arrangements
Project Manager
Responsible to arrange the calculation of foundation design and the execution of all ground preparation, and providing consultant approval for the foundation.
Logistic Manager
Coordinate with all project teams to ensure the safe protection of working areas, arrange a clear route for removing parts, and all related permits are obtained.
Tower Crane Supervisor
Undertakes full responsibility for the whole process of erection, commissioning, and dismantling.
Shall provide Tool Box Talk to all members covering the entire procedure of erection, commissioning, and dismantling.
Senior Tower Crane Engineer
Closely monitor the commissioning procedure of the Tower Crane.
Plant Field Engineer
In charge of all ground coordination prior to installation of the Tower Crane.
Plant Erection Foreman
Executes and ensures that the process of climbing, dismantling, erection, and commissioning are properly executed based on the safety rules of operation and as per manufacturer procedure.
Monitors all erectors and technicians and ensures that they are following the correct procedure of work as per this document.
Chief Surveyor
A Chief Surveyor ensures that the Tower Crane shall be erected on the planned location and top of the foundation is 100% leveled.
QA/QC Engineer
The QA/QC Engineer shall monitor whether the installation works are conforming to the required quality otherwise he shall notify the Site Engineer should he find non-conformance to the ongoing activities. The Site Engineer shall immediately rectify the work to avoid receipt of NCR from the QA/QC Engineer.
HSE Engineer
The Safety Engineer shall be full-time at the site and shall frequently visit all the ongoing works at the site. All safety violations and on-conformance of the HSE Plan shall be registered and immediate action shall be done in coordination with the Site Engineer.
XI. Environment and Quality Issues
1. Precautionary Measure
All precautionary measures shall be briefed to all workers prior to commencing activity so as to enhance their awareness of the matters.
2. Disposal Requirements
All waste shall be disposed of as per Construction Environmental Management Plan and as per Government approved disposal areas.
3. Inspection, Test, and Sampling
Request for Inspection and Testing will be submitted prior to and after execution of works.
4. Quality Assurance Requirements Table
Refer to Project Quality Plan
a. Project Specifications
XII. Attachments
1. Reference Documentation
- Project Specifications
- Manufacturer’s Manual
- Technical Data Sheets
2. Appendices
- Appendix A : Tower Crane Layout & Electrical Layout
- Appendix B : Risk Assessment
- Appendix C : Technical Data Sheets
1. Tower Crane Technical Data Sheet
2. Electrical Fixtures and Generator - Appendix D : Foundation Plan
- Appendix E : Permit to Work & Lifting Permit
- Appendix F : Erector Certificates
- Appendix G : Inspection and Test Plan
- Appendix H : Method Statement for Earthing Bonding and Lightning Protection Installation and Testing
tag: # Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation
If you find the contents helpful and point you exactly for what the Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation you are looking for, then you can develop this as a template.
But here is the thing…
The method statement is also composed of ITP, Risk Assessment, Inspection Checklists, Related Plans, and other associated documents, etc.
This is now where it comes in handy!
You download the full documents which are editable.
Imagine saving time, effort, and headaches in preparation.
NOW all of these are easily laid on you with little extra time to edit and complete.
Download the full Method Statement for Tower Crane Installation template here.