What is Method Statement for Rebar Works?
This method statement covers the activities involved in the fabrication, and installation of the rebar in the project considering the quality and safety requirements. This method statement defines the activities of the rebar shop drawings and on-site activities and does not cover the rebar cut and bent fabrication works if any in an off-site factory.
The following is a document of the Quality Control procedures related to the reinforced concrete work of the Project.
Table of Contents
The purpose of this method statement is to cover the activities involved in the fabrication, and installation of the rebar in the project considering the quality and safety requirements. The following is a document of the Quality Control procedures for concrete work for the project.
The objective of this document is:
1. To demonstrate the total quality commitment in implementing, managing, and executing the works for this project.
2. To assure the client and their project managers and engineer the confidence that the contract requirements will be satisfied by the contractor in every aspect of the work.
This document summarizes the general details of the quality assurance plan for rebar work plan including:
- Project team organization
- Shop Drawings
- Procurement
- Fabrication
- Installation
- Testing and inspection
This is a live document. This document should be communicated reiterated, regularly reviewed, and developed to suit changing conditions, standards, and technology as the site situation requires.
Scope-Rebar Method Statement
The method statements cover the activities of the rebar shop drawings and on-site activities and do not cover the rebar cut and bent fabrication works if any in an off-site factory.
3.1. Contract documents
1. Project Specification
2. Contract Drawings
3.2. Contractors Submittal
3. Project Quality Plan
4. Project Safety Plan
5. Material approvals
6. Related Method Statements
1. Project -(Replace with project name)
2. Client -(Replace with clients name)
3. Developer -(Replace with developers name)
4. Consultant -(Replace with consultants name)
5. PMC -(Replace with PMC name)
6. Contractor -(Replace with contractors name)
7. Sub-contractor -(Replace with sub-contractors name)
8. Supplier -(Replace with suppliers name)
1. Engineer – Representative of “Name of engineering consultancy”
2. ICL – Inspection Check List
3. IR – Inspection Request
4. ITL -Independent Testing Laboratory
5. ITP – Inspection and Test Plan
6. ITR -Inspection & Test Requests
7. MAT – Material Submittal
8. MEP – Mechanical Electrical Plumbing
9. MET – Method Statement
10. MIR – Material Inspection Request
11. MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet
12. PPE -Personal Protective Equipment
13. PQP -Project Quality Plan
14. PTW -Permit To Work ( Working at Height or enclosed spaces)
15. RA -Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
16. RFIA – Request for Inspection and Approval
17. SPD – Shop Drawing
1. The Site Engineer will be responsible for the fabrication and installation operations. His duty also includes coordination with the Engineer for inspection prior to concreting works.
2. The QA/QC Manager will be directly responsible for assuring compliance with the contract documents. His duties further include :
- Implementation of the Quality control plan to ensure accurate and adequate inspection compliance with contract documents and direct corrective action upon any occurrence of noncompliance to contract documents.
- Record all Quality Control activities including inspection and take appropriate measures to correct defective works.
- If the tests for rebar are required, the Engineer will select the rebar samples at random and send them to the approved laboratory test in accordance with the contract documents.
- The test reports conducted by approved independent Testing Lab will be in duplicate, with copies going to the Engineer and contractor office.
The implementation of the Quality control plan will be the responsibility of the Project Manager who will have the total support of the company’s management and staff to review and approve all documents and letters related to the reinforcement works and submitted to the Engineer.
Specification Requirement
The following types of products have been specified for each structural element,
Reinforcing bars: Steel deformed bars conforming to the requirements of ASTM A615.
Welded Wire Fabric: the requirements of ASTM A497.
Type Diameter (mm) Use
High Tensile Bars 8, 10, 12,14,16,18,20,25,32 Main bars, etc.
The following points need to be paid attention to in the process of shop drawings:
1. Normally, development length shall comply with the requirements on S-01 of the structural drawings.
2. Requirements for the minimum concrete cover on rebar and it’s deciding factors as per the contract documents.
3. Splicing of rebar will be normally lapped splice.
4. Openings in concrete beams, walls, and slabs shall be reinforced with additional rebar and to be as specified in contract documents.
Bar Bending Schedule
From the approved shop drawings the Bar Bending Schedule is prepared. This enables the weight of standard-length and cut-to-length bars to be taken off. From this take-off, the rebar order can be placed.
Rebar Order, Delivery, and Storage
1. The various suppliers of rebar will be submitting the mill certificates on delivery to the site. These will be forwarded to Engineer with the yield stress tests which are carried out from random bars and tested at an approved independent test laboratory.
2. The mill certificates will be reviewed and listed together with the heat numbers marked on the steel (rebar) and will be correlated against the delivery documents.
3. Rebar will be stored at the stockyard in a neat and tidy manner and according to contract documents to make it possible to keep track of the specific delivery from the factory.
4. Moreover, rebar will be appropriately sheltered from rainwater and dust to avoid adverse effects of rusting and others.
Rebar fabrication
1. Most of the rebar will be fabricated at an approved factory. The rebar fabrication area is located at the site for missing and shortage purposes. Rebars will be cut and bent to the correct details based on the approved shop drawings and bar bend schedules.
2. In case of a shortage in the supply of rebars occurred in the market, the rebar fabrication will be carried out at the site.
3. Rebars that have a diameter of 12mm or greater will be fabricated by using bending machines with approved fabrication tolerance under the supervision of rebar subcontractors. Fabricated rebar will be stored in a neat and tidy manner and according to contract documents.
4. The cut and bent rebar will be made up into bundles of the appropriate weight and then transported to the site according to the installation schedule. Each bundle of rebar shall be shipped to the site with a tag indicating the relevant information.
Unloading & hoisting of rebar on site
Tower cranes and/or mobile cranes will be used for the installation of the fabricated rebar. Some of the rebars will be hoisted directly to several distributed points on the floor or to the working platform where rebar installation works are taking place and others will be hoisted after being assembled at the site.
Rebar’s installation procedure
1. The rebar installation procedure will be supervised by the site engineers of the contractor. Each position of site engineer has a duplicate staff, thus nighttime rebar installation will cause no problem with items of supervision.
2. Columns and beams rebars will be assembled as far as possible mainly at the Stock Yard and then hoisted to the designated place by tower cranes using trying to hold the rebar configuration in place.
If necessary, supplement bars or angles will be added temporarily to increase the rigidity of the prefabricated rebar. Because of the congestion of rebars within the column, a part of the beam rebar still need to be assembled in place.
3. Column rebar will be also assembled to some extent at the Stockyard. Column main bars will be tied completely with column ties before being hoisted by tower cranes and positioned in the designated places. To hold pre-assembled rebar in place tying shall be done.
4. Wall & slab rebars will be usually hoisted as bundles carried from the stockyard and installed manually by steel fixers. However, if the site condition allows, a portion of wall vertical rebar might be temporarily assembled at the stockyard for efficient installation.
5. Rebar will be tied firmly with approved wires at the designated spots. Approved supports, chairs, and spacers with various shapes and dimensions will be placed underneath or at the sides of the rebar to ensure the correct concrete cover is required in the contract documents for each structural element.
6. The prefabricated rebar cages shall be tied firmly to keep the rebar configuration undisturbed during the hoisting operations.
Contingency Plans
Rebar Hoisting Equipment
1. One mechanic will standby to service any breakdown of the tower cranes. Even if one tower crane is completely out of operation due to mechanical troubles, another tower crane can serve for hoisting rebars, allowing that productivity to go down considerably while repairing work takes.
2. The rebars which have been delivered to the stockyard will be released for fabrication only after it is confirmed that the relevant independent tests exceed the requirements.
Night Time Works
1. Sufficient manpower and equipment will be provided for all night rebar works including standby service support personnel (e.g. tower crane operators, mechanics, electricians, etc.)
2. Adequate lighting will be provided for all work areas safe and efficient operations during the night.
Quality Assurance / Quality Control
Quality plan for reinforcing bar
The control of quality for reinforcement works on the project is listed into five separate areas and the quality checks will be sequential, following each step as follows:
1. Review and study contract drawings and prepare shop drawings accordingly.
2. Prepare basic schedule, purchase order, obtain mill certificate and deliver to site.
3. Cut and bend reinforcing bars according to the prepared bar bending schedule.
4. Prefabrication of wall, column, and beam cages.
5. Site installation.
Rebars will conform to the requirements of ASTM A615 and welded wire fabric to ASTM A497 as specified.
Delivery Docket
All delivery notes will be filed with the relevant mill certificated by the contractor’s staff to keep track of rebar. Each delivery note of rebar will be marked with the following relevant items:
1. Delivery Date
Delivery note Number
2. Heat Number
3. Type of Rebar’s
4. Transporting Vehicle Number
5. Diameter
6. Number of Bundles
7. Length
8. Total Weight
9. Fabricated Rebar’s
Each bundle of the fabricated rebar to be transported from the fabrication areas to the site needs to be marked and tagged with the following information:
1. Date
2. Type of Rebar’s
3. The place to be Installed
4. Diameter
5. Total Weight of Bundle
1. However, the traceability of each piece of fabricated rebar cannot be achieved in practical construction circumstances.
Control of Non-Conforming Products
1. In the actual situation on the site, if the concrete cover is assumed not enough (ex. Starter bars or dowel bars installed in the right position), a proper means to gradually adjust the position or rebar will be determined based upon consultation and approval of the Engineer.
2. As a matter of course, remedial actions will be taken immediately prior to concrete pouring or formwork closing. When improperly installation of rebar is pointed out in inspections.
Test & Inspection
Site Inspection Plan
1. The exact date and time of site inspection prior to formwork closing or concrete placement will be informed to the Engineer as early as possible, by using the approved forms. However, because of the very tight schedule of the whole project, the arrangement of inspection time needs to be flexible.
2. The rebar work checklist attached will be provided to inspect rebar installation. This sheet will be filled by the Construction Team which is not only performing the internal inspection but also attending the inspection by Engineer. Corrective actions on the improperly installed rebar will be directed to subcontractors based on the items on this sheet.
3. When a significant omission or inadequacy of length is discovered during the inspection, corrective actions will be taken and that part or rebars will receive inspection again before commencing concrete placement or closing the shutter.
Laboratory Testing Plan
1. Rebar testing at an approved independent laboratory will perform as per the contract documents.
2. Three samples for tensile strength, one for bending, and one for re-bending will be tested for at least each diameter of rebar from each manufacturer and each 500 ton to be delivered to the site. The engineer will do sampling from the bundles or rebar stocked on the site. The rebar which has been delivered to the site will be released for fabrication only after it is confirmed that the relevant independent tests show successful results.
3. Mill certificates from the manufacturer, which include tensile and bend test results, will be submitted to the Engineer with every delivery of rebars to the stockyard.
4. All test results and mill certificates will be regularly submitted with a summary table to Engineer in photocopies with a summary table. The original will be filed by the Engineer.
Health, Safety, and Environment
(to be attached here)
a. Inspection Checklists (to be attached here)
b. Inspection Test Plan (to be attached here)
c. Risk Assessment (to be attached here)

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See Also: Method Statement for Solar Panel Installation
Method Statement for Civil Works
tags: # method statement for rebar works, rebar method statement