Table of Contents
Purpose of Method Statement for Precast Concrete Fabrication and Installation
The purpose of this method statement for precast concrete fabrication and installation is to establish systematic procedures in performing safely the detailed precast methodology and ensure that quality control objectives are maintained with accurate established records for all construction activities associated with the project.
What is precast concrete construction?
Precast concrete construction is the process of producing casted elements by the use of reusable mold or form from setup/off-site yard then cured in the controlled environment, transported to the construction site, and erected into place.
The complete template of the Method Statement for Precast Concrete Fabrication and Installation along with the related attachments can be downloaded here.
Scope of Method Statement for Precast Concrete Fabrication and Installation
The scope of this procedure covers the steps to be followed for the Fabrication and Installation of Precast Elements such as foundations, columns, beams, staircases, manholes, and hollow-core slabs. The precast will be produced in the precast factory. This includes general requirements for materials, tools, equipment, and all services and operations necessary for the complete supply and execution not limited to the following scope of works:
a) Mould Fabrication
b) Steel reinforcement assembly
c) MEP inserts, embedded items installation (if any)
d) Prestressing Wire Strands
e) Casting of Precast Concrete Elements
f) Sampling and Testing of Concrete
g) De-moulding and stripping
h) Detensioning
i) Repairing of damaged elements (if any)
j) Curing of precast elements
k) Site installation of precast elements
Definition and Abbreviations
SC Supervision Consultant
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
H&S Health and Safety
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
MAS Material Submittal
MST Method Statement for Precast Concrete Fabrication and Installation
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
QA/QC Quality Assurance/ Quality Control
RA Risk Assessment
NTS Notice To Start
PTW Permit To Work
SUB Sub-Contractor
TPL Third Party Laboratory
ICF Interface Control Form
RO Road Opening
WIR Work Inspection Request
MIR Material Inspection Request
PCI Precast Concrete Institute
TBD To be Determined
Mandatory Requirement
Induction and Training
Safety and Health induction shall be conducted by the Health & Safety Department prior to the commencement of work to each person involved in the work. All applicators involved in the works execution and the workers who undertook critical tasks shall be competent and certified to undertake the works. All workers will receive a daily briefing about the work they are to undertake that day.
Training in the factory and in the site shall be a must requirement harnessing the competencies of the workers directly involved in the precast production and precast installation. In line with Precast Factory quality control procedure Quality Engineers will ensure adherence to the production process flow and Standards through a quality toolbox among personnel, operators, supervisors, and skilled workers assigned in the factory.
The Contractor will guarantee updated certifications to its personnel and operators and will ensure that works at the factory and on the project site follow the Project Specifications and governing Standards.
Instruction and Supervision
The precast Factory Manager thru its Managers of different departments and Engineers will be responsible for the production of precast elements in compliance with the requirements of Project specifications and Reference Drawings.
Equipment and transportation requirements for the delivery and installation of precast elements will be arranged by the logistic coordinator following the delivery route plan as per Appendix G.
The Construction Manager thru its Site Engineer and Erection Personnel is responsible for the job and proper execution of works in accordance with manufacturers’ installation instructions and approved method statements. He will be present at the site during working hours together with Safety Officers to monitor all activities and ensure the safety of the workers.
The Site Engineer will be in charge and directly supervising Supervisors and Foremen, and carry the job at the site. Any completed activity must be channeled and coordinated with the Quality Department. Acceptance of completed activity in line with the approved ITP will be closed through Work Inspection Request (WIR) approval by the Supervision Engineer.
Plant and Equipment Certifications and Calibrations:
Precast Factory will ensure that updated and recent certifications and calibrations of batching plants and equipment are in place throughout the production timeframe of precast elements. Equipment that is near expiration shall be monitored in and timely calibrated.
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Permits and Licenses
The Stakeholder and Permit Coordinator will be responsible acquire the Authority approval of the necessary permits required to commence site activities.
The following Permits are required and will be obtained:
Permit Scope Issued By
Permit To Work (PTW)
Road Opening Clearance
Traffic Diversion (If applicable) (Traffic Department)
Appendix F details all the permits obtained.
Notice to Start (NTS)
The contractor will secure approval from Supervision Engineer prior to starting any activity through the Notice to Start NTS submittal. The contractor will ensure that all relevant documents approval is in place as it is the primary requirement of NTS.
Notice to Start or NTS must be submitted 7 days from the start of the activity in order for Supervision Engineer to review and correlate the received relevant submittals with respect to the subsequent activity.
Testing Agency
The contractor will ensure that the approved 3rd Party Laboratory is present throughout the production stage at the plant to carry out the sampling and testing regiments.

Work Execution of Method Statement for Precast Concrete Fabrication and Installation
As per Project Specification Section, PCI MNL 116 & 4th Edition, and PCI MNL 135.
The contractor will comply with Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) MNL 116 and 135 Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Structural Precast Concrete Products for manufacturing procedures, testing requirements, quality control recommendations, and dimensional tolerances for the types of units required.
For fabrication of precast/prestressed structural products, self-stressing forms, bed abutments, and anchorage shall be designed by qualified engineers.
The contractor will deploy a qualified concrete installer certified by PCI to install units for load-bearing members.
Build mock-up will be prepared complete with anchors connections, flashings, joint fillers, and all accessories. The first completed structural unit of each type of system will serve as a Quality Benchmark and will be raised thru Work Inspection Request (WIR) where the location is to be agreed upon by the Supervision Engineer.
The procedures for the Fabrication and Installation of Building Precast Concrete Elements are detailed below:
1.1 Pre-Production Requirements
The Factory Manager shall ensure the approval of the below documents from the Supervision Engineer:
a. Pre-qualification of Precast Factory
b. Shop Drawings
c. Design Mix
d. Materials
e. Method Statement for Rebar Works & ITP
1.2 Production of Precast Elements
Concrete Constituents
Concrete raw material components (Cement, sand, aggregates, water & Admixture) are being used in the production of precast elements from the factory batching plant.
1.3 Testing of Concrete Constituents
The testing procedures and frequency of concrete constituents testing shall be as per Project Specifications Section xxxxxxxx
1.4 Sequence of Work for Precast Element
Unless otherwise specified:
- Mold fabrication & preparation
- Fabrication and assembly of steel reinforcement
- Placement of steel reinforcement into the mold
- Embedded parts (if any)
- Prestressing of wire strands
- Concreting works
- Curing
- De-molding
- Stripping
- Detensioning
- Defects and Repairs if any
- Curing
- Storage & Stacking
- Handling
- Delivery
- Site installation/Erection – Proper surveying and setting out of the installation area are required
1.5 Embedded Parts/Items
a) Place the embedded items as per approved drawings and approved submittals (if required)
b) Embedded items must be checked by the production engineer/supervisor prior to casting of the element before concrete. All embedded items, insulation grouts; sealants, backing rods, and other materials to be used shall be as per the approved Material Submittal (MAS). All cast-in parts shall be fixed in position as per approved shop drawings.
MEP Inserts
Prior to the casting of precast elements, it will ensure that all MEP inserts & points i.e. Electrical boxes, conduits, etc. are provided based on approved drawing locations. QC will ensure that it’s properly fixed based on approved drawings.
2.1 Concreting
a) Precast casting is planned in such a way that concreting work is done in one complete operation without breaks. Concrete is brought by either the concrete transport shuttle from the batch plant or through the transit mixer discharged via mixer chute or extended chute, to the casting mold.
Time interval is observed to avoid the occurrence of the cold joint, QC Inspector will ensure the batching with the approved mix design & its batching record at the checkpoint of the lab at the checkpoint material engineer will conduct all fresh concrete tests according to Inspection & test plan. QC Engineer will ensure the concrete temperature at the time of concrete placing should not exceed 32°C. Concrete casting in hot weather shall be according to Project Specifications.
b) Lay the concrete up to the mold in such a manner that the entire mold surface is covered evenly. Air concrete thermometers shall be kept on the Site. Concrete shall not be placed in the shade temperature exceeding 36°C or the concrete temperature exceeding 30°C and 25°C for large pours.
c) Vibration: For casting on table base mold with built-in high-frequency vibrators: Switch on the vibrator at the pre-determined period of time as instructed by the Production in charge or QC inspector.
d) For casting on table base mold without built-in vibrators: Compact the concrete by using poker vibrators, immersion type. Vibration is applied continuously for a predetermined time during the placement of each concrete batch. Special attention is given to difficult areas where heavy reinforcement occurs to prevent the presence of void or honeycomb in the concrete. Level the top surface and remove excess concrete after concreting. After the initial setting of the concrete surface, apply the required surface finish as per the requirement of the Specification.
2.2 Prestressing of Wire Strands
As per PCI MNL 116 4111 Edition
The Contractor will comply with PCI MNL 116 in prestressing tendons for precast concrete units.
This is accomplished using hydraulic pumps and jacks/cylinders, with the tendons anchored on abutments at either end of the bed.
Tensioning will follow the below statement:
Well-trained personnel will be deployed to perform and record the tensioning process.
a) Precast QC Inspector will ensure that the jacking equipment and gauging system is in good condition with updated calibrations.
b) Initial tensioning will be done, and care will be taken in applying the initial force ensuring a valid starting point is established for elongation measurement. Initial force ranging from 5 and 25% of final force will be applied to each strand.
c) Reference marks shall be established for which elongation by final tensioning can be measured. A straight-line marking will be done across the strands on each row and along the face of the anchorage.
d) Full strand force shall be applied to either single strands or multiple strands whereby the final force on the strand shall not exceed 80% of the specified tensile strength of the strand after seating.
e) Verify by measurement of movement on opposite sides of the anchorage and check the plumb position before and after the application of final force.
f) Verify by measurement of movement on opposite sides of the anchorage and check the plumb position before and after the application of final force.
2.3 Hot Weather Concreting
As per Project Specification :
a) The Contractor shall establish a thermometer at Precast Factory that records the ambient air shade temperature. The thermometer shall be established in a position to provide representative air temperature for the Site conditions.
b) During the hot weather period as defined in clause 15.3 of QCS 2014 Section 5 Part 15, no concreting will take place between the hours of 10:00 hours and 17:00 hours unless authorized by the Supervision Engineer.
c) The “Concrete in Hot Weather” as defined by Project Specifications states:
Air concrete thermometers shall be kept on the Site. Concrete shall not be placed if the shade temperature exceeds 36°C or the concrete temperature exceeds 30°C and 25°C for large pours.
d) As per Project Specification Hot weather concreting shall be carried out in accordance with ACI 305 under a combination of high air temperature, low relative humidity, and wind velocity that tends to impair the quality of fresh or hardened concrete.
e) Where trunking or chutes are to be used, they shall be kept clean and used in such a way as to avoid segregation.
f) Measures shall be taken to avoid premature stiffening of concrete placed in contact with hot, dry surfaces. Surfaces including reinforcement against which concrete is to be placed shall be shielded against the direct rays of the sun and shall be sprayed with water to prevent excessive absorption by the surfaces of water from the fresh concrete.
g) During hot weather, the placing of concrete shall largely be avoided during the midday period, and if necessary, shall be carried out at night with adequate lighting.
h) Lower the water temperature by mechanical refrigeration by mixing water with crushed ice, or by pre-cooling the aggregates ensuring that the temperature of the concrete as delivered shall not exceed 26°C for large pour construction and 30°C for other concrete structures.
i) Submit for the Engineer’s acceptance calculations or experiments showing that the dry bulb temperature of the placed concrete does not exceed 38oC and that the rate of water evaporation does not exceed 980g/ m2 per hour, taking into consideration the heat of hydration of cement.
j) The admixture shall meet the requirements specified within this Section. During the placing of all concrete exposed or subject to rapid evaporation from drying conditions including hot weather, drying winds, and sunlight, the work shall be protected immediately following screeding.
k) Spray protective coating over the entire surface of fresh, plastic concrete in accordance with the protective coating manufacturer’s recommendations following screeding at a rate of not less than 10 gallons of sprayable solution for each 2000m2 of surface area, 5m2 per liter.
2.4 Curing
Panel/elements are covered with a Polythene sheet and hessian cloth to avoid dehydration. All produced panels/elements will be cured by water continuously for 7 days after tilting and stacking. Alternatively, an approved curing compound may also be applied after 24 hours of water curing as per the Engineer’s approval.

2.5 De-moulding and Stripping
a) De-mould and strip the precast units off the mold once they have attained the required lifting strength or as per the approved design. The lifting strength is determined by crushing one Concrete cube at 8 hours after casting. The crushing results for every batch of cast units are reflected in the Daily Cube Crushing Data. At the time of lifting, visually check the cast.
b) As per PCI MNL 116 4th Edition-Division 4 Concrete as per Commentary C4.18.3 Curing to Attain Specified Stripping or Transfer Strength: Stripping or prestress transfer strengths are typically specified at a minimum of 2000 psi (13.8 MPa) for non-prestressed units and 3000 psi (20.7 MPa) or greater for prestressed units. Specified release strengths higher than this may require special mix designs, special curing provisions, or longer curing cycles.
c) Once the precast unit is stripped off the mould, mark the precast element taking into account the identification number and casting date as per the approved unique numbering style. The marking is placed in such a way that it is visible even when the unit is in the stacking yard.
d) Precast elements are stripped off the mould and loaded onto a truck and get picked up eventually by the overhead tower crane and stacked in the stockyard. If the immediate transfer is deemed not possible, precast elements are stripped off the mould and stacked temporarily in a holding area provided in the factory until their transfer on-site is required for transfer of units from the factory to the on-site stackyard by the flatbed trailer or A-Frame trailer depending on the geometry of the precast panel.
2.6 Detensioning
a) Force shall not be transferred to the pre-tensioned members until concrete strength determined from test results is in accordance with the specified transfer strength.
b) As per PCI MNL 116 4th Edition – Division 5 – The Reinforcement and Prestressing Part 5.3.17 Detensioning- Force shall not be transferred to pre-tensioned members until concrete strength, as indicated by test cylinders or other properly calibrated nondestructive test techniques, is in accordance with the specified transfer strength., Commentary C5.3.17-Detensioning A minimum concrete transfer strength of 3000 psi (20.7 MPa) is recommended.
c) Detensioning tendons will be done by gradually releasing tensioning jacks or by heat-cutting to prevent shock or unbalanced loading.
d) Detensioning heat-cured concrete will be done while the concrete still warm and moist to avoid dimensional changes and avoid cracking or undesirable stresses.
e) Apply approved bituminous, zinc-rich, or epoxy paint at the strand ends to avoid corrosion and possible rust spots.
2.7 Repair of Damaged Precast Elements (if any)
Inspection and Preparation
a) QC inspector will conduct the inspection. Standard identification of defects and conducting repairs if applicable, only approved material will be used for repair work by following procedures recommended by the manufacturer.
b) Repairs to be carried out either in the Factory or at the site.
c) Inspection will be carried out to check the repairable concrete elements. Subject to repair elements will be kept in separate designated areas. Prior to starting repair works, it will be verified that elements surfaces are free of dirt, grease, oil, curing compound, paints, and all loose material.
d) It will be confirmed that the concrete has been cured enough to achieve design strength.
e) The surface will be roughened by chipping, sandblasting, or other mechanical means to assure the bond of the repair mortar to the existing concrete.
f) Prior to conducting the concrete repair/patching, the defect/damaged precast elements shall be inspected by the AEC inspector for acceptance to proceed with the repair activity.
Substrate Preparation
a) Areas to be repaired will be determined by visual inspection and hammer sounding. Highlight all areas where concrete quality is suspected.
b) Saw cut perimeter maximum 10mm depth but do not cut steel.
c) Remove poor-quality concrete in the repair area until sound concrete appears. Ensure the surface is left in rough condition. All edges ideally should be cut at right angles.
d) The concrete steel reinforcement to receive the repair must be cleaned. If half of the diameter of the bar is exposed, chip out behind the rebar minimum of 10mm.
Resurfacing Application
a) Pre-wet the concrete surfaces before application of repair mortar with clean water. The surface to be repaired must not be allowed to dry out before application.
b) Mix repair material following the manufacturer’s instructions.
c) Apply repair mortar to the prepared area by hand or trowel.
d) Apply the repair material as recommended by the manufacturer’s technical datasheet.
e) Finish off and smooth the repaired area.
Fabrication Tolerance
Precast concrete units must be straight and true to size and shape and comply with PCI MNL 116 and the following product tolerances:
a) Overall height and width of units, measured at the face exposed to view, as follows:
1. 3m or under, ±3mm.
2. 3m to 6m, to +3mm, -5mm.
3. 6m to 12m, ±6mm.
4. Each additional 3m, ±1 .5mm.
b) Overall height and width of units, measured at the face not exposed to view, as follows:
1. 3m or under, ±6mm.
2. 3m to 6m, +6mm, -10mm.
3. 6m to 12m, ±10mm.
4. Each additional 3m, ±3mm.
Storage and Stacking
a) Precast units will be stored with adequate dunnage and bracing and protect units to prevent contact with soil prevent staining and prevent cracking, distortion, warping, or other physical damage.
b) It must be stacked the right way up with the timber bearers placed just in from the ends, (maximum four times unit depth, “H”) vertically above one another. Similar lengths should be stacked together.
c) Place stored units so identification marks are clearly visible and units can be inspected.
Delivery and Handling
a) Precast units will be handled and transported in a position consistent with their shape and design to avoid excessive stress which would cause damage.
b) Precast concrete shall not be moved, struck, or propped until the concrete has reached a cube strength of at least 3 times the maximum stress to which it is subjected.
c) Lift and support precast units only at designated points on the Shop Drawing. Lifting shall be carried out through designed lifting points.
d) Delivery vehicle operators shall drive with care and will be assisted by a signaler knowledgeable with traffic control procedures in areas wherein maneuvering is difficult and operators’ view is obstructed.
e) Cranes supplied will be of adequate size to safely lift the precast units in off-loading from the delivery vehicles.
f) Delivery vehicles will be positioned as close to the crane unloading area as possible. It must be situated on terrain that is as level as possible.
g) Lifting Supervisor will ensure a safe working load of the hoisting equipment, rigging, and hardware before use.
h) Before mounting the precast units ensure that all safety precautions are in place.
i) Make sure all loads are properly rigged, balanced, and stable before hoisting. Tag lines must be in place and be used to control the loads and prevent rotation.
tag: Method Statement for Precast Concrete Fabrication and Installation