This method statement for blockworks / masonry describes the process to be implemented during the entire activity. This activity uses materials such as concrete masonry units, hollow blocks, solid blocks, insulated blocks, lightweight blocks, glass units, etc.
Since every project has its own specifications, thus it is imperative to base the process solely on the approved specifications. The method that will be mentioned here deals only with one specific example applicable to one project. It should not be considered as the generic method but nonetheless, it implies the common procedure for block work construction.
This data can be formatted to help the Technical Department / QA Department prepares the required Method Statement for Blockworks which is being submitted to the consultant for review and approval as part of the project’s QA documentation.
Check out also the related succeeding activity of method statement for plastering work which is also helpful in fulfilling the project documentation requirements.

Table of Contents
- Method Statement for Blockworks
- I. Description of Works
- II. Resources
- III. Materials
- IV. Site Planning
- V. Methodology
- VI. Risk Assessment and Job Hazard Analysis
- VII. Permit and Licensing Requirements
- VIII. Drawings, Diagrams, and Maps
- IX. Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements
- X. Supervision and Monitoring Arrangements
- XI. Environment and Quality Issues
- XII. Attachments-Method Statement for Blockworks / Masonry
Method Statement for Blockworks
I. Description of Works
1. Introduction
This Method Statement for blockworks defines the sequence and describes the control procedures to be followed for Architectural Finishes – Blockworks for the project.
The purpose of this Method Statement is to establish the rules to be applied during all types of masonry block works including, lintel/sill, stiffener for the column in block work, and horizontal and vertical expansion/movement joint. This method statement covers different stages of construction like storage of materials, preparation of mortar, the workmanship of construction, testing of materials and execution, preparation of trial panel, cleaning and curing, etc. to ensure that all the masonry block work is properly executed in accordance with Project Specification and applicable standards.
2. Definitions
SE Site Engineer
QC Quality Control Engineer
SF Site Foreman
PM Project Manager
SA Site Agent representative from the Lab
HSE Manager Health, Safety & Environmental Manager
HSE Officer Health, Safety & Environmental Officer
Project Management
Supervising Consultant
Main Contractor
Project Specifications
QCP Quality Control Plan
HSE Plan Health, Safety, and Environment Plan
TSTI: Total Safety Task Instruction
Note: All dimensions are in mm unless specified. All temperature values are in degree
centigrade unless specified.
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3. References
Information sources may include but are not limited to, verbal or written and graphical instructions, signage, block works schedules/ drawings/specifications, work bulletins, charts, hand sketches, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). All masonry block works shall comply fully with the applicable laws, client’s requirements, and specifications as per Project Specifications.
4. Responsibilities
The responsibility for inspection and testing of masonry blockworks rests primarily with the Site Engineer and Discipline Foreman with assistance from an audit by the Site Agent and Inspectors.
The Site Engineer and Discipline Foreman shall ensure that the required Quality Control procedures and forms are available in place on a daily basis. Similarly, they shall ensure that the needed drawings are of the latest revisions.
The HSE inspection shall take place before masonry blockworks start to ensure that the work area is safe i.e. adequate access, adequate illumination if working on night shift, checking the formwork and supports, scaffold inspections, etc. if applicable.
Project Manager
Responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives which include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the constraints of the project management triangle, which are cost, time, scope, and quality. The Project Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that the Project Quality plan and the Inspection and Testing procedures, method statement, HSE safety, and all contractual documentation are maintained up to date and accessible to all parties.
Construction Manager
Responsible for overall construction activities ensuring that all method statements, quality, and safety procedures are implemented and required approval permits are obtained.
Site Engineer
Supervise operations in accordance with the approved Method Statement for block works, shop drawings, specifications, material submittals, and schedules to achieve the acceptance of the project deliverables.
Site Supervisor
Supervise closely, the activities designated to them and ensure that all instructions and safety procedures are followed and strictly adhered to. Supervise the work to ensure that technical, quality, safety, and purchase order requirements are met; Attend daily site meetings and communicate his daily report with the Project/Site Engineer; Participate in training and development of his subordinates; Organize with the Project/Site Engineer to ensure the availability of plant, equipment, and labor to his designated work activities; Closely monitor the usage of consumables and materials by his crew in order to minimize wastage; Assess craftsmanship of subordinates under his control.
Site Foreman
To liaise with the Site Engineer and Supervisor for the work execution.
QA/QC Engineer
Ensure the proper implementation of the Quality system and monitor the overall quality of the work is maintained. Conduct inspection and monitor tests. Determine and report any non-conformance and recommended corrective actions. Ensure that all personnel is aware of the quality requirement.
Training of relevant personnel.
Conduct surveillance and inspection duties at various stages to ensure compliance with QA/QC Plan.
H.S.E. Manager
Health, safety, and environmental (HSE) managers generally plan, coordinate and implement issues and directives within the organization. They ensure safe environmental working conditions for all employees.
H.S.E. Officer
Ensure enforcement of safety procedures in accordance with the approved HSE Plan. Will be closely monitoring the site engineer’s strict implementation of the MS and Risk Assessment, the use of proper tools and equipment to maintain safety, certifications of equipment and their adherence to safety regulations, reporting of any unsafe work, or stopping work that does not comply with ES&H procedures.
Advise on Health & Safety requirements and monitor the Hazard controls implemented on site as per the Method Statement/Risk assessment.
Carry out a pre-construction survey to fix the locations and corresponding elevations as per the approved shop drawings. Ensure quality and compliance during phases of surveying works and the regular checking of the surveying equipment or periodic calibration from the third party.
Ensure the validity and the serial number of calibration certificates are available and posted on the survey equipment. Ensure proper safety guarding of surveying equipment. To maintain the records of all surveying equipment handled.
Equipment Operator
The only authorized person to operate any equipment to be used in the project.
The rigger assists in the movement of heavy equipment and loads to be lifted. A rigger setups machinery and secures it in place and signals or verbally directs workers engaged in hoisting and moving loads, in order to ensure the safety of workers and materials.
First Aider
The first aider responds promptly when requested, operates with competence, knows how to secure additional help when needed, reports incidents and actions taken, and complies with requirements for certification.
The role of a bank man is to provide additional eyes and ears to assist the operator of the equipment to navigate or operate safely.
A carpenter constructs erects, installs, and repairs structures and fixtures of wood, plywood, and wallboards using the carpenter’s hand tools and power tools.
A mason is a tradesman in building units of various natural or artificial mineral products, such as stones, bricks, cinder blocks, hollow blocks, or tiles, usually with the use of mortar or cement as a bonding agent.
Helpers /Labors
Perform tasks involving physical labor at the building, assists the skilled workers, and remove the trash, and residual building debris. Assist in constructing and later disassembling reinforcement braces, concrete forms, scaffolds, and temporary structures.
5. Interfacing with Other Operations
Completion of RC column and wall concrete works with required embedment.
6. Duration, Phasing with the Subcontractors
Refer to the approved baseline schedule for the duration of block works.
7. List of Subcontractors
II. Resources
1. Plant and Equipment
Transit Mixers and Accessories 1 Concreting lintel/lintel band
Concrete Pumps 1 Concreting lintel/lintel band
Concrete Vibrators 5 Concreting lintel/lintel band
Crane 1 Lifting
Air Compressor 1 Cleaning
Portable batch mixer 1 Mixing of mortar
Leica TS 15m Total Station 4 Setting Out for Construction
Leica NA2 Automatic Level 4 Levelling
Shoring/formwork material 1 lot Support Lintel concrete
Trailer / Truck 1 Transportation
Bagger Mixer 1 Concrete / Mortar Mixing
All 3rd Party Certificates shall be inspected prior to commencing work
2. WorkForce
Designation No. of Persons
Site Engineer As per Site requirement
Land Surveyor As per Site requirement
Survey Aide As per Site requirement
Foreman As per Site requirement
Equipment/Machinery Operator 1 for each Equipment/Machinery
Banksman As per Site requirement
Steel Fixers As per Site requirement
Carpenter As per Site requirement
Masons As per Site requirement
Helpers/Laborers As per Site requirement
HSE Engineer As per Site requirement
First Aider As per Site requirement
3. Light Tools
Description No. of Units
Power Tools (Various) As per Site requirement
Hand Tools (Various) As per Site requirement
On-Field testing and sampling
Equipment As per Site requirement
Bucket/pan and trowel to pour/place
Mortar As per Site requirement
Manual mortar placing and
Shifting Bucket/pan and trowel to pour/place
Mortar As per Site requirement
Manual mortar placing and
Shifting As per Site requirement
Wooden Float 1 lot Application Equipment
Steel or Plastic finishing Float 1 lot Application Equipment
Plumbline or plumb As per Site requirement
Cleaning Tools As per Site requirement
III. Materials
1. Aggregates
Should meet the requirement mentioned in Project Specifications.
2. Cement (OPC & SRC)
Should meet the requirement mentioned in Project Specifications.
3. Water
Should meet the requirement mentioned in Project Specifications.
4. Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU)
Above-ground blocks shall be hollow CMU made with OPC and below-ground shall be solid CMU made with SRC (Sulphate Resisting Cement).
CMU should meet the requirements of BS EN 771-3 and BS 6073-2.
The use of blocks shall comply with below table:
Minimum Proportion of-
Class | Compressive Strength (N/mm2) | Uses for which blocks are suitable | Class of mortar | Mortar constituents (Kg) | Compressive Strength at 28 days (N/mm2) | ||
Avg of10Blocks | LowestIndividual Block | Cement | Sand | ||||
1 | 7.0 | 5.6 | External non-loadbearing wall | M6 | 155 | 710 | 6 |
2 | 10.4 | 8.3 | Load bearing wall | M6 | 155 | 710 | 6 |
3 | 17.4 | 14 | Load bearingbelow ground wall | M12 | 190 | 675 | 12 |
4 | 14.0 | 11.2 | Soakaways & Manholes | M12 | 190 | 675 | 12 |
5 | 4 | 3.6 | Internal non-loadbearing wall | M6 | 155 | 710 | 6 |
6 | 4 | 3.6 | Roof Block | M4 | 110 | 755 | 4 |
7 | 4 | 3.6 | Load bearing below ground wall | M6 | 155 | 710 | 6 |
e.The volume of cavities shall not exceed 50% of the gross volume of the block. The block shall comply with the below dimensions:
Coordinating (nominal) Size including the joints and tolerances (mm) | Work (manufacture) Size (mm) | Minimum Thickness (mm) | |
Wall | Web | ||
400 x 200 x 100 | 390 x 190 x 100 | 19 | 19 |
400 x 200 x 150 | 390 x 190 x 150 | 25 | 25 |
400 x 200 x 200 | 390 x 190 x 200 | 32 | 30 |
f. Blocks not exceeding 75 mm thickness shall be solid.
g. Fire-rated concrete block of size 15 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm shall be fire resistant up to 120 min.
5. Wall ties and metal lath for block wall stiffeners
See TDS samples in pdf of commercially available wall ties and metal lath Wall Ties-block wall stiffeners for Blockworks and Expanded Mesh_Lath-block wall stiffeners for Blockworks
6. Glass Units
Shall incorporate expansion-contraction thermal foam tape, sealants, flashings, and other items necessary for complete installation.
The contractor shall submit assembly instructions and installation drawings as required.
To indicate methods of construction, location, and spacing of anchorage, joinery, block wall stiffeners, finishes, sizes, shapes, the thickness of all materials, and relationship to the adjoining work.
Gypsum Unit (Claustra walls)
a. Shall meet the criteria mentioned for CMU except where noted.
b. They may be of either:
White gypsum plaster
White concrete
7. Approved Mortar mix
OPC C40 Concrete as min shall be used for fire-rated CMU wall
8. Approved concrete mix for lintel work
9. Approved Curing Compound
Refer to referenced Materials Submittals for approved material submittals.
Note: Test Certificates
1. The test certificates and sample results are provided in Appendix F, which shows the compliance of materials with the specifications.
The Material Safety Data Sheet is provided in Appendix F.
IV. Site Planning
1. Preparation
The Main contractor shall ensure that all gate passes, permits, tools, materials for safety precautions, manpower, and equipment are available before the commencement of work. The Site Team shall make sure that access roads are always clear from any obstruction and site is always accessible.
2. Site Clearance
Before commencing the work, the area shall be cleared of all debris, loose materials, or other obstructions. Required levels are to be confirmed and verified by Site Engineer and QC Engineer before commencing the work. It is the responsibility of the CM to ensure that any preceding activity is completed. If the block work is required to be done on earlier concrete work, it is the responsibility of the QC Engineer to approve that concrete had hardened (%Strength) enough to withstand the load of manpower, formwork, scaffolding, block works material dead load, and concerning operations.
3. Traffic Management
Other than some special cases no special traffic management plan is required. Special cases can be identified on individual bases and related actions can be taken accordingly.
4. Pre-construction Safety Meetings:
The meeting shall be scheduled prior to the beginning of the work and before any Subcontractor starts on the project. Safety awareness meetings will be conducted every working day morning/every other day to brief the workforce on the safety prevention measures. The equipment check for safety shall be recorded/ documented during the daily Safety Awareness Meeting.
Working at height and fall protection will be discussed to emphasize these meetings. Each worker will be instructed to follow specific safety requirements related to his trade. They will be required to follow installed safety signs, observe barricades and use opens.
Main Contractor Safety will perform hazard risk analysis by identifying all steps, and hazards identified in those steps, with a focus on the relationship between the work task, the tools, and the work environment. After identifying uncontrolled hazards; Main Contractor will take steps to eliminate or reduce them to an acceptable risk level. General contractual Safety, Health, and Environmental requirements.Roles of the contractor, subcontractors, authorized representatives, and all project workers.
Accident reporting requirements.
Specific details of the work to be performed along with the use of personal protective equipment.
Emergency procedure.
5. Operating Procedures:
A site investigation has to be carried out to develop safety precautions and measures prior to the commencement of the work. After such investigation, relevant sign boards will be displayed and barricades will be installed where and as necessary, such as but not limited to the following: Advanced signs e.g. “Work Area” signs will be placed in the activity zones or fall hazard zone around the area. After completion of the work, safety cones and barricades have to be removed accordingly.
V. Methodology
1. General
The materials and mortar mix design must be approved and available at the site. Any change in source shall be reported to Engineer. Use approved material and store it in a dry place, away from the ground, moisture, dirt, and other contaminants. The expired material shall be removed from the site. Masonry units shall be carefully unloaded and handled so as to prevent chipping and breakage.
Tipping of units is not allowed.
Stored units must be kept under waterproof covers.
Packaged materials shall be stored in their original containers referring to manufacturers’ guidelines.
Store cement and other cementitious materials away from moisture above the ground.
Setting out of work shall be done by the surveyor for any activity including formwork which confirms the shape, size, and level of block work.
This document applies to CMU block work, Glass walls, Gypsum (Claustra) walls, and services through block work where concreting is required.
The Site Engineer and the QA/QC Engineer will be responsible for monitoring the receipt of material and conducting the sampling and testing of related materials according to the Quality Plan on site.
If any field test indicates that the concrete may be deficient, the QC will report this to the concerned Laboratory and PM/CM, immediately. PM/CM will review the test results and will take the required action.
The Site Engineer and the QC will monitor the block work construction and will notify the Site Agent of any unacceptable materials or operations for action.
Approval of the Mockup Sample
Before any fair or plastered masonry work is commenced, the contractor is to erect one sample panel, size 1800 mm long x 2000 mm high, of each type of finish, to be used and shall be retained on site for comparison. The panel should incorporate typical opening detail and typical corner detail, and a typical movement joint.
The quality of all subsequent block works shall match the approved mockup.
Before commencing masonry works, all relevant approved shop drawings shall be provided incorporating block wall partitioning, the sizes, and locations of architectural and electrical/ mechanical services openings.
2. Concrete Lintel
a.Constituents of mortar and concrete (for lintel work) shall meet the requirement of aggregate, cement, and water.
b.The concreting operation for lintel work shall be carried out following the approved “Method Statement for concrete work” including activities like formwork, mixing, transportation placing, and curing.
c.No concrete shall be site mixed.
d.Required arrangements (including concrete pump, scaffolding, etc.) shall be made for concreting of partial lintel or lintel band all across the length of the wall.
e.All concreting operations shall be done in strict accordance with approved IFC drawings.
f.An open joint not less than 12 mm is to be left between the ends of the lintels and the blocks adjacent to these ends.
g.If possible, these open joints shall be filled during plastering or other works required filling.
h.Partial Lintels are to have a minimum end bearing of 200 mm.
3. Mortar, Grout
a.The approved mortar mix related to work with an allowance of bulking of sand and having no plasticizers shall be used. The proportion of constituents shall match to Table below:
Cement (C), Lime (L) & Sand (S) with or without entrainment (kg) | Cement (C) & Sand (S) with or without entrainment (kg) | Compressive strength at 28 days N/ mm2 | ||||
C | L | S | C | S | ||
M2 | 70 | 50 | 740 | 85 | 775 | 2 |
M4 | 105 | 35 | 725 | 110 | 755 | 4 |
M6 | 135 | 25 | 700 | 155 | 710 | 6 |
M12 | 190 | 20 | 655 | 190 | 675 | 12 |
b.Mortar shall be made on-site by either a portable batch mixer using weigh batching or manual mix using volume batching. For larger quantities, it can be mixed in batch plants.
c.Mortar which has begun to set or which has been site-mixed for a period of more than one hour in the cases of classes M2 and M6, and two hours in the case of classes M4 and M12 shall not be used.
d.Mortar for use in contact with the ground will be mixed using sulfate-resistant cement.
4. Cement grout shall be mixed in the relevant proportions indicated in the below table using the minimum quantity of water to ensure the necessary fluidity and to render it capable of penetrating the work.
Class | Nominal Mix by Mass | ||
Cement | Sand | PFA | |
G1 | 1 | NA | NA |
G2 | 1 | 3 | NA |
G3 | 1 | 10 | NA |
G4 | 1 | NA | 10 |
G5 | 1 | NA | 4 |
G6 | 1 | NA | ½ |
5. Cement grout shall be used within one hour of mixing. Sulfate-resisting cement shall not be used as a constituent of grouts containing Pulverized Fly Ash (PFA). Minimum compressive strength for grout shall be referred to approved design submittals.
4 Masonry Blockworks
4.1 General
a.Tops of the walls shall be covered with a waterproof covering during discontinuation of work and while resuming work, loose mortar and foreign material shall be cleaned.
b.Newly laid blockwork and brickwork shall be protected from the harmful effects of sunshine, rain drying wind, and surface water.
c.Immediately following setting, brush exposed surfaces free of mortar or other foreign matter.
d.In the special situation where units are to be removed may be broken and removed.
Mortar is to be carefully chiseled out and space should be cleaned. Before placing new units, surrounding units and areas shall be water sprayed and allowed to surface dry. After buttering with mortar, new units can be placed.
e.Unless otherwise specified, all block faces are to provide a satisfactory bond for mortar, plastering, or rendering.
4.2 Blockworks Laying
a.The average thickness of both vertical and horizontal mortar joints is to be 10mm exclusive of any key in the joint surface of the unit.
b.All blocks and the previous day’s work shall be wetted before commencing/resuming new work.
c.Permissible deviations of block work shall be according to the below table:
Item of Construction | Type of Dimensions | Permissible Deviations (mm) | ||
Space between Walls | At Floor | 20 | ||
At Soffit | 30 | |||
Size and Shape of Elements | wall | Height up to 3m | 40 | |
Straightness is 5m | 8 | |||
Verticality up to 2m | 15 | |||
Level of bed joints in 3m | 15 | |||
Walls | Position in the plan of any point or specified face in relation to the nearest grid line on the same level | 15 | ||
Doors, window openings | and | other | Position in elevation from design | 15 |
Level of sill or soffit for each 1m of width | 5 | |||
With maximum of | 15 | |||
Position in the plan of any point or specified face in relation to nearest grid line on the same level | 5 | |||
With maximum of | 15 |
d. Any block which is moved/laid after the mortar has stiffened (not plastic) shall be removed and relaid with fresh mortar.
e. Block walls are to be built from undamaged blocks in stretcher bond unless otherwise specified. Half blocks and special blocks are to be used as required to ensure correct bonding.
f. The work is to be carried out course by course not leaving any part more than 800 mm lower than another.
g. Partitions shall be 10 mm thick unless otherwise noted. Partitions having lavatories or other plumbing fixtures secured to them back to back (or approximately so) are to be a minimum of 150 mm thick. Solid concrete masonry units shall be built where full units cannot be used or where needed for the fixing of accessories. Bells or hubs of pipes must be completely enclosed.
h. When pipes or conduits or both occur in plastered partitions, at least one web of the hollow masonry units must be retained.
i. When new masonry partitions start on existing floors, the existing floor finish material is to be cut down to the concrete surface.
j. Any joint on the surface of the face of the block wall shall be tooled after the mortar is thumbprint hard. Where cutting of blocks in fair face work is unavoidable, this should be done using a mechanical saw.
k. Openings are to be square and the jambs, are vertical and formed with the uncut faces of the blocks. If the door and window frames are to be built-in the approved drawings are to be referred to fixing details. The jamb walling is to be built up against the frame all around as the work proceeds.
l. Walls and partitions are to be bonded or tied (ties=2×20 mm stainless ties on the external side and galvanized steel on the internal side as approved) referring to approved drawings. Ties shall be fully embedded in the vertical spacing not exceeding 600 mm. The ends of the ties are to project a minimum of 75 mm into each wall or partition.
m.All connections between block walls or partitions and concrete or steel columns are to be reinforced at a maximum of 400 mm centers by galvanized metal or stiffeners for columns in block work except as noted on approved drawings.
n. Metal ties are to be a width that will allow 20mm clearance from each face of the wall and to be embedded for a minimum distance of 200mm in the mortar joint unless noted in the approved drawing.
o. Internal walls shall be built-up to leave a 20mm joint between the top of the wall grout or partition and the soffit of the slab. The joint should be filled with Class M6 mortar. Where concrete slabs are supported on block work. The top of the block should be fully grouted or a solid block shall be provided to void any mortar slip between the ceiling and the top of the wall.
p. In the following situations, the cavities of hollow block walls are to be filled solid with Class M6 mortar:
- Jambs of all openings
- Ends, angles, and junctions of walls and partitions
- Junctions of walls and partitions with the stiffeners for columns in block work
- At sills
- At the tops of partitions, if so specified
- To provide a solid fixing for false ceiling perimeters.
q. The filling of courses is to be supported on a strip of expanded metal lathing embedded in the joint below.
r. Walls that are to be filled are to be built up in lifts not exceeding 1,200 mm and be filled after allowing a minimum period of 24 hours to elapse to enable the mortar to harden. The initial compaction of concrete is to be carried out using a 25 x 50 mm wooden rod or by vibrator. The final compaction shall take place 10-15 minutes after the initial compaction.
s. Where walls are constructed of hollow blocks, the mechanical and electrical services are to be run in the cavities of blocks wherever possible as approved drawings.
t. All damp-proof courses are to be solidly bedded in the mortar. Joints shall be lapped a minimum of 10 mm at all passings and sealed.
u.All block work shall be kept covered with wet hessian cloth or other approved material for a minimum of 3 days.
v. The glass block grid system shall be assembled, sealed, and screwed (using predrilled holes)following the manufacturer’s instructions. Sealant shall be applied to completely fill the channel around each glass block. All labels shall be removed from the glass blocks and cleaned.
w. Following points are to be for Gypsum units (Claustra Wall):
All blocks shall have 100 mm thickness unless otherwise noted with slots in the ends of blocks receiving reinforcement. Claustra walls should be built with vertical straight joints reinforced with 12 mm mild steel reinforcing bars vertically at each straight joint pinned to the structure at each end and surrounded solid with mortar.
Blocks are to be bedded in a mixture of white cement and sand (1:4) and struck pointed to approval.
x. Provide color and texture matching the range represented by the Engineer’s sample for the exposed face.
4.3 Joints
a. All joints/connections between masonry walls or partitions and concrete columns or walls shall be made using propriety GI ties secured to fixing channels or block wall stiffeners embedded in the concrete.
b. Movement joints to be 12 mm wide and formed where indicated or where continuous runs of block walling exceed 8 meters in length.
c.The joints are to be straight and vertically formed with uncut faces of blocks to each side and filled with an approved compressible material.
d. External joints are to be sealed with mastic compatible with the joint filling material when the block walling is thoroughly clean and dry.
e. Joints between the firewall top surface and the underside of the overlying slab or desk shall be smoke-sealed with fire-resisting compressible boards complying with the fire strategy partition fire rating requirements as per design.
f. Ducts, pipes, wires, and conduits passing through firewalls shall be protected by filling the space between the penetrating item and the fire barrier with firestop compounds capable of maintaining the required fire resistance and resisting the passage of smoke.
g. Seal and filler shall be applied by a certified applicator from the approved manufacturer.
4.4 Controlling/Reducing Temperature of Constituent Materials
a. Shading of aggregates in feed storage shall be implemented by the Concrete Supplier to ensure consistency of aggregates used for concrete in Hot Weather conditions.
b. Sprinkling the specified temperature of the fresh concrete cannot be achieved by a normal method, the use of an alternative method such as the use of liquid nitrogen should be assessed.
4.4.1 Water
The following measures shall be implemented by the concrete Supplier to ensure the consistency of water used for concrete in hot weather conditions. Chilling of Water before use (temperature must not be less than 5 degrees) Use flaked ice directly added to the concrete mixer to replace part of the chilled water.
4.4.2 Cement
The following measures shall be implemented by the Concrete Supplier to ensure the consistency of cement used for concrete in hot weather conditions. The use of freshly ground cement at very high temperatures shall not be permitted;
The cement shall be kept below the temperature at which there is the tendency of the false set;
Under no conditions shall the temperature of the cement exceed 68 degrees when it enters the mixture.
5. Sampling and Testing
a. Samples of each type of masonry unit to be used shall be submitted to Engineer for approval before use.
b. Initially, 12 units will be selected by the Engineer from the first batch of units delivered which shall later be given to the approved laboratory for testing.
The sample is to be accompanied by the following written information: Type of unit
- Means of identification of the unit
- Name of the manufacturer
- Type of masonry unit-making machine
- The capacity of the plant and present stocks available
- Certificates stating that the units are suitable for intended use
- Full Water Absorption: The average water absorption of the tested sample shall not exceed 5% and no individual block shall have water absorption greater than 5.5%.
c. Water absorption by capillarity method: The manufacturer shall declare in g/m2 the maximum water absorption coefficient due to the capillarity action of the exposed face of the unit.
VI. Risk Assessment and Job Hazard Analysis
Please refer to the attached document in Appendix B.
VII. Permit and Licensing Requirements
Please refer to the attached Permit to Work in Appendix C.
VIII. Drawings, Diagrams, and Maps
Please refer to the attached document in Appendix A.
IX. Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements
Refer to Risk Assessment in Appendix B.
1. Protective and Safety Equipment
All workers involved shall be equipped with adequate PPE as stated below:
- Safety Helmet with Company Logo
- Safety Boots
- High Visibility Vest
- Safety Goggles
- Hand Gloves
- Coveralls
- Remove or take off immediately any clothing that becomes wet. Wash off the concrete with plenty of water and seek First Aid Treatment, if necessary.
2. Information to Personnel
- Safety Induction
- Job training
- Superintendents Notices/Memos
- Toolbox talks
- START Card
- Site-specific Risk Assessment shall be briefed to all personnel prior the
commencement of concrete works.
3. Special Safety Requirements:
- The required TSTI (Total Safety Task Instruction) will be prepared prior to the commencement of work and positively implemented.
- The required permit to work by consultant shall be obtained prior to the commencement of work
- Generated dust (By the end of equipment operations), shall be controlled by periodic water spraying
- The equipment operators shall possess the required licenses and certificates
- All necessary personal/protective equipment (PPE), as well as harness, be provided Banks man, wearing distinctive vests, shall be assigned to help operators maneuver their equipment.
- The project safety officer is responsible along with the project zone site engineer for ensuring that all operations are carried out with due regard to the safety of all project personnel & property.
- No working at height issues anticipated.
- All working activity shall comply with the Client Safety Procedure
- First Aid Material
- General management of protection/operation hazards is to be observed
4. Emergency Procedures
The Flowchart below shows the emergency contact no. during work:
X. Supervision and Monitoring Arrangements
Construction Manager
He is in charge of all construction activities. Schedule the project in logical steps and budget the time required to meet deadlines. Inspect and review projects to monitor compliance with building and safety codes and other regulations.
Site Engineer
The Site Engineer shall evaluate the number of materials consumed by each trade to be compared against the planned quantity
Site Foreman
A construction foreman is responsible for supervising the workers and also doing actual construction work. The foreman monitors employees to ensure that the work is done efficiently and within quality standards.
QA/QC Engineer
The QA/QC Engineer shall monitor whether the installation works are conforming to the required quality otherwise he shall notify the Site Engineer should he find non-conformance to the ongoing activities. The Site Engineer shall immediately rectify the work to avoid receipt of NCR from the QA/QC Engineer.
HSE Engineer
The Safety Engineer shall be full-time at the site and shall frequently visit all the ongoing works at the site. All safety violations and on-conformance of the HSE Plan shall be registered and immediate action shall be done in coordination with the Site Engineer.
Chief Surveyor
A Chief Surveyor ensures that surveying data are collected and recorded accurately and that all company procedures are followed by crew members.
XI. Environment and Quality Issues
- Precautionary Measure
All precautionary measures shall be briefed to all workers prior to commencing activity
- Disposal Requirements
All waste shall be disposed of as per Environmental Compliance and Management Plan and as per Government approved disposal areas.
- Inspection, Test, and Sampling
Request for Inspection and Testing will be submitted prior to and after execution of works.
Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) shall be provided.
All necessary testing & inspection shall be carried out as per (Inspection and Testing of Block Work and Concrete Works) Part of the Project Quality Plan. This includes:
- Approved Method statements;
- Approved Shop drawing;
- Approved Inspection for formworks;
- Approved inspection of scaffolding if applicable;
- Approved inspection of Reinforcement;
- Approved pre-casting inspection;
- Approved third-party laboratory;
- Approved mix design;
- Approved materials
- Quality Assurance Requirements Table
- Refer to Project Quality Plan
- Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) – Appendix – D.
XII. Attachments-Method Statement for Blockworks / Masonry
- Risk Assessment
Refer to Risk Assessment in Appendix – B.
- Reference Documentation
- Project Specifications
- Applicable Codes and Standards
- List of Appendices
APPENDIX A: Drawings, Diagrams, and Maps
Site Layout, Maps, Locations, etc. to be attached here.
APPENDIX B: Risk Assessment and Job Hazard Analysis
Risk Assessment Table is attached here.
APPENDIX C: Permit & Licensing Requirements Permit to Work
Permit to Work Form to be attached here.
APPENDIX D: Inspection & Testing Plan (ITP)
Inspection and Test Plan are attached here.
Relevant QC Format Checklists are to be attached here.
Survey Layout Checklist (Coordinate and Level Verifications)
Blockworks Checklist
APPENDIX F: Material Safety Data Sheet & Test Certificates of Materials
Material Safety Data Sheet & Test Certificates of Materials Used in the Method Statement to be attached here.
APPENDIX G: Approved Material Submittals
Approval of Material Submittals in the Project is to be attached here.
tag: # Method Statement for Blockworks / Masonry

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