How to Write a Method Statement

What is Method Statement?

A method statement is a document that outlines the steps and procedures required to complete a task or project safely and effectively. It is an essential tool for businesses and organizations that operate in high-risk environments such as construction, manufacturing, and engineering. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to write a method statement that is clear, concise, and effective.

Understanding the Purpose of a Method Statement

Before we dive into the specifics of how to write a method statement, it’s important to understand the purpose of this document. A method statement serves several purposes, including:

  • Providing a detailed description of the work to be performed
  • Identifying the hazards and risks associated with the task
  • Outlining the measures that will be taken to mitigate those risks
  • Describing the tools, equipment, and materials that will be used
  • Outlining the sequence of work and the responsibilities of each person involved
  • Providing a record of the steps taken to ensure the safety of workers and the public

Step 1: Identify the Task

The first step in writing a method statement is to identify the task that will be performed. This may involve breaking down a larger project into smaller, more manageable tasks. It’s important to be specific and detailed in this step, as the level of detail will determine the effectiveness of the method statement.

Step 2: Identify the Hazards and Risks

Once the task has been identified, the next step is to identify the hazards and risks associated with the task. This may involve conducting a risk assessment and taking into account factors such as the environment, the equipment and materials being used, and the skill level of the workers involved.

Step 3: Determine the Control Measures

After identifying the hazards and risks, the next step is to determine the control measures that will be used to mitigate those risks. This may involve implementing safety procedures, providing training and supervision to workers, and ensuring that appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is used.

Step 4: Define the Methodology

The methodology is the step-by-step process that will be used to complete the task. This should be detailed and specific, outlining each stage of the process and the responsibilities of each person involved. It’s important to ensure that the methodology is clear and easy to understand, as this will help to prevent errors and accidents.

Step 5: Review and Approval

Once the method statement has been written, it should be reviewed and approved by relevant stakeholders such as management, safety officers, and workers. This will help to ensure that the method statement is comprehensive, accurate, and effective.

Step 6: Implementation

The final step is to implement the method statement. This may involve providing training and supervision to workers, ensuring that appropriate PPE is used, and monitoring the work to ensure that it is being carried out in accordance with the method statement.

Tips for Writing an Effective Method Statement

  • Be clear and concise: Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to workers.
  • Be specific: Include details such as the type of equipment and materials that will be used, and the sequence of work.
  • Use visual aids: Incorporate diagrams or photographs to help workers understand the process.
  • Be realistic: Ensure that the method statement is practical and can be implemented in the real world.
  • Consider the audience: Tailor the method statement to the audience, ensuring that it is appropriate for the level of experience and knowledge of the workers involved.


Writing a method statement may seem like a daunting task, but it is an essential tool for ensuring safety and efficiency in high-risk environments. By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you can create a method statement that meets the needs of your business or organization. Remember to be clear, concise, and specific, and to tailor the method statement to the audience. With a well-written method statement in hand, you can carry out your tasks and projects with confidence and peace of mind.

A method statement is a crucial document that outlines the steps to be taken to complete a specific task or project safely and efficiently. It is important to ensure that a method statement is comprehensive and covers all potential risks and hazards associated with the task at hand.

Using a method statement template can make this process easier and more efficient. A method statement template provides a pre-designed structure and guidance on the information required, such as equipment and materials needed, the sequence of activities, and the measures to be taken to mitigate risks.

By using a method statement template, it is easier to ensure that all necessary information is included and that the resulting document is consistent in format and content. This saves time and ensures that a method statement is an effective tool for managing risks and promoting safety during the task or project.

Related Article: Benefits of Method Statements


Why is a method statement important?

A method statement is important because it helps to identify the hazards and risks associated with a task and provides a plan to mitigate those risks. It also ensures that everyone involved in the task is aware of their responsibilities and the sequence of work.

Who should write a method statement?

A method statement should be written by someone who has a good understanding of the task and the risks associated with it. This may be a supervisor, safety officer, or other qualified people.

How often should a method statement be reviewed?

A method statement should be reviewed regularly, especially if there are any changes to the task or the environment in which it is being carried out. It should also be reviewed if there are any accidents or incidents related to the task.

What should be included in a method statement?

A method statement should include a description of the task, the hazards and risks associated with it, the control measures that will be used, the methodology for carrying out the task, and the responsibilities of each person involved.

How can I ensure that my method statement is effective?

To ensure that your method statement is effective, you should be clear, concise, and specific in your writing. You should also tailor the method statement to the audience and use visual aids where appropriate. Finally, you should review and approve the method statement before implementation to ensure that it is comprehensive and accurate.

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